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quitting smoking

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i quit cold turkey over a year ago, and it actually wasnt that bad. like someone else said, if youre really ready to do it, its almost a non-issue.

.....ok, so it was kinda hard lmfao basically i always had food in my mouth. i would sit and eat a whole bag of chips without thinking about it because i just needed to keep my hands and mouth busy (har har...insert dirty joke here) it also helped that i stayed away from people who smoked. basicly in my mind, it just wasnt an option to smoke.

i have a new habit now though...peanut M&Ms. better than smoking though. my chest pains went away and my stomach feels better all the time now.

Peanut M&M's are the shit. I've been hooked on those little bastards since I was about 4. At Christmas, my family has tried to kill me with them. I've eaten a 3 lb Christmas Size Super Deluxe bag in 2 days. I didn't feel so great, but I've never gotten sick of them. Egg Nog on the other hand my other Christmas favorite.....drink nearly a quart of that in one night and you'll avoid the shit like the plague. Going on 4 years of just the smell of egg nog making me sick.

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(to Limited03) If you can quit for 2 weeks you're straight!

Really.... the guy comes to us for help on quitting smoking and you automatically

think its "pole smoking" that is the problem... some friend you are! :lol:

Limited , Im there for you buddy ! :headbang:

Edited by KGL
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Thanks everybody..i think, wait i know i can quit picked up the habit a few years ago and havent stopped since...i stopped once for about a week while on vacation and smoked one after that i felt like shit..so maybe i can do that again..im tired of the chest pains and shortness of breath i get every few months..time to take action


ill update everyone on how things are going.. :cheers:

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i just needed to keep my hands and mouth busy (har har...insert dirty joke here)

(keep rubb'n & swallow....nevermind :rolleyes: ) :P:D;)


Well,..I made the mistake years ago. Nasty fuckin habit I'll be the 1st to admit, costly too. My best advice to those young'ns reading this...don't start.


Or don't take my word for it & get you some lungs like these...until I can make myself want to and then quit; this is what I get to look forward to. :wacko::flush:


Edited by ledofthezep
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ill give your some expert advise on quitting smoking. first off you cant will your self to quit smoking. (i know some have succesfully done it) but ask any therpist. you cant quit something with out starting something else. i smoke. one of these days im gonna wake up to smoke a butt and say to my self. (ya know what? i just cant do this anymore, im too tired of this.)


dont struggle with smoking. the more you struggle with smoke the more you get cought up in the problem. dont be angree that you cant quit smoking. just next time you light one. be more aware of what your doing, and think to your self is this what i want? but dont be angree. resist the temptation to struggle with it.


what some people do is they stop cold turkey and, well now they find them selves over eating. or watching more porn . i know it can be done but you have to have the right mind set. because smokeing is nothing but a personality disorder. lots of people have it.



it all started one day you were trying to be kool with friends OR you tryed it to get rid of a problem. and thats what happends. the helper ( the cig) becomes the problem. just like how people get addicted to there medications, there therpist, the drugs. its all the same. i came accross a techneak(sp?) that may work for you and it may not, or it might work for someone else you know that want to stop. the biggest thing is giving up the struggle. just work on it and you to maybe find your self waking up to not even wanting one. if you want PM me and ill try to dig up that info for ya. good luck, and dont hate. ;)

Edited by United Pot Smoker
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IFor motivation my wifey will sell the shee if I start agian (my arrangment) and works for me.

:blink: GOOD GOD.

Thats some serious dedication. Thats like placing your balls on a stump and saying "BASH EM WITH A HICKORY STICK IF I SMOKE" ..... you are a brave man. There is no way I'd wager my banshee. I'd wager cash before I'd go all in like that.

Well cotton it was a little the other way. Quit and you can buy a shee, start and it

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IFor motivation my wifey will sell the shee if I start agian (my arrangment) and works for me.

:blink: GOOD GOD.

Thats some serious dedication. Thats like placing your balls on a stump and saying "BASH EM WITH A HICKORY STICK IF I SMOKE" ..... you are a brave man. There is no way I'd wager my banshee. I'd wager cash before I'd go all in like that.

Well cotton it was a little the other way. Quit and you can buy a shee, start and it

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