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You east coasters are gonna hate this


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You suck! Honestly........ You do!


I woke up to 3deg this morning and it went to a high of 10! Tonight is supposed to have wind chills of -15. Getting a dusting of snow tonight and a Nor Easter on Sat, Sun, Mon thats supposed to drop a foot of snow. Have I mntioned how much I Effin HATE new england? Link to weather

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You suck! Honestly........ You do!


I woke up to 3deg this morning and it went to a high of 10! Tonight is supposed to have wind chills of -15. Getting a dusting of snow tonight and a Nor Easter on Sat, Sun, Mon thats supposed to drop a foot of snow. Have I mntioned how much I Effin HATE new england?  Link to weather



Thats about the only reason you need to move out west man. Its been cold here, but right now we have the shop doors opened up. Later on tonight it will get cold, but its no where near as cold as you New Englanders are getting.



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lol great just my luck lol every year glamsi seems to get its 1/8th inch of rain while im there halloween we had a short burst fo hail Crazy oh well ill be there for the week so no biggie - JT





Tell me that even a bad day at the dunes is still better than a good day at work? And you cant say that the weather is going to be THAT bad compared to what it will be like back home! I will be thinking of you guys while I'm freezing my ass off


Stan; I have plenty of reasons to move out west.... but only ONE thats keeping me here. I'd be quite happy if I never saw snow again... unless its in photos :)

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-6 this morning w/ a high of 12 degrees. Tomorrow is the warmest day of the week w/ a high of 25. Friday and Saturday will be back in the negatives at night and single numbers during the day...Oh well, just put on 5 sweatshirts, long johns, flannel-lined jeans, 2 pairs of socks, neck warmer, hood, hat, two pairs of gloves and good to go!!!! Can't wait for Glamis, weather can't be any worst than Coalfest!!

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-6 this morning w/ a high of 12 degrees. Tomorrow is the warmest day of the week w/ a high of 25. Friday and Saturday will be back in the negatives at night and single numbers during the day...Oh well, just put on 5 sweatshirts, long johns, flannel-lined jeans, 2 pairs of socks, neck warmer, hood, hat, two pairs of gloves and good to go!!!! Can't wait for Glamis, weather can't be any worst than Coalfest!!




I dont know how you do it.... to me thats just NOT right! Its just wrong! Wrong I tell ya! hehe

I dont know how you do it working outside in this.


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