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Hey, guys. I have done a search and gotten a lot of good info with varying answers scattered about. Here is the situation. I am looking toward the next step in modifying my bike but am trying to avoid having to go to race gas if I can. This is what I have and what I am looking at:


04 Banshee, FMF Fatty w/ Turbine Core II Silencers, 19cc Head, K&N/Pro Design. I run at sea level with temps ranging from 60 - 75. I run Super Pump gas now and the bike runs absolutely flawless. Clean and strong.


I am looking at lightening the fly wheel and advancing the timing 4 degrees. I am looking for input from guys/girls with similar riding conditions and modifications as to whether or not they have to run Race Gas. If it looks like I have to bump up to race gas I may pass for now that is why I want to know.


Thanks for your help and opinions in advance.



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mix some race gas and some premium pump gas like 50/50 and you'll be good. As long as its like 110 octane or above. That will put you in the low 100's for an octane rating when mixed which is safe for your set up. If you hear a little pinging then back the timing off in half degree increments until it goes away.


To save money on race gas find somewhere that pumps it, those 5 gallon cans you get from the bike shop are always like 50.00 dollars give or take....do the math and that is like 10.00 a gallon. At the pump you'll pay as low as 4.00 to as high as 7.00 dollars a gallon which is still alot better considering you only have to pump 2.5 gallons at a time.That is how i swing it anyway.

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