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Sweetest Day


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Well tomorrow is Sweetest Day and also the last mx race of the season at my track. Although I am not racing I do go to help my friend and such. So I was gonna pick my girl up a few hours early and go out to dinner and I was gonna think of somethin real nice to do afterwards til we went to the race. Then I find out yesterday this fucker asked her to do something tonite with him. He asks her to do shit all the time and I'm really getting sick of it. But they are friends and I trust her so I said "do what you want". This is where things get a little hairy. She then tells me she thinks we should take a little "break" for a while. So right now I'm just hangin back and watchin things go. She's probably still expecting to do something with me tomorrow night, but hell if I'm gonna be with her right now. I'm just severely pissed off and a little bit saddened. It's comin up on one year with her in less than a month. Anybody else got an experience to share?


Sorry for bitchin about women...I know it's been posted a few times before.



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I don't know your back ground but maybe you could kick the shit out of that guy for fuckin with your stable, then dump her for choosing him over you.


You already know what I'd do. ;) Its all a matter of if this guy is gonna take it seriously, or if he's just going to call the cops and get your ass in trouble.

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Ill tell ya right now man, that break shit is just an excuse so she can go out and do whatever the f*ck she wants. And then once she has her fun, she will be comin back to you. Then she will start makin the whole break bullshit a habbit once she knows she can do it. That shit never works out. Its happened to me before. Id move on.

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But they are friends and I trust her so I said "do what you want".


ill try to explain it simply so you will see whats going on.


when your girl friend is really good friends with another guy she might be "testing" you. she may secretly be testing you to see if you will get gelious or inferior to your friend. she may not even know shes doing it so dont confront her about what i tell ya. if you play the iferior role then she might say to her self, "well if he loved me he wouldnt get gelious with me hanging around his friend."


you know what im sayin? she may have no idea shes doin it. or.... this is what she wants.

hers the other way it could go. she could actually be planing this. she will try to make you hate her for it. so that way she slips the guilt on you. and she gets a way scott free. think about it. guys would rather cheat on the wives than tell them its over. its a lot harder to tell your lover "one for a year" that it over than it is to cheat on them and get them angree with you and make you think its for fault. you see?


now i cant say whats going on but i wanna let you know the two possibilties of what could be going on.


if you really loved your girl, dont get upset with her either way. and she will love you for it as soon as she "finds out" about this other guys problems. and on a last note. i would check into your friend just to kepp tabs on him if hes your real friend or not. but dont get mad at him and punch his head in because we know that women will fall head over heals for this kinda dick, and bandage him up if you know what i mean. the key thiing to do now is keep you kool and dont get jelious. good luck with your relation ship.



and before anyone says how deep this is. its not. its so played out in this country its like old news that nobody ever heard. peace :headbang:

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But they are friends and I trust her so I said "do what you want".


ill try to explain it simply so you will see whats going on.


when your girl friend is really good friends with another guy she might be "testing" you. she may secretly be testing you to see if you will get gelious or inferior to your friend. she may not even know shes doing it so dont confront her about what i tell ya. if you play the iferior role then she might say to her self, "well if he loved me he wouldnt get gelious with me hanging around his friend."


you know what im sayin? she may have no idea shes doin it. or.... this is what she wants.

hers the other way it could go. she could actually be planing this. she will try to make you hate her for it. so that way she slips the guilt on you. and she gets a way scott free. think about it. guys would rather cheat on the wives than tell them its over. its a lot harder to tell your lover "one for a year" that it over than it is to cheat on them and get them angree with you and make you think its for fault. you see?


now i cant say whats going on but i wanna let you know the two possibilties of what could be going on.


if you really loved your girl, dont get upset with her either way. and she will love you for it as soon as she "finds out" about this other guys problems. and on a last note. i would check into your friend just to kepp tabs on him if hes your real friend or not. but dont get mad at him and punch his head in because we know that women will fall head over heals for this kinda dick, and bandage him up if you know what i mean. the key thiing to do now is keep you kool and dont get jelious. good luck with your relation ship.



and before anyone says how deep this is. its not. its so played out in this country its like old news that nobody ever heard. peace :headbang:

Now dude, THAT'S what I like to hear! But first of all, this bastard ain't my friend, nor has he ever been. I seriously hate the kid. She knows that already as I've told her after the first time he tried getting with her when we were still together. I wasn't gonna get too bent outa shape about it just yet so I can wait and see what she's gonna do. She said she cares about me a helluva lot more than him (cause they are only friends). And I really do trust her at this point in time. If she really wanted to run from me to get with a dickhead like him then she can go right ahead. But...I'm not sayin I wouldn't bust up his face or anything in the meantime :P Thanks for all the replies so far.

So anybody think I should just keep the plans for tomorrow and see where it goes?

Edited by QuadMX
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dude, I wouldnt give her the time of day anymore if she's always hanging out with her "friend". She's obviously got another agenda as well. Whatever you do dont show that it hurts....just move on. If she wants you, good, its another chick for the stable, and when its time to choose your running partner you'll have a few to choose from. You got any girls your friends with.....go start hanging out with them a lot and see what she thinks of that.


Make your own agenda.....if she wants to be part of it, so be it.....if not....you were better off without her.

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dude, I wouldnt give her the time of day anymore if she's always hanging out with her "friend".  She's obviously got another agenda as well.  Whatever you do dont show that it hurts....just move on.  If she wants you, good, its another chick for the stable, and when its time to choose your running partner you'll have a few to choose from.  You got any girls your friends with.....go start hanging out with them a lot and see what she thinks of that.


Make your own agenda.....if she wants to be part of it, so be it.....if not....you were better off without her.

Ya man. Most of my friends are chicks. Really hot ones at that. And the last time I hung out with one of them (the two don't get along AT ALL) she hated it. It started up a fight. It's not that she's always hanging out with him. He just asks her to do shit at least once a week now. Usually she says no cause she knows I don't like him, but then she feels bad cause they are friends.

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