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anyone notice any glitches? when hauling ass in a car or motorcycle, the sides of the road will just start to blur and look like crap.



I believe it's like that on purpose, to make you feel like your freaking flying.

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yea they put the bluring in there on purpose... personally, i think its kinda a good idea, to make it look like your hauling ass even more than you really are. but the bluring is too much, like if your on a busy city street flying on a nrg-500 you cant see shit cuz of the damn bluring, and then you always end up hitting a car, in VC you could go as fast as you want, and you could see as far as the draw rating went, so you had time to swerve out of the way.

this game, the draw rate is way too slow, like in red county, if your flying a plane, the hill and/or trees just f*ckin pop out of nowhere and you hit one, they dont appear until u like already have your plane in pieces on the ground.

R* tried to make it so there would be no loading screens when you change cities and other stuff, but i would gladly take a few loading screens if it made the draw rating go up...

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yea they put the bluring in there on purpose... personally, i think its kinda a good idea, to make it look like your hauling ass even more than you really are. but the bluring is too much, like if your on a busy city street flying on a nrg-500 you cant see shit cuz of the damn bluring, and then you always end up hitting a car, in VC you could go as fast as you want, and you could see as far as the draw rating went, so you had time to swerve out of the way.

this game, the draw rate is way too slow, like in red county, if your flying a plane, the hill and/or trees just f*ckin pop out of nowhere and you hit one, they dont appear until u like already have your plane in pieces on the ground.

R* tried to make it so there would be no loading screens when you change cities and other stuff, but i would gladly take a few loading screens if it made the draw rating go up...





When it blurs I thinks its like tunnel vision :shrugani:....

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Only Okies get tunnel vision...


Just got to San Fierro and got done meeting all of the hippie's peeps.  Then went and stole the helicopter and took a spin.




I unlocked the 3rd island.. got my pilots license and unlocked the nrg-500 (BADASS BIKE!!) b4 I left outa town. I like jumping outa the choppers over water... dumbass thinks he's gonna splat.



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had a problem with my game last night... i dont know if this has happened to anybody else, but my game got f*cked up last night. i was playing at like 10 last night, just driving around the driving school, and a message pops up saying that my controller isnt plugged in, and of course, it has been plugged in for the past 6 months without once being taken out, so it goes away, and this has happened to me like maybe 2 weeks ago, but it only happened once. but last night it happened 5 times.

the first time i already mentioned, but it went away for like maybe 3 minutes. then another, and it went away again for maybe 2 minutes, then 2 more happened in like maybe 15 second intervals, and they went away, and then another 5 seconds later.

i had saved my game before any of these happened, but its never done this before.

my cousin had the same exact problem maybe a week ago, and then his SA quit all together... now he gets disc read errors on only that disc. but heres the catch, right after he stopped playing SA because of his controller problem, we tried to play SOCOM II, and it worked for like 5 minutes, then it gave him an error message about his controller not being plugged in.

so i dont know what it is or was, but i gave him another controller and it didnt do it again for him for socom, he can play that, but also, even while his controller was "broken" he could still play Vice City, but not socom or SA.

so just letting everyone know to be aware of this glitch, problem, or whatever you would call it.

also, it happened to both of us while near the driving school in San Fierro, so be aware of that.


sorry for the long post but i thought i would get that info out to you guys...

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Only Okies get tunnel vision...


Just got to San Fierro and got done meeting all of the hippie's peeps.  Then went and stole the helicopter and took a spin.



your just a poor sport :P



jeepman mine does that everyonce in awhile just push it in a little better and it will go away.

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