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life and choices

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Alright so here comes the "im used to hanging out with guys" talk from me...you have the rest of your life to spend with a women bitching at you and telling you what to do...you're in college live it up and have fun....PARTY like you have never partied before...if it was meant for you and the girl back home to be together...she'll be there waiting when you get done...if not hell there are tons of girls out there....fuck girls they're just bitches and drama queens anyways...RIGHT GUYS..lol


OK OK OK...so not the best advice to go by....but at least have fun and dont sweat the small stuff :dance:

Edited by dune_girl
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Every guy has a time frame in their life where they need to get out the play/party/rauchus while they still can. After college, shit gets serious FOR you. College is a time to study up and do well so you know your stuff when you're done... but it's also a life away from the parents and many of the hurdles that the serious life entails.


What I'm saying, in a nutshell, is don't lock yourself into anything if you're in your college years. It's a time to meet people on a social basis, party it up, and get the term papers in on time with a hangover. There'll be plenty of time to get serious the day you graduate.


Just be reasonable about it. :)

Like dune girl said, if it's meant to be, she'll be single and interested in you when you're both ready for the full commitment.


OK bye.


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