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What's your fave part on the shee to work on?


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Mine favorite thing to do on the shee is, after I've removed the carb, replacing all the little vent hoses and stuffing the little f'ers back in the slot on the swinger pivot. You know, getting my mammoth hands in there to bend them just right to do an s-curv down the front of the swinger, then into the little slot, then around the bottom.... banghead


What do you guys consider your favorite thing to do on the shee?

Edited by sredish
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To tell you the honest truth, I hate working on my shee, I allways think how fun it will be to polish something up or what not, then I start and I'm like, WTF did I get myself into. On the other hand, I love helping my friends with there bike because I know I can leave anytime i want to and not have to worry about having a bike in piecies in my garage. :jesterlaugh:

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Just about anything. I love replacing bearings, swapping out junk Yamaha fasteners for stainless or even a grade 5 bolt. I like to put washers behind them as well.

I almost always have something going on with my banshee as well since its parked at the shop. I like to tinker with shit you could say.


One thing I HATE to do is adjust my needle height. Last time I did it was over 45 minutes.

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I dig all of it too, doesn't matter if it's changing a tire or rejetting, checking the compression or doing a topend. Gives me a chance to retreat to my little fortress of solitude, the garage where it's just me and my Banshee, nobody gives me any shit and I can do whatever the hell I want (I swear if it had a bathroom and a fridge I'd only emerge to go to work and go ridin').


I hafta agree about the chain adjustment tho, by far that is the thing I dread most. It's not that it's difficult, just so damn time consuming, and it's never right the first time. When I get a round-housing swingarm I'm gonna dance a little jig :cheers:

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I dig all of it too, doesn't matter if it's changing a tire or rejetting, checking the compression or doing a topend. Gives me a chance to retreat to my little fortress of solitude, the garage where it's just me and my Banshee, nobody gives me any shit and I can do whatever the hell I want (I swear if it had a bathroom and a fridge I'd only emerge to go to work and go ridin').

This statement pretty much sums it up for me as well, except I can piss out the back door and I've got a beer fridge stashed and I don't tell anyone where it is, unless they're getting me one. ;)


I also have 3 or 4 parts sitting in the kitchen or dining room at any given time, at the moment it's my new beadlocks I took apart and a couple air filters. Spark plugs are common also.

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I swear if it had a bathroom and a fridge I'd only emerge to go to work and go ridin'.

you mean yo dont have a fridge in your garage?!?!? GASP! where do you get cold beer when youre mowing the lawn? :bolt:




hey CEJ, about them stainles fasteners. are they stronger than grade 5's, or no? i hear some different things and since you mentioned them.



also my fav thing to do is get my damn PD head to seal up right. <_<

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This statement pretty much sums it up for me as well, except I can piss out the back door and I've got a beer fridge stashed and I don't tell anyone where it is, unless they're getting me one.  ;) 


Out the back door? :rolleyes: Just drill you a 3/4" hole a little lower than waist high, stuff a hose through there, attach an old funnel to the end inside. Wallah--Piss Tube! :cheers: Works for me anyway & is great in the winters! :clap: And ya gotta have the beer fridge...here's a pic of mine behind my ex-shee, the green ball is always good for frustration; can't count how many times I've tried to kick that fucker through a wall. ;):lol:





My personal 'fav' is fixing shit that's been stripped out, bolt heads or screws rounded out that have to be drilled...retapping shit...gotta love it. :shootself:

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No real favorite part of working on it, suppose its because nothing compares to riding it. working on it does give me something to do in the winter though.


My garage has a fridge, a bar with stools, cable TV, woodstove, and bathroom (actually a hose that runs out the back, but it is complete with a sheet hung up for privacy, lights, and "medicine" cabinet w/mirror)


I really have no problem hanging out in my garage whether i am working on something or just chillin.

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