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The debate

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Ok, I don't get into these political debates too often, and I'm definitely a Bush guy, but I just have to have a definition of METROSEXUAL!!  :confused:


Definition: a young, urban and usually heterosexual male who is concerned with fashion, food and grooming


Ok, so you pretty much mean, the Backstreet Boys, NSync, etc.


Cool thanks, Brooke :D


I will say, I did not watch the debate tonight. I might later on, but it's all politics, they're just gonna tell us what they think we want to hear, and disagree with each other. I've made my decision, don't need to watch the debate to decide.

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I didnt watch the full debate... but this is what I got from it.


Kerry will say and do what ever he has too, to make himself look better. He reminds me of the typical used car salesman in the polyester striped suit. Towards the beginning of the debate he was asked a question and he darted around it for a second, to then say "Go to my website blahblahblah.com"

That was SO CHEAP...... wtf was that? If anyone has at least a few brain cells working then you SHOULD be able to see through this clowns bullshit. Myself being in sales and around the automotive business for the last 20+ years can see through him like a piece of sayran wrap. His comments were an insult to EVERY soldier that is in Iraq fighting for our freedom...... and a slap in the face to each one that has lost their life! "What they are doing is wrong" "How they are doing it is wrong" "Why they are doing it, is wrong"

As for GWB..... At least you know who/what your dealing with. I know many very intelligent people that cant speak for shit, and especially in front of a crowd.. That doesnt make them an idiot.

All of our past, present and future leaders are ALL puppets, whose strings are pulled by someone else. I'm glad we have someone who has a set of balls on him that can grab the strings and control himself every now and then.


Kerry looked like a fish out of water........ flopping around looking for the right answer to hopefully get him back in the water.

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I didnt watch the full debate... but this is what I got from it.


Kerry will say and do what ever he has too, to make himself look better. He reminds me of the typical used car salesman in the polyester striped suit. Towards the beginning of the debate he was asked a question and he darted around it for a second, to then say "Go to my website blahblahblah.com"

That was SO CHEAP...... wtf was that? If anyone has at least a few brain cells working then you SHOULD be able to see through this clowns bullshit. Myself being in sales and around the automotive business for the last 20+ years can see through him like a piece of sayran wrap. His comments were an insult to EVERY soldier that is in Iraq fighting for our freedom...... and a slap in the face to each one that has lost their life! "What they are doing is wrong" "How they are doing it is wrong" "Why they are doing it, is wrong"

As for GWB..... At least you know who/what your dealing with. I know many very intelligent people that cant speak for shit, and especially in front of a crowd.. That doesnt make them an idiot.

All of our past, present and future leaders are ALL puppets, whose strings are pulled by someone else. I'm glad we have someone who has a set of balls on him that can grab the strings and control himself every now and then.


Kerry looked like a fish out of water........ flopping around looking for the right answer to hopefully get him back in the water.

I couldn't agree more


I can see the appeal of John F Kerry however....


He agrees with EVERYONE!!! (audio link...turn your speakers on)

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On a sad note i will be in China for the election  banghead

thats what absentee ballotts are for.


That's not what I really meant. I will be in a communist country and will have to hear about who won from some commie news agency. It just seems very strange or sureal to me. I will be gone for over 3 weeks and the election will have been over for 2 weeks after my return to my beloved country. If Lurch wins maybe i'll just stay in China. I mean, it's already an established commie country, right?

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I typically don't care to discuss politics, but I feel compelled to post my 2 cents, both of which are FACT


Pennie #1 Historically, the stock market does better and the median household income is higher with a republican in the house.


Pennie #2 BUSH is the only candidate willing to help preserve public land, and keep it open. Kerry on the other hand would like to minimize public land usage, especially for OHV use.

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right on rod! Kerry needs to sprout a sac, and fill it with some balls. He cant make up his mind on 1 SINGLE ISSUE, always changing sides, hell he counterdicted himself countless times last night. Bush may look like a monkey, sweat alot, and have a speech impediment, but at least we know wehre he stands and will stand about issues.

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so kerry looked better and sounded better, bush knew what he was talking about and is consistent. I cant or hear see the president when he does his job so im gonna have to go with bush on this one...however i did vote for kerry before i voted against him...but that was only because it was late at night..around 1:00 PM :lol:


One thing that amused me was when bush wanted to know how kerry was going to get out of iraq in 6 months and kerry replied i never said i was going to get out of iraq in 6 months, i said if we do what my plan is and it works we will be out in 6 months....whats the difference?? what is this plan??? :jesterlaugh:

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