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Advice Needed


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The best thing you can do is ride both. Sounds like your buddies have Raptors already. Try to get one of them to let you ride it for a while and see what you think. I assume you have ridden a Banshee before so you may already know what the 'shee is all about.


Personally, if I am going to the Dunes, Banshee no question. But for woods riding, I will take the Raptor everytime. White Bros E2 Pipe, K&N and Jetting make the Raptor come to life, especially in the woods.


I am lucky enough to have both and have ridden both in the woods. Just my 2 cents though.




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I'm over here in Hueytown / Bessemer...


If you don't mind, where are you purchasing your shee from & how much??? The local dealer has given me a price of $ 5,560.00 O-T-D and that's for a 2004 - new & Blue.


I would think, some one has it for a few $$$ cheaper or not? <_<

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I hear the new honda 400ex's will have reverse to. I really really like the yfz450's too!!


this man knows his stuff.




I just read it on the net like most people. Here's a link to that 2005 honda 400ex. http://powersports.honda.com/atvs/sport/mo...delId=TRX400EX5


we heard that at work a while back. we first got them in a month or two ago and they are pretty cool. we havent sold one yet though so i havent had the chance to ride it. and they seem to sit a little lower, but it just be that they are tied down in the crates or something.

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