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Certification/Endorsement war


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yep, MALS 11 Avionics, confedential clearance is what was required to get into the AVI gate the little black boxes required the Secret clerance!! And not a range coach, was one of the 4 PMI 's for MAG 11 for 97, and got certified through division schools at camp Pen. And yes your a BOOT, at the most you got 5 years unless you werent born in 81, and your not 23, and you joined earlier than the age of 18, which at any rate I still had more time in than you have in now on my first enlistment. But your still in and that is what counts, I wish I still was but we dont always get what we want. Dont take this all hard and get hurt, just giving you shit Hard Charger, but your still a boot :jesterlaugh::jesterlaugh::cheers:


A fixed wing aircraft saftey mechanic?? what the hell is that?? O level stuff I would guess!


And you must have had a really low cutting score to be a E-5 for 3 out of 5 years, or your just really shit hot!!

E-3 at best out of boot camp(which was when??) then how much school before your first duty station? then you go through E-4 that fast and now an E-5, could have got it by being the best of the best of the best, and congrats if you did that's not easy.


Just wondering????????

Edited by warwgn
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Not just a Republican, sweetie. A conservative Republican. ;)


Unfortunately, they aren't one-in-the-same any more. Just ask Ah-nold...

Edited by TurbochargedOne
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Lets see here..

Class A CDL

TCLEOSE (Texas Commission of Law Enforcement Officers Standarts and Education): Peace Officer license, Jailors license,ASP espandable baton certification, Aerosol Agent Application certification

Army forkilft licesnse, not sure what weight restrictions..

Journeyman mechanic at an Army depot (pays the bills)

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expandable baton certification, Aerosol Agent Application certification

I have a few cop/sheriff buddies, and for the pepper spray and for the bean bags, they have to used on them by a fellow officer at the end of the training.


I know one woman that is a jailer, and she is only certified in the spray, because she didn't want to get shot in the hip with a bean bag.

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You bet your ass I'm the best of the best. I'm still not a boot though damnit. Quit it. My official job title is Aviation Egress Mechanic. I work on the EA-6B. Ejection seats & CADs. Environmental systems, canopies & their related systems, Liquid Oxygen (the fun part of the job). You wouldn't believe how fast some things freeze with that shit. Living and inanimate. Cures a hang-over like a champ too. I completed boot camp in Sept. 2000, and came out as an E-1. Picked up PFC 6 months later, Lance 6 after that, Cpl a year after that, and Sgt a year after that. Can't complain. Would you? As far as quals go anyway, I have my CDI and CDQAR. I'm certified for all the ordanance I work with, and I have to many GSE licenses to list. I can operate almost any piece of gear the squadron has. I have a gov. white license for an 8 pax and a BUS! Gotta love the bus license. I'm sure I'll get a lot of use outta that one. Now if I can only get my license for a humvee. :drool:

Where you at now anyway? I'm going out West here shortly for an exercise; again. I'd like to bring the shee 'cause there's some dunes not to far from Yuma. It's a long haul from here though. We'll see.


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PSIA level 2 certified Ski instructor. (Professional Ski Instructors Of America)


Hydraulic cert. through work

Fork truck liscense-(through work) :rolleyes:

Several electrical certs.

PLC and motion control programming certs. with Parker Automation, and Omron

Class "D" and "M"- Basically drivers liscense with motorcycle endorsement, soon to be Class "A" CDL

That's it for now........... I can't think of anything else.... (although I have "had a few already...." :cheers:

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MCSE certified. (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) basically, one big computer nerd ceritfication.


ive got so many certs for a computer that ive lost count...




-Basic Networking

-Advanced Networking

-Internet Networking

-Telecommunications and LANs

-Routers, Hubs and Switches

-Wireless LANs

-Radio Frequency Blockers (wireless LAN security)

-Helpdesk Customer Service

-Windows 9x

-Windows XP pro

-Windows NT server

-Windows Server 2003

-Fiber Optics Tech

-Basic Programming

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MCSE certified. (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) basically, one big computer nerd ceritfication.


ive got so many certs for a computer that ive lost count...




-Basic Networking

-Advanced Networking

-Internet Networking

-Telecommunications and LANs

-Routers, Hubs and Switches

-Wireless LANs

-Radio Frequency Blockers (wireless LAN security)

-Helpdesk Customer Service

-Windows 9x

-Windows XP pro

-Windows NT server

-Windows Server 2003

-Fiber Optics Tech

-Basic Programming

So, when I can't find my "any key", I can just PM you right?

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MCSE certified. (Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer) basically, one big computer nerd ceritfication.


ive got so many certs for a computer that ive lost count...




-Basic Networking

-Advanced Networking

-Internet Networking

-Telecommunications and LANs

-Routers, Hubs and Switches

-Wireless LANs

-Radio Frequency Blockers (wireless LAN security)

-Helpdesk Customer Service

-Windows 9x

-Windows XP pro

-Windows NT server

-Windows Server 2003

-Fiber Optics Tech

-Basic Programming

So, when I can't find my "any key", I can just PM you right?

:rotflmao: gotta love this place. :)

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