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450R VS YFZ450

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cuz your grammar and your suck my dick comments and so forth shows your like 12 or 13, we see right through you like your parents were glass makers.wheres the pic of your blaster?i know you ride a race ready blaster, i know your braggart ass type, so full of shit, need to get the last word.POSER.get the fuck out of here.we have seen a hundred of you come and go.

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im ignoring ur assonine hint. so what id have to take out 4 things. well im not grow up. o and push the throttle im sorry all u have is an 87 banshee in pieces. i feel u bro..... not u can suck my cock :jesterlaugh:


About the only thing on my shee that is an 87 is the gas tank and swinger. Your posting on the wrong site if your looking for homo sex. You know this was my post to begin with and you entered it with your wild accusations about your fanciful 450R, you've insulted longtime members of this site, and you annoy the hell out of me. Have you achieved your goal?

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i'll tell u what. when i get mad i say things i shouldnt, but U MADE IT THAT WAY. i am 18 1st of all and i'll tell u what, i'll leave this dumpy site when u all admit i have what i have. im not asking u to :notworthy: im actually asking for u to be man enough to admit ur wrong. no i didnt insult anyone, U insluted ME by targeting me cause i have a worthy opinion and have more quads then u. JEALOUS. i notice its only a few ppl too. so join ur other mermbers and leave me alone. and yes i admit i said stuid shit, so why dont admit im right about my shit

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i'll tell u what. when i get mad i say things i shouldnt, but U MADE IT THAT WAY. i am 18 1st of all and i'll tell u what, i'll leave this dumpy site when u all admit i have what i have. im not asking u to :notworthy: im actually asking for u to be man enough to admit ur wrong. no i didnt insult anyone, U insluted ME by targeting me cause i have a worthy opinion and have more quads then u. JEALOUS. i notice its only a few ppl too. so join ur other mermbers and leave me alone. and yes i admit i said stuid shit, so why dont admit im right about my shit


Atleast you admit your age I'll give you credit for that. With that said you haven't proven anything to anybody. We don't know what you own. Why are you on this site anyway especcially with a name like 2K1Banshee350 when you don't own a shee? You've got some issues if you think that us admitting something that only you know is true makes you satisfied? Go see a shrink.

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o and and i noticed ellison is absent from this conversation anymore. smart move. he saw my pics, realized im right and moved on. he prolly also realized that dosent make me a better person. infact im the meanest son of a bitch u can meet, so move on


You couldn't be farther from the truth about Ellison he will be back on when he can.


Looks like you haven't met me my meaness compared to yours is like comparing Jay Leno's garage to your garage.

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