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Will a mag light break? Need for defense

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If I have a mag light and hit someone with it, in the head or body or leg, will it break or will it hold up as a weapon? This may sound stupid however I patrol a huge facility and need something for defense. I will post a picture of the one I bought later on. Also any experiacne with a larger one? In about 8 months I will have my certifications to carry a gun, oc spray, and a baton. But for now its just a flash light. Thanks for the opinions

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I bought the 6 cell I think. It could be the 5 thow. http://www.maglite.com/product.asp?psc=6DCELL

I have to be a rent a cop untill I get my 120 and can be a regular cop.

They do that here. They make you be a pretend cop for a few months, a mall cop, or a fucken prison guard.

Then you get your badge and gun. In some cities, they don't have batons though....they have nunchucks. I talked to a cop once about it. He said there wasn't much difference to him, except he had a little bit better reach than with the baton.


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"I patrol a huge facility and need something for defense.  In about 8 months I will have my certifications to carry a gun, oc spray, and a baton. But for now its just a flash light. Thanks for the opinions"

Are you not the one who ran from the cops? Are you not the one who lied about who you were and what you were doing? Are you not the one who is angry at you "friend" for telling the police what you did? Are you not the one who was so desparate to not get caught that you sold your bike for a fraction of what it was worth so you would not get caught?


Are you kidding me? You are a security guard???? A business or some person trusts you to protect their property! And they are going to give you a gun, OC and a baton? What is going on.


Let me tell you something. Go pick up that light of yours. Take the batteries out and take the lens housing off. Now look at it. It is a hollow metal pipe. Pretty light weight. Now stick those batteries back in and put it back together. Pretty heavy, solid.


When you hit someone with it and cause a serious injury, a defense attorney is going to get a hold of that light. They are going to present it to the jury not as a flash light but as a loaded metal pipe. They will tell the jury that you, a person who has ran from the cops, lied about what they have done, shown no regard for rules and regulations attacked his client for no reason with a loaded steel pipe. You may beat the criminal assault charge because you were "on the job" but come time for civil liability , you will be toast.


banghead I am sure you are really a good guy, but the decisions you make worry me. I don't think you have any business being a security guard and you definately have no buisness being a police officer. I wonder what you prospective boss would think about your "think your fast" thread. You are going to hurt yourself or someone else. If you hurt someone else, you can't be trusted take responsibility for it.


I think you would be a cop that if things were in the gray area you would lie to make a case. You would mess with people. You will be one of the cops that people on this thread hate. One that gives police a bad name. One that causes case law that makes it impossible for police to even do there job effectively. And ultimatley you will get caught and ruin your entire life and the lives of those around you.


Do us all a favor, hang up the mag light and find a new career.



Edited by rjvoight
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