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How do you tell the difference in the bowls when you take them apart?Do the tors units plug into certian plugs or can they go to whichever plug? And what is the setting for the floats for a fmf fattie set up with 290 and 2.75 jets?

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The bowl with the copper tube in it goes on the left. Its the choke tube. I don't have the float height handy but I think it's 22 to 25 mm. The float height doesn't matter for the pipe, it matters what the manufacturer wants it set at.


22mm for stock carbs ;)

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The bowl with the copper tube in it goes on the left. Its the choke tube. I don't have the float height handy but I think it's 22 to 25 mm. The float height doesn't matter for the pipe, it matters what the manufacturer wants it set at.


22mm for stock carbs ;)



Well there you go.

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