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Nortan is being completely fucking stupid! The firewall wont let me access the net at all like it used to. I have to actually turn the firewall off before I can use the net, totally destroying the purpose of a fucking firewall! I have tried every possible setting and this shit is just fucking retarded. Who here uses a QUALITY firewall? bangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbanghead

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Nortan is being completely fucking stupid! The firewall wont let me access the net at all like it used to. I have to actually turn the firewall off before I can use the net, totally destroying the purpose of a fucking firewall! I have tried every possible setting and this shit is just fucking retarded. Who here uses a QUALITY firewall? bangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbangheadbanghead

The most simple and user friendly firewall is a home router. They can be had from $25 and up. You can also download zone alarm for free. If you run a home network it can be a little finiky though... but does work.

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I have Trend Micro Internet Security, They are very good, and no problems getting onto anything. The only problem I have is, I can't get some photo's because of my preference setting, which I don't understand that. I don't know if it has anything to do with the security setting, or something else inside this computer.

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Why do you guys use firewalls?  :shrugani:



Because broadband connections = fast surfing and also = faster getting your machine compromised or infected, because Windows is a security-hole ridden piece of garbage.


If you don't believe me, look at CERT's article on just IE... http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/713878


[use FireFox -- http://www.mozilla.com/firefox]


A small home router, wireless or non, is by far the most efficient firewall. You can even turn off ICMP echoing (read: pinging) so script kiddies will have a bit of a harder time determining if your address is online. Some now even come with SPI (stateful packet inspection) to keep even more nasties out, though that isn't necessary on 99.99% of home users networks.


I use iptables, but since we have like next to no Linux users in here.. don't mind me :) Zonealarm and Blackice are both good. Conseal used to (perhaps still does) make a great firewall for home and corporate users alike. My $.02 is to buy a basic Linksys/Netgear router for $30-60, vs spending money on software that is always going to be slightly picky to configure. The routers are easy, plug & pray, basically.

Edited by nater006
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I love how some companies classify everything as intrusions. Makes ya think someone's trying to break in, when it might be the cable company pinging you, or the firewall not knowing any better and blocking  UDP packets from the DHCP server in the network, etc..



never knew that :huh:

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Just depends on the company. A lot of them just breed paranoia though by mislabeling stuff. Thats why I like routers. They're 1) simple, 2) secure, and 3) its a layer of hardware before your PC, so it isn't depending on valuable system resources (CPU, memory) to process the rules on every packet that arrives.


anyway enough of my ranting..

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I use IPTABLES on a seperate linux box to secure my connection...works liek a charm :)


I also run Debian Linux with the testing release of KDE (3.3.0) on my PC. Right now I am running "Sarge" with a 64bit kernel on my AMD64 with 1 gig of speedy RAM.


I'll tell you what...linux really is a viable alternative...if your willing to make some adjustments in how you do some things. I thin k furhter down the line it will evolve into something everyday users can appreciate. (/me ducks and grabs my MCSE and runs)




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