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Sweetest Day


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Especially after reading some more about this the first thing that came to mind is if she knows you can't stand this guy, she wouldn't hang around him out of respect for you(And not feel bad about it). There obviously has to be a reason you don't like him....I would keep your plans for tomorrow, but if she chooses to do something with him over you, don't mess with her anymore, let her have him. I think if she truly had strong feelings for you she would respect what you feel and wouldn't "torment" you by "technically" dating a guy you cannot stand. I'm sure you'll do what's best for you..Good Luck! :cheers:

Edited by bigboybanshee
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well if he's asking her to do stuff once a week he's obviously also got an agenda as well. And if she's gonna get pissed at you for hanging out with a friend of yours that is a girl.....then she has no right to hang out with him without you getting pissed about it. It's one of those things where you go whatever....he's your friend, but dont get pissy at me if I'm hanging out with my friends when your off with him.


If she's gonna go hang out with him for the night.....plain and simple, go ask one of your friends thats a girl to go hang out....go play some pool or something.....I'm sure she'll love that......

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Ill tell ya right now man, that break shit is just an excuse so she can go out and do whatever the f*ck she wants. And then once she has her fun, she will be comin back to you. Then she will start makin the whole break bullshit a habbit once she knows she can do it. That shit never works out. Its happened to me before. Id move on.


i couldnt have said it better myself

women luv ASSHOLES

i often times consider being one since a nice guy alwasy finishes last i have found


damn right thats hwo it almsot always seams to go

mayne she likes that the other guy jsut wants in her pants the whole i like ashsoles sorta thing that we all see the women going for


but i say def get a back up date witha gril she doenst exactly like

if she bails on you to go out with the dickhead then go out with at least 1 hot chick and make sure that she hears about it

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Well ive been where your at man and it doest help to get pissed at him..it helps alot....its her fault for even letting it continue...she could put a stop to it by simply saying no i have a b/f and quit asking me.....but women cant seem to get that through their head....but of course they want YOU to do it to your guy and girl friends....just drop them and get on her schedule....tell you what i say f*ck her and go ride your shee man...relieve some stress!!


like a shirt i saw the other day "As i shifted into sixth i couldnt remember a thing she said" :bolt::headbang:

Edited by limitied03
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I don't know your back ground but maybe you could kick the shit out of that guy for fuckin with your stable, then dump her for choosing him over you.

I definately like his way of thinking, and in turn what I would probably do.

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hey dude. i have some good news for you. she still digs ya. you said when you hang out with her girl friend she hates it. you know what that means?


that means that when she starts hanging out with your friend excessivly they you by right get to hang with her cute girlfriends. and you said she gets jelious also, so only do it when she starts hanging with this dick a lot. maybe lovely tell her your not sure if she loves you or not. but dont say that with a weak mind or out of resentment that shes seeing your friend more. tell her that because you love her and its the right thing to say.


to be completly honnest with you i think you 2 make a perfect couple your both testing each others love to "see" what happens. just forgive here for what she didbnt know she was doing. you understand the game that was being played and tell her you love her. just what ever happens with the realtionship dont get upset she will test your love all through your life because thats what women o. if you get angree then she knows there is no love there and she will thnk twice. just be a man and love like you should. if you have anymore turmoil let me know. i garenty i can save your relationship or i can tell you weather or not you being screwd. sounds like you 2 are one of the same. :lol:

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i aslo want to let you know. that some people who replyed to your post are not thinking obejectivly. they speek by personal experience. witch may not be good for your situation. but i think you see that my advise is true advise and you shouldnt call it quits with your girl just yet. i some times forget how sensitive people are to words some times. they take things persnally . if you dont have any understanding then words are just means of comunication. but as i showed you there is a lot more than just the words or actions this girl is trying to say. your the man of the house. i would say a little more but i think you might be a little sensitive to words also if you needed to come here and post personal problems. wich isnt a bad thing, because if you love this girl you just found the information you were looking for. but if you want to know " the sercret power of words" let me know. i will """"""show"""""""" you everything i know.



i just wont tell you what i know, but i will have you understand what you want to know. im not bragging. im not god. im a conduite(sp?) of good. for God. LOL i dont wanna get too speritual for ya. that it. :clap: just PM me.

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Ok I've been in this situation before. chances are you did something to piss her off and she sees it as payback. What I would recommend is one thing and one thing only. Tell her to cut the plans with him on Sweetest Day because you want to spend the day with her. If she refuses, call it quits that simple little bit of blowing you off is enough to know she is torn between both of you and if she "loves" you a helluva alot more than she will back off him. Its Sweetest Day its like mini-Valentines Day. Why would she want to spend a "special day" like that with another fucking dude?


If she agrees to cut plans with him, than leave his ass stranded at the track let him do his shit by himself. When, because he WILL CALL, he calls to give you a hard time tell him to back the f*ck off her if he ever wants your help again. If he starts to get all defensive asking wtf your talking about lay it out for him and tell him it stops now.


Personally its alot of grief but good to learn young.

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Ok I've been in this situation before. chances are you did something to piss her off and she sees it as payback. What I would recommend is one thing and one thing only. Tell her to cut the plans with him on Sweetest Day because you want to spend the day with her. If she refuses, call it quits that simple little bit of blowing you off is enough to know she is torn between both of you and if she "loves" you a helluva alot more than she will back off him. Its Sweetest Day its like mini-Valentines Day. Why would she want to spend a "special day" like that with another fucking dude?


If she agrees to cut plans with him, than leave his ass stranded at the track let him do his shit by himself. When, because he WILL CALL, he calls to give you a hard time tell him to back the f*ck off her if he ever wants your help again. If he starts to get all defensive asking wtf your talking about lay it out for him and tell him it stops now.


Personally its alot of grief but good to learn young.

dont put her on the spot. she may not be capable of making that decision yet. she may stil hate you for something.

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