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A "I'm sorry for being a bitch about quads" gift.


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just wanted to state that she's a good woman all in all.......if she wants to post remarks on here, I dont care, sorry its a little confusing, I know how that is.  It logs me in when I come to this site, she just looks for the replies in the history to see what I've been looking at and talking about.


I just dont know what to do sometimes


Anyway, congratulations man, those rims are the shiznit and i'd definitely go with the same ones for the front.  I've been wanting rims like that since I first saw them.

Open an account for her. Only make her name "," or "^" or something to keep the theme of unpronounceable screen names going. How about "

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she'll probably read all this anyway, but if I log out, she'll still be able to read it because of my history in the web browser. I could delete that and noone would be the wiser, but I have nothing to hide so.....


I'll just take my licks, ride the shee the 3 or 4 times a year I get to anymore (which I get bitched at about), keep being the father of her daughter, and daily trying to improve our daily lives :confused:


Not like cracking the shee open in 3rd down a trail is a stress reliever or anything.......

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Aaah, we'll get bitched at for something so no worries. I try being an alcoholic every night. :confused:


Wheels are in. Got them out, only thing, they didn't ship the tapered lug nuts. I called and bitched at them and they're sending them free shipping. I'm still working on getting the air leak figured out. I'll probably put the intake back together tonight and get the tires swapped over tomorrow and then take a pic or two. They look good, much much thicker than I imagined they'd be. Very nice wheels indeed.

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Not like cracking the shee open in 3rd down a trail is a stress reliever or anything.......

Nah...not at all. Maybe you should try being an alcoholic. :confused::lol: j/k... B)

On a daily basis, I drink. SOme say that that is alcoholism. It's just that I am a finely tuned alcohol consuming machine!! :cheers: When you run out of gas, what do you do? FIll the tank. So, when my body runs out of alcohol, I fill the tank.... :unsure::confused:

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