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What the media show on tv at night is mainly the bad that is going on over here. I wish that they would show all the good that we have done for this country.

f*ck the media............and god bless your wife id jack your bike too if i was her, gods speed on gettin home....i served in nam, i know where youre coming from, forget what you hear in the news all us americans are behind you........100%

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thanks for serving in that hell for everyone.  do you know whats really going on over there or did you not get to see much?  what are your thoughts on the war? i like to hear it from the horses mouth rather than the manipulated media. witch bring up another question. do you think the media is manipulating the war or are they on track with whats really going on?  write back when you get the time. Thanks  :cheers:

So you would like to hear it from someone that has been here. Well I guess I qualifiy as that. This is only from one persons opinion that has been here for almost a year now. So take it for what it is worth.....


I have been from the southern border to the northern border and have seen the peaceful times and the fighting times. There are very beautiful areas of the country that you would think you are in another world and I have seen the ugly sites of poverty and slum. I have been places where the people of this country will come up to you and say "Thanks" and I have been to places where the people will spit at you and throw rocks. I have been in the middle of actions where I didn't know if I was going to be coming back or not. There is never a "safe" place or time that you feel that your life is never threatened and when you do, that is when the bad comes out. I have been fortunate so far on my travels in this country, to include several close calls.


What the media show on tv at night is mainly the bad that is going on over here. I wish that they would show all the good that we have done for this country. All the schools that we have built, the medical center, city center, government system, power facilities, roads, bridges, training the troops to fight for what is right for their country, just to name a few. You would be truely amazed.


For all the soldiers that have been hurt or killed, my hat goes off to them and their families. That is truely the most uneasy feeling around here, "what will tomorrow bring to me".


There are many great people working around the clock to make this a better country for all. I have met mainy outstanding local nations, soldiers from different countries and all the private contractors that are also serving along side all the military services from our wonderful country.


I thank the lord for keeping me safe so that I can return to my family and friends, and enjoy the freedom that we have in our country that many people don't have over here. We must all take the time to value our freedom that we have. I would never want to live the life that they live over here. We live in a wonderful country that we can call home. We fight over here to keep the fight off our home land. Next time you see a service member, tell him "Thanks for doing a wonderful job".


I had the pleasure of coming home this summer for some R&R (by the way, I did get in 3 days of riding, thanks to my wife). I was amazed to the amount of support that our country has given to us service members who are here. It is a terrible shame to see all those who oppose what we are doing. I don't think that they would last a day over here. Maybe that is why they protest, because of fear and lack of knowledge. You could blame that one on the media.....


What I am most thankful for is my family who has been my greatest supporter here. I fight to keep them safe from harm and free to walk down the street without worry of being attacked. It is terrible what the bad guys are doing to this country. It is a terrible sight to see someone hurt or even killed by these people.


I am looking forward to the day that I can put these tired feet on Freedom soil and give my wife a big kiss and hug my kids again. Plus getting the time to ride my Banshee again, which my wife has claimed to be her's now. I guess I will be in the market for another Banshee when I get back.


I apoligize for such the long response, but hope this sheds some light on the subject. If you would like to here more or have other questions, please let me know. I will get back to you, but may take a couple days to reply.



Thanks for your service and thanks for this post. It choked me up pretty

good reading it. The 9-11 tragedy wasn't a terrorist attack, it was an act

of war that could not go unchecked. WMD's or not, the Iraqi regime supported

terrorists who were collectively beginning to explore concepts of attacking

our economy in an effort to weaken us, and like you said, those people needed

help anyway. Pre-emptive action was in order and you guys are securing the

future of our kids and our country, and at the same time bringing a better way

of life to alot of people who were less fortunate. Carry on soldier. :cheers:

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I didn't know that this was going to take off like this, but I thank all of you who support what us service members are doing here. I got a chance to watch part of the presidential debate last night and I am amazed at all the blaming each one does towards each other. Why don't they focus on what is wrong and how they plan of fixing it. It is so frustrating to watch them try to tear each one down. Why don't they say thanks for all the great work we are doing and that we are working on getting you more support.


The sad thing is that we come over here for a year tour and then when we go back home we get ready to do this all over again for another year. How long do you think that we can keep this up. I have many friends who are putting in there paperwork to get out. I would be one of them, but I have too much time invested so far. This is hard on the service members and especially their families. Can anyone see why soldiers are getting out. I thought the military was all about taking care of the soldiers and not the politians reputation.


If you have any opions on this, please lets hear it! I will be gone for awhile (short period), but hopefully we can continue this discussion in my absense. I look forward to all your thoughts and comments upon my return.


Drink one for me! :cheers:

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First off, I'd like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all the men & women serving in the armed forces, at home and abroad. We do appreciate all you're doing, stand proud and know that we support you 100%.


Thanks tschoeberl for the posts, most of us will never know the things you've seen and been through, it's great to hear your viewpoint. Stay safe and come back soon. Know that there are those among us that understand that what you're doing is right and respect your choice to protect the freedoms that we hold dear. Drive on.


Part of my job is looking through government contracts for our company (earthwork/excavation). I've seen countless bids go out for private companies to rebuild the infastructure in Iraq, like you said everything from libraries to power generation plants. I think it's a pretty safe assumption that most Americans, hell for that matter most of the world, hasn't the slightest clue about what we've done or continue to do to aid these people. I know for sure that the raghead cowering on a rooftop with an RPG doesn't give a squirt of piss about the millions of taxpayer dollars and efforts of both civilian and military personnel to restore some semblance of civility to a country that's been raped and ravaged by war since the earliest recorded history of man. The point is, someone had to do something. It didn't matter if it was Iraq, Afghanistan, or Timbuktu...you have to start somewhere. What comes around goes around, and you better believe that sooner or later, it's gonna hit home if left unchecked.


Politics is politics. It's the second oldest profession in the world and a whole lot like the oldest (prostitution). It's part of the human condition I think, and while our system isn't perfect it's alot better than the alternatives. At least we have a choice, and if we really want to make a difference have the opportunity to do as much as we see fit (I see alot of people bitch about one party or the other, but very few willing to do something themselves). Thanks to the courage and bloodshed of our forefathers we CAN. Along with being human comes taking things for granted, ignorance, and indifference. Fortunately we also have vigilance, purpose, and integrity going for us, so with any luck the few that do can shepard the huddled masses along the path of righteousness. Have some faith, keep an open mind, do what you think is right and educate yourself, only then will you see things clear enough to make your own decisions. As for me, I'll do my part, cast my vote for what I believe to be the lesser of two evils, and see ya out on the dunes...

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