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this is kinda funny

first Toms character gets attacked (rightfully so, or not - I dont know)

then my name (and email address) gets attacked (not rightfully so)

then rocket pipes name get attacked

then they are copied (or copies)

then someone says they are gonna get suicide pipes instead

- I thought all you guys said they are the same thing?? :)

I own www.rocketpipes.com, and hell, i dont even know the damn story!

I Imed roger, but he didnt reply to me (if someone knows the story - please email me: minkia38@gmail.com)


otherwise - get your rocket pipes here: www.rocketpipes.com !


i know some of this shit is funny.who cares about any of the storyies you go with the better pipe.if you think that cpi or grr is a better pipe go for it.but why not use rockets because of some stupid little things.thats just to funny some people seem childish.

i dont care if the inventor of the rockets was osama binladins design.there badass pipes and i would still run them,its a shame

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i know some of this shit is funny.who cares about any of the storyies you go with the better pipe.if you think that cpi or grr is a better pipe go for it.but why not use rockets because of some stupid little things.thats just to funny some people seem childish.

i dont care if the inventor of the rockets was osama binladins design.there badass pipes and i would still run them,its a shame


Does Osama have a pipe design?? :blink:


You'd never know it to look at the guy :P

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The Osomas are more of a PTR design.


He actually got the idea while wrapping his head with his diaper. The inherent design problems that he had been having were alleviated when he started with the other hand and wrapped counter clockwise rather than clockwise.


Although there is still much testing to be done, the preliminary results have been very promising. I have heard that if you strap two of them to your chest and get on a crowded bus, there have been no ill effects to any one around.





Sorry, this just seemed about as ridiculous as this thread had become.

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I have heard that if you strap two of them to your chest and get on a crowded bus, there have been no ill effects to any one around. 


he also designed the american anti-elephant attack pill. seems to be working well in oklahoma without drousiness or diarhea (sp?)






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I was thinking about sticking with rocket pipes for my dragger, #1 Because I like the pipes overall, #2 Because nobody around this area has a set, and I get a bunch of stares and questions when I go out to the dunes. I am going with GRR because of the price and I like what I have seen from them. And yes it is true that all this talk about rocketman, ripping a couple people off has swayed my mind, I am not going to support someone when there are stories out there like this, because if they weren't true he would have already been on here telling his side of the story.



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well I sell the pipes not rocketman28


if your not going to buy rockets because of Tom, thats a piss poor reason

I honestly dont give a flying fbomb if you buy them, but just because Haus made a mess up and accused me of something i didnt do, well shit, maybe you should take your business elsewhere


c ya



if anyone wants a set of black rockets, free shipping, unless you're named Kevin

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I am sorry you feel that way Minkia. I never bad mouthed you or the product. I believe these are a good set of pipes, Minkia is doing a stand up job of selling them, but the guy who builds them has obviously done a couple people wrong, and yes I can and will have an opinion about that. I am not saying he is guilty, but until he comes on here and proves himself I won't buy another set of Rocket pipes, not because you are a bad seller, or the pipes suck, but because I don't believe in contributing to someone (rocketman), until he has proven that these statements are false. Sorry but that is my opinion as a consumer.




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test pies and the axle, in my busy life it took a week, then two, finaly i ship this stuff thru my 800+ company i work for (to the wrong address) today i get called in the confrence room! seems im stealing from my company! well the packages came back from where they went and shipping had no idea so they ended up in the plant managers office, finaly they found the rocketman! so yes i f-ed up and sorry to the cp for the delay! axle and free set of chrome pipes are on the way to him and paypaled the same 40 he sent to me! i want to appologize to cp for this publicly, i work 5, sometimes 6 days a week building dies for you guys car parts 12 hours a day and also make 30 to 40 sets of rocket pipes in these same weeks, then i have a g-friend and two kids! it gets overwelming, thats why i have minkia and a new partner, he does all the shipping of rockets to the dealers so dont worry about getting your pipes on time! who said i owe them stingers? email info@borrinkperformance.com youlll get em fast! and alcoholic, we made your grr pipes for you originaly, i personally delivered 5 to seven sets a week in that old 85 caddilac limo, im not sure what grr sells as of now and havent personaly seen a set of his die stamped version of the suicide but all the ones that i made have the rippled waterblow seems ! sorry once again to minkia and cp if anyone has bad shit to say to me say it to tom@borrinkperformance.com and when i get back on the net in 30 days ill read it, sorry for the novel too! thanks for defending me guys! :cheers:

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if andy wants to or someone could pm me where to find him id take pride to prove to you people that suicide pipes were origanly created by ron borrink, i have the rusty old pattern i used to hydroform them from! if anyone on here knows how to reach andy i can just call him and straighten all this bull out! call me 616-636-5968 l

(will andy let me video tape this?) what a bunch of shit!

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