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The debate

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Bush killed him... Not only has Kerry been flip/floppin for weeks but tonight he couldnt keep from contradicting himself for 2 min.!

He is on both sides of ALL the issues... "I can do it smarter, better, and oranger."



:headbang: W-04

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I watched the debate to the end but didn't stick around for the press babble. Instead a few buddies and I walked out & went to a bar..... had a lot more fun drinking and watching a good band play.



Cheers (and go boston!) :cheers:



umm yea. thanks for your contribution


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All I got to say is I didn't watch it and don't care about either. They both suck!!!!!


I'm not even going to vote. How do you tell the difference between two turds, they both stink!!!


If I do vote it won't be for bush. He already screwed up, let someone else have a turn.




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They both suck, but Bush needs that stupid smirk slapped off of his face.

But he's a good ole' boy :blink: . How can an ivy league graduate from

such esteemed pedigree be so poorly spoken? He's a good puppet though.

That being said, I think every American needs to ask themself who

the enemy would rather see in office. I think the enemy would gladly

bankroll Kerry's campaign.

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You republicans are just mad because Bush cracked under the pressure. I am still undecided but if the rest of the debates go like tonights... I know who I am going with..

how did he crack under pressure? kerry didnt even know what he was talking about. especially the N.Korea shit. we have a friggen awesome plan going with china right now to deal with that.

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Kerry in a word, make that in a name......Lurch

Doesn't he look like Lurch?


Don't worry guy's. Bush will win. Because most people are not so stupid as to vote for a snake oil salesman. But if he were to loose then we are in a whole world of hurt. One thing i do think is possible though. I think if Lurch were to become president of the United States of America he very well might do in Iraq what should have already been done. And that is unleash the dogs of war upon the terrorists operating from the Iraqi hold out cities. If he wants to end it and win like he said, well that's how to do it. Hit them in the face till they throw in the towel. And I mean by systematicaly bombing them day in and day out. We KNOW we can win this thing. We just have to show them and make them believe that their cause is hopeless and they are just going to die. I just wish Bush would do it. If Kerry did that then great. But the down side of him is he is a socialist. He would do far more harm to the American way of life than he would do good. I would rather face the enemy than face Lurch for the next 4 to 8 years.


As for the debate I can't fault bush so much for his speaking skills. For one thing he was constantly on the defensive from the get go. And that baggy eyed Bolshevic Matt Lower who ran the debate is definately not in the Bush camp.


On a sad note i will be in China for the election banghead

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Ok, I don't get into these political debates too often, and I'm definitely a Bush guy, but I just have to have a definition of METROSEXUAL!! :confused:


Definition: a young, urban and usually heterosexual male who is concerned with fashion, food and grooming



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