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I didn't think I'd be able to get on the site with the fire wall here, I'm damn glad I can. At least I can still communicate with you guys. I need a little bit of dignity out here. This place is a shit hole. Sure could use some pics of Brooke to put up on the wall of my tent. :yank: You know, missing Christmas and all. Hint hint, pity party. No beer, no shee for half a year... jeez. :shootself: No really, all and all it ain't that bad out here. Oh, out here is where all the Marines are deploying to if you havn't already figured it out. If you still havn't, you live under a rock. I guess I can't really say where I am or the monitors throw a fit about Operational Security and this, that, and the other thing. :ph34r:

I can't even look at the "GOOD" pics in the images forum. Against the rules. No porn of any kind. I guess a couple Army guys tried to put a nude calendar together of service women, but were shut down. Good initiative, bad judgement. However, some barely there pics wouldn't be bad. Or some cool Banshee shots, jumps, wheelies, whatever. Humor me, PLEASE. Keep it real while I'm gone. Later.

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I didn't think I'd be able to get on the site with the fire wall here, I'm damn glad I can.  At least I can still communicate with you guys.  I need a little bit of dignity out here.  This place is a shit hole.  Sure could use some pics of Brooke to put up on the wall of my tent.  :yank:  You know, missing Christmas and all.  Hint hint, pity party.  No beer, no shee for half a year... jeez.  :shootself:  No really, all and all it ain't that bad out here.  Oh, out here is where all the Marines are deploying to if you havn't already figured it out.  If you still havn't, you live under a rock.  I guess I can't really say where I am or the monitors throw a fit about Operational Security and this, that, and the other thing.  :ph34r: 

I can't even look at the "GOOD" pics in the images forum.  Against the rules.  No porn of any kind.  I guess a couple Army guys tried to put a nude calendar together of service women, but were shut down.  Good initiative, bad judgement.  However, some barely there pics wouldn't be bad.  Or some cool Banshee shots, jumps, wheelies, whatever.  Humor me, PLEASE.  Keep it real while I'm gone.  Later.



You're a Marine? What is your MOS??? Your avatar looks like a Aircraft Squadron affiliation. I was in from 89-95, MOS 6057, VFA-125 for the whole contract...Wrenched on F-18 Hornets and dug it and the Marine Corps...


Anyways just a lil small talk...Work Hard Party Hard...


Semper Fi Brotha..




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A little trick to get by the "the system" if you have a laptop. People can email you pics ;) if they rename them with a decent name. If you're using the pc's that are set up for you... sorry charlie... don't get caught.


If it helps, my family of 5 appreciate every second soldiers spend fighting for the freedom of our country and other countries. It will be over before you know it and you'll have the pride of what you've done know matter what job you end up with after the military. One day at a time. You are liberating a country... just think how big that is.


The Tyler Family :cheers:

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hes with EA-6 Prowlers..... here at Cherry Pit, NC his hanger is three down from mine..... dont know him personnally I dont think but either way keep your head up and come back soon we will have to hook up when you get back and go ridin together... Mine should be back together by then... SEMPER FI BROTHER :cheers:

Edited by USMCRider
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man im a dirtboy in the air force. I fixed that fucking runway so you guys could bring in those prowlers. Chances are that we kicked it at the rec tent man. Sorry your still there but if it makes you feel better Im on my way back REAL soon.

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Hey since you're over there, and if you ever run into this guy, can you say what's up for me and tell him his friends and family miss him alot. I know there's a crap load of Marines over there, but just in case. He's Cpl. Keith Gool, crew chief of a seaknight.


Here's a pic of him next to his seaknight or shanook, I can't remember which one it was, when he was in Miramar San Diego last year.


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Hang in there man,before ya know it youll be back here with the rest of us,and that place will just be a bad memory    :cheers:


yea it wont be long and youll be back in the homeland chillin with all of us at the dunes kickin back a few cold ones!!

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