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quitting smoking

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lol, my wife and I said we were gonna quit smoking 2 months ago and uh, well, I still smoke :rolleyes: It's not easy!!! I have quit once before in the past and keeping a drink (non alcoholic cause alcohol always makes me wanna smoke more) and a pack of gum was what helped me to quit then...I'm too damn stressed from work to quit now!! Good luck, I know what you're going through!! If you can quit for 2 weeks you're straight!

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Yes, I smoked 2 packs a day "camels" for 15yrs..


my daughter who's 8 yrs old now ask me to quit w/tears in her eyes 1 day and I put'em down and haven't smoked since..1 yr 11 months and counting.....


Advice: All I can say if U can beat ur head than it can happen....

I don't know what type of mental state ur in, but GOOD LUCK


Other advise: Keep busy!!!!



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Been there done that. Its not an easy task. My wife works in Respiratory in a hospital came home one day and said that we dont wanna die like that so we quit together and its been 12 years now. I used a patch system it worked for me my wife just quit cold turkey. Just hang in there it does get easier after a while, Its the first few days that are the hardest. Just keep a straw to chew on and lots of gum. Good Luck.

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I smoked for 20yrs and quit cold turkey, if you are really ready to quit then your mind can overpower the urge to smoke. I did feel sick for the first couple of days but that was about it....and that was just over 2 yrs ago. You will sure feel better after you have kicked the habit and prolly even gain some weight but its still better then that nasty habit, it will also save you some cash so you can dump more into the shee :dance:

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ADVICE: smoke like a non-thinker or Think like a non-smoker. Dont tell yourself that you are quiting but consider yourself a non smoker. That will help you psychologically. Other then that, chew lots of gum or carry a straw in your mouth. After the first 3 days it will be much easier. Let us all know how you are doing. Good Luck :rolleyes:

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i quit cold turkey over a year ago, and it actually wasnt that bad. like someone else said, if youre really ready to do it, its almost a non-issue.

.....ok, so it was kinda hard lmfao basically i always had food in my mouth. i would sit and eat a whole bag of chips without thinking about it because i just needed to keep my hands and mouth busy (har har...insert dirty joke here) it also helped that i stayed away from people who smoked. basicly in my mind, it just wasnt an option to smoke.

i have a new habit now though...peanut M&Ms. better than smoking though. my chest pains went away and my stomach feels better all the time now.

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I never picked up the habit, but just about everyone in my family has at one point or another smoked. Now, my father is the only one that still smokes. Probably about 3-5 cigarettes per day, which is a hell of a lot better than 2 packs per day. My mom quit cold turkey because she was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis that can hit at anytime. Seeing her being rushed to the emergency room at just about any hour of the night was enough to convince me it wasn't something I wanted to try, being I have enough upper respitory problems such as allergys year round, and I get colds in my lungs pretty easy. Plus working in the shop, we ventillate it as much as we can, but we don't get it all, and some days I feel like I fish out of water. Going to the gym helps with that though. Get some adrenaline pumping and the lungs open up a bit.


Good luck to you quitting, probably one of the smartest choices you can make.

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i just needed to keep my hands and mouth busy (har har...insert dirty joke here)

...why didn't ya let me know.. ;)


My hats off to you folks that have quit. I've never started, for fear that I would not be able to quit. My best friend quit cold turkey immediately after his wedding, and had a helluva time but pulled it off. Saw him struggle, but succeed. It can't be easy -- I applaud those of you who have done it, or at least tried to the best of your ability.

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I quit almost a year ago. If you realy want to do it, then it'll work. I felt retarded (more then normal) the first week. Couldn't think staight. But it all gets better!!! Now I can't even see a smoke in my hand!!

For motivation my wifey will sell the shee if I start agian (my arrangment) and works for me. Find something to work for. Save the money you would normaly use for smokes, put it somewhere and set a date to buy something for yourself. The drinking was the hard part for me as well. I just didn't drink with friends that smoke for a month or two. All my friends had no problem with it and if they did then they're not that good of a friend.


GOOD LUCK and stick with it.




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IFor motivation my wifey will sell the shee if I start agian (my arrangment) and works for me.

:blink: GOOD GOD.

Thats some serious dedication. Thats like placing your balls on a stump and saying "BASH EM WITH A HICKORY STICK IF I SMOKE" ..... you are a brave man. There is no way I'd wager my banshee. I'd wager cash before I'd go all in like that.

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