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"Small" knick in cylinder


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I gave my cylinders to a friend to do some port work on it, and he claims he got mad and somehow put a "small" knick in the cylinder wall. Here's a pic of it, and you should see it near the center of the pic, but is this big enough to cause any problems? He claims it shouldn't be a problem but now I'm paranoid as all hell because I need this running by January and I don't want to have to rebuild it if it gets f'ed up. I have an overbore rebuild kit on hand, but I don't want to have to do that and mess with boring my sleeves.



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Eh its doesn't look deep from the pic.

Put your finger on it is it like a burr or is it smooth along the edges of the knick.

If it is relatively shallow and not raised you'll be fine.

Some people get super scared about little things such as this some people dont. Me I dont it doesn't look nearly that bad at all. Pop the cylinders on and put some oil in the cylinders and kick it over a few 10-20 times slowly. Does it sound like its rubbing, do you hear a clicking sound or does it sound nice and smooth like it should? If you dont hear anything unusual go for it. Worst thing that could happen would be for it to snag the ring but I dont believe its along the route of the ring gap so that shouldn't be an issue.


*edit* To add I've ran with knicks like that on ym cylinder walls before and never had a problem, just wanted more speed otherwise I'd still be running them.

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From the pic it doensn't look like the cylinder has been honed yet, get it honed and then see what it looks like.


Silly question, have you measured the bore yet, might be time for a fresh bore and pistons anyway, any idea what the compression was before the strip down?

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From the pic it doensn't look like the cylinder has been honed yet, get it honed and then see what it looks like.


Silly question, have you measured the bore yet, might be time for a fresh bore and pistons anyway, any idea what the compression was before the strip down?


Thats what I was gonna say just rehone the cylinders and mic them...

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It hasn't been honed yet, obviously. I don't know if it's ready for a new bore considering it was rebuilt last fall and I've barely put any hours on it (maybe 5, tops).


I didn't check the compression when I took it apart, but it has been running strong and hasn't felt "easy" to kick over.


I'll probably end up going out and buying a honer and honing it, will that affect the compression or size at all? I am just paranoid about something going wrong, especially since I really need this running by January and I don't want something happening like a ring snagging on the scratch. I don't know how deep it is or if it's rough because I don't have the cylinders back yet, that pic was sent to me from my friend.

Edited by Flyin_Shee
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