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I just want to let everyone know NOT to buy from this guy on ebay. His ebay name is banshees_only He lied in his description and when I left him a netural feedback (not negative) Trying to be nice. He left me a negative. I won his auction and payed as soon as it was over. I did my part. But he described it as a good bumper. Chrome looks good but has one small dent he said. The fucking thing is soo rusty I am not going to put it on my quad. I hate people like that. He screws me and then leaves me a bad feedback.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

He did the samething to me...about a year back or so, sparkzilla...


He screwed my perfect feedback ,up....left neut/he left nega.

Mine was over misleading info. So, he jacked me..


I don't think he is registered user anymore... :unsure:

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  • 1 month later...

Spark I bought a tank off that guy (a new take off tank),and what I got in the mail was a beat to shit old tank with paint all over it.I sent it back and got the right tank,but it took like 2 months and I lost the return shipping.


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