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well guys. here is proof that im sponsered for those of you that dont belive me. call all the bullshit on this. click the links




so there ya go guys. Proof of me being sponsered


hey buddy no affense to ya honestly, but if correct me if im a little off or something, but your gonna try to successfully land a back flip while you are only a level three rider out of 5 with what appears to be an essentially stock shee suspension wise. Its not that the people dont believe that your sponsored but more like they dont care because proly 8 out of 10 people that talk on the internet about ridin quads lies about there status and says they are sponsored or that there quad goes like 120 next to a turbo fiesta...lol anyways im gettin off subject, I dont think you need to prove yourself to us here at the hq cus were all cool guys and were not here to judge you... so if you think your good then by all means persue it and if you are bullshittin then you should be a lawyer or somethin but we dont care we just talk banshees and dont waste our time pondering wether or not you are who you say you are....anyways buddy good luck on that back flip thing. and gongrats on bein sponsored

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Haha so you get discounts woot woot


besides from the pics ive seen, your not all that great and for "hucking" a backflip i wanna see the video of it when you kill yourself....i race nothing but MX and i can freestyle better than you and get 10 times higher on stock suspension that is


i get sponsered from local bike shops but you dont see my flauntin that around



Edited by limitied03
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yea in all honesty, its cool that you are sponsored. really, it is, but like sanddevil said, here on the HQ there is no need to flaunt it around. hell, we like ya just because you ride a shee, know what im saying? and as far as the sponsorships go, heck i get almost 50% discounts on most of the stuff i buy, just because i ride with the owner of the local shop. and i suck ass. i like to ride fast and stay close to the ground. fuck all the high flying stuff, the ground hurts worse when you hit it from 12 feet high.


and i too want to see a vid of the backflip. not bashing you or anything, i just cant get over seeing the one of the guy on the 450 from Hbomb, and i want to at least see attemps on a shee.

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I sponsor myself...I give myself parts at cost since I am a Tucker Rocky Dealer....




Oh well...I guess if ya have pretty much nothing, ya hang on to what you do have. Prolly the kids first gig with any bennies...Small bennies at that...But hey...Ya gotta start somewhere, but STFU about it or stand by to take all the shit as per above...Its ultimatley up to you I guess...Take it or leave it.




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The reason he posted that was because a lot of people seriously doughted he had any sponsorship at all. Roll Design was the big one that wasn't believed. It wasn't to prove it to everyone... well, maybe it was.. lol, but that's were this started (in another thread).


I don't know how good or bad you really are but congratulations on the sponsorships!!!

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