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First off I was reading the thread the other day and a guy was doing a frame off resto on his bike. The topic of gussets came up. Now, what are they and what are there purpose? Looks like to me that they are pieces of plate welded into the frame between joints to stiffen the frame up. Is that correct, if not, correct me.


Also while I was at college someone told me that a crotch rocket could outrun a banshee. (Not top speed, but like in a block or two.) Anyone know some e.t. times to prove this is true or otherwise?


Also, anyone here use Limewire, Kazaa, etc.? I am having trouble connecting to either one at work. I am on a LAN but dont know how to see if I am firewall protected. Any ideas? What protocal to use, etc.


I got a motor built for my 70 Chevelle but it has shit ass heads on it. (882 casting) I know where there are vortec heads but I need to know what casting # are the better set, there are a couple that dont flow for nothin on exhaust side.



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Looks like to me that they are pieces of plate welded into the frame between joints to stiffen the frame up.

Exactly. ;)


Also while I was at college someone told me that a crotch rocket could outrun a banshee. (Not top speed, but like in a block or two.) Anyone know some e.t. times to prove this is true or otherwise

Depends on the bike & the banshee, and maybe rider. Don't have anything to prove either myself. :shrugani:



Also, anyone here use Limewire, Kazaa, etc.? I am having trouble connecting to either one at work. I am on a LAN but dont know how to see if I am firewall protected. Any ideas? What protocal to use, etc.

You're network may be firewalled,...most work places don't appreciate that shizzle, due to the spyware, viruses, prOn, & bullshit. Check with your network people. ;)



I got a motor built for my 70 Chevelle but it has shit ass heads on it. (882 casting) I know where there are vortec heads but I need to know what casting # are the better set, there are a couple that dont flow for nothin on exhaust side.

Your guess is as good as mine. :confused::unsure:

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well the purpose of the gussets is to stiffen up the frame


and mostly to protect the frame from bending in an accident like a rollover

there are a few places int he stock frame that are known to be fragile so guys like to add a little bit of material to prevent bending in these places

i plan to start doing this fairly soon myself


if you do a search on gussets or gusseting there are a few posts that will show you pics of where guys added and why

a few good pics out there from ledofthezep and meat

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I'll handle the street bike vs shee portion. Yes a street bike will walk all over a piped banshee like it was your grandma pushing your ass in a stroller. Just about any recent crotch rocket will do 0-60 in less than 4 seconds. You might get a jump and be ahead for the frist 50-60 feet but after that while your busy shifting the bike will run by you. Most crotch rockets will do 50-60 in first gear and second will end close to 90. If your talking about a full drag banshee aka big bore stroker aftermarket barrel then it will be a close race. It's very hard to launch a street bike hard but it's also hard to keep on the gas with a banshee on pavement when the front end reaches skyward. Maybe some guys on here have some numbers for 1/8 mile pavement. You can look up 1/4 mile street bike times on most brands websites.

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I'll handle the street bike vs shee portion. Yes a street bike will walk all over a piped banshee like it was your grandma pushing your ass in a stroller. Just about any recent crotch rocket will do 0-60 in less than 4 seconds. You might get a jump and be ahead for the frist 50-60 feet but after that while your busy shifting the bike will run by you. Most crotch rockets will do 50-60 in first gear and second will end close to 90. If your talking about a full drag banshee aka big bore stroker aftermarket barrel then it will be a close race. It's very hard to launch a street bike hard but it's also hard to keep on the gas with a banshee on pavement when the front end reaches skyward. Maybe some guys on here have some numbers for 1/8 mile pavement. You can look up 1/4 mile street bike times on most brands websites.

I agree.Ater many countless nites @ the street races w/shee,I have beaten a lot of street bikes from about 200ft. but, none more that..

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