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Cool Heads


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wich is better, noss or pro design... If i buy a noss ill have to pay shipping  (and im from Quebec, Canada  :wacko: ) I would like to encourage DLNOSS, i know hes making good heads but i do not want to pay 100bucks of shipping if pro design are the same thing.



Shipping shouldn't cost $100.00 to Quebec,I ship shit to my buddy in the UK all the time.PM Dave Noss and talk to him,I'm sure he'll help you out.

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Surely shipping isnt $100??? That's crazy.


im sure!! when i ordered my skat trak haulers, i payed 35bucks for shipping with paypal (+the price of the paddles) and when the paddles arrived to my house ive payed another 90$ (canadian) so 90$+45$ (35us)=130$ canadian!!

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I've shipped quite a few things to Canada. I don't know what it would cost on your end but I wouldn't think it would be more than $15 - $20 on this end. Was it a duty that was $90? If it was a duty, is that based on value insured or price paid for the item(s)? You can guess where I'm going with that question.



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ill prolly buy one from you ! i have some question before... my elevation is 700m,

what dome should i use? i dont wanna run 18cc domes ( i cant afford race gas) i just want the highest power posible without race gas

Edited by jeenyus
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Depending on what octane pump gas you will run and how your porting is done you can run 20cc for sure and maybe 19cc if I'm converting meters to feet correctly. (around 2300'?)

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Hey Dave, give me the low down on the flow pattern of certain heads, I hear some are not correct. Trinity told me that coolheads do not flow like a stock head flow pattern, which is supposedly the correct flow. It has something to do with a notch in the side of a dome. I have no clue whether you guys have this or not. They just told me their domes were the only ones with the correct flow pattern. I noticed these domes were different from my coolhead domes. You know anything about this and can you elaborate on it if you do? I know it helped keep my engine somewhat cooler so it wasn't totally bunk.

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I don't know about all the other aftermarket heads on the market and would never make a statement like 'mine is the only one that is correct'. I do know that if the design of the head allows coolant to flow across the head quickly without flowing down through the cylinders, the cooling isn't going to be even. When I designed my head, I ran tests using an infrared thermometer to measure the temperature in several areas of the head and cylinders. I compared a stock head, another company's aftermarket head, and some of my designs until I reached a design that provided the best, most even cooling.


I know some other companies sell good heads and some sell poorly designed heads. My head has deflectors that fit close to the domes which divert the coolant down through the water jackets in the cylinders. I designed it this way so people could use readily available domes instead of proprietary domes which would cost them more.

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I run a noss head and a high flow impeller,with 190 psi compression,my quad runs extremely cool,even on tight trails.It runs a helluva lot cooler than my 01' with a milled head,145 psi and high flow impeller.


I have to remove the foam packing around the radiator in the spring and fall months,otherwise it has a hard time reaching operating temps.The stock stud set-up is what really sells me on the Noss head.Great design

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I've shipped some stuff to Canada. Shipping by FedEx Ground or UPS Ground is no more expensive than shipping inside the US. Shipping will probably still only be $10. The catch is the sender will have to declair the value to be like $15 so the taxes the recipeint in Canada pays are low. It has always worked for me with no problems, the only catch is that it basically wont have any insurance, but unless it is lost in the mail it isn't going to break.


If your talking about trinity (domes only) and flow pattern then they were probably talking about the "turbo mod" on the inside, combustion chamber surface of the dome. They have a swirl design that is supposed to cause turbulence when the piston is squishing the fuel mixutre into the dome and suposedly make some more HP. Looks like a place for carbon to collect and hot spots to form (bad for detonation) to me. Otherwise I cant immagine that the dome is any different than any other cool head style dome as fas as flow pattern. I would think flow pattern would more to do with the head body and the fins inside to deflect the collant from flowing straight across the head.

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Well since we are on the topic of cool heads.....Tell me if I have this right. Milling the head is basically a cheap way of upping compression right? And the milled head wont run any cooler right? Then on the other hand the cool head is going to up your compression, cool more efficently, but going to cost more. Does that sound accurate? I'm still learning :)

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Thanks Dave, that's exactly what I was referring to. Deflectors that direct flow coolant down around the cylinders. Yea, they did says there head was the only head that flows exactly like the stock head. Coud be a slaes pitch I dunno. :shrugani:


Duc, wrong side of the dome. Talking about where the water flows around the domes.

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