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Bio-Hazard shee

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dude bottom line if she's your freind you want in her pants..............if your her friend its cause she doesnt want to screw you.......if she wanted you, you'd have screwed her all ready, but since your pals, that just means you want her and she doesnt want you...........

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hey u long time bhq guys has there ever been a thread this long before? honestly i dont think i've seen 14 pages with 196 replies!  :shootself:



haha yea man...I'm pretty sure us horny bastards had a chicks on banshees or a Ohh Baby thread goin for like 36 pages or somethin...i could be wrong tho :confused:

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thats quite possibly the gayest thing i have ever heard. you might as well show her your tiny weaner now cuz even if she would happen to go out with u, as soon as she sees how small your peepee is she will move on.


lmfao :rotflmao:


Damn man, you're starting to make me think that evolution is reversable.hmmmm.gif

And remember... 30 minutes of begging is *not* considered foreplay! ;)

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dude bottom line if she's your freind you want in her pants..............if your her friend its cause she doesnt want to screw you.......if she wanted you, you'd have screwed her all ready, but since your pals, that just means you want her and she doesnt want you...........



i dont know if thats true ive had a lot of girls that were just friends, never really thought of em in that way and then all of a sudden were fuckin everyday, but that could just be because they became my friend when i was with somebody else and they were just waiting around

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omg i havent read this whole thread, just bits and pieces, but fuck, theres some funny shit in here.

just a little advice from a girl's point of view....be careful you dont freak her out. the whole yearbook/drawing her portrait thing...a little skeevy. when i was in high school, i remember this one kid i used to sit in front of in science class, all year, never talked to him. seemed like a nice guy, but he was shy, i was shy...well he signed my yearbook...."hey brooke, ive been picking stray hairs off your sweater all year" ......i was like..... :blink: when that movie came out, with the hair doll thing, all i could think of was that kid from my science class.... :unsure:

another time, this kid i didnt even know came up to me and gave me this big rolled up piece of paper then took off...i opened it up and it was a giant heart with big bat wings.... :blink: all done with good intentions im sure, but when you dont know someone and suddenly find out theyve been pineing after you secretly...can be a little freaky.

just be straightforward, girls like that, otherwise youll have a restraining order against you. just think of how youd want a girl to approach you....you want her to draw you a pretty picture, or walk up to you and say "god youre sexy, wanna play?"



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i dont know if thats true ive had a lot of girls that were just friends, never really thought of em in that way and then all of a sudden were fuckin everyday, but that could just be because they became my friend when i was with somebody else and they were just waiting around



hey brooke..... we`re friends aint we?????

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