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WTF ohh baby gone again!damnit!

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Hi guys:


It was pretty funny.  Besides, the thread needed some humor...  :)





I was kind of ambivilant towards the hotchix threads. They were great, but at the same time I had to be aware of who was standing near me, or if I was at the shop, if a customer needed to come up into the office to talk to me. hehehe....

Had to keep the wits about me.



Bill er... Stan :cheers:

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Thanks (most everyone) for understanding why I cleaned house.


It's not so much whether it was a good thing or not (entertainment-wise); but it's just one of those things where after a while you ask yoursef... am I willing to pay fines or potentially have the site taken down for months (if not indefinitely) due to a search and seizure of the material if by any chance copywritten/protected material is displayed here?


It happens every day. Good sites/servers go down because of legal disputes over the content.


That's just the secondary reason for doing so. Not to mention the primary being that we don't want the site blocked & banned throughout public networks.


Links I don't care about providing you mention it's not a link to Blues Clues official website (deceiving links in other words)


As you know, the HQ is pretty lenient on content posted, and what is said. I haven't and don't plan to let it get crazy (like this article I read about Rolling Stone magazine's advertising censorship). The HQ knows that Bansheeriders are a unique bunch (myself included!) and we all have our own personalities likes/dislikes/etc. There's bound to be content that some people don't care for that others post. Providing it's within the realms of legal, we're not going to tell you what you can or can't say. (Except for the obvious bashing, racial stuff, and flaming; which people get banned for on almost any good forum).


So, to me, removing pr0n, which makes up a BIG percentage of the internet, is small change to me. If i wanted to see a naked-chick.... I'll hit up one of 100 million (or more) porno sites out there....


Roost on my roosting roosters.



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Links I don't care about providing you mention it's not a link to Blues Clues official website (deceiving links in other words) 


So, to me, removing pr0n, which makes up a BIG percentage of the internet, is small change to me.  If i wanted to see a nakid-chick.... I'll hit up one of 100 million (or more) porno  sites out there....





I agree about the Blues Clues thing. That show turned to shit when Steve left.


And, if you could list some of these 100 million sites..... not for me, ofcourse, but for a friend of mine that doesn't know how to use Google.


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