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what the fuck


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Ok heres the deal. I got my shit all put back together. Im test riding it, no problems, I put it in my truck and go to my buddies to leave him my truck and ride the shee home. I stop at my buddies house and when I go to leave the fucking thing is knocking like a car about to throw a rod. I thought it was my headd but I took it off and didnt see anything wrong. I think it is coming from my case but I dont know what it could be I just changed my oil and put a whole new clutch cover on. Anyone have any Ideas? :angry:

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i did switch water pumpes with the new case. This noise is kind of loud. Also it makes the noise at idle as well as when moving. The shee seems to run fine but the noise scares me. If it is the water pump, what is it about the water pump that is making the noise. Is it loose or seized or what? thanks

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i did switch water pumpes with the new case. This noise is kind of loud. Also it makes the noise at idle as well as when moving. The shee seems to run fine but the noise scares me. If it is the water pump, what is it about the water pump that is making the noise. Is it loose or seized or what? thanks


It could be a bearing, or if the impeller melted its a blob of melted plastic knocking on the conch shell of the pump housing.


Does the noise speed up when you accelerate??

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