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hey guys. today i took my shee for a ride in such a long time and with the new tires and bars and all i can say is wow :whoa: . major stokage material. so tomorrow im going to go and practice up on my tricks and then prolly this weekend get some piks. i was getting pretty close to fully extended supermans and no footed can cans just siting there and jumping up. so tomorrow im a go for im. its been a good 2-3 months since ive last rode so ya. i havent tried a superman since i got my shee a few years back and almost bailed cause my foot caught the back fender so i landed ike that. i was doing no footed can cans in the summer though. so it shall be pretty rad.so ill prolly get some piks on teh weekend and post em up :headbang: just letting you guys know

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is the General discussion. chill out dude. like im not in all the otehr forums saying this stuff and im just saying that ill hopefully be getting piks. and tell me this. why can other ppl say the same stuff as me and not get flamed for it but i do.wtf




Probley because you talk all this shit about these huge tricks you can pull.Then you post pics of you riding off a curb with no hands.


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Just go huck it and bring back pics...so far all we've heard is I'm gonna try this, or I can almost....just DO IT and people will start respecting you a little more. Almost everytime you post it's about you wanting to try this backflip or you getting something new so you can do the backflip or some other trick. Sickboy is so right, the last pics you posted were of you on a bicycle riding off a curb. :lol: Bring us proof, respect will come

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You say its been a good 2-3 months since you last rode. Let me tell ya it's going to take a lot more riding then that to get good enough to do a backflip. You have goals and i can respect that but saying your gonna do all this but not even riding for 2-3 months sounds kinda sketchy to me.

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You say its been a good 2-3 months since you last rode. Let me tell ya it's going to take a lot more riding then that to get good enough to do a backflip. You have goals and i can respect that but saying your gonna do all this but not even riding for 2-3 months sounds kinda sketchy to me.

so your telling me that you ride in -40 degree weather and snow hey?

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so your telling me that you ride in -40 degree weather and snow hey?


Man up! Hell ya I ride in cold weather. I took the shee out last week when the high was 32. Thats good times! :P Shee loves the cold air.

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