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Im getting a little sick and tired of these other ATV sites( not going to use any names but there are several) that start Dumb ass threads on what race are you and what race do you ride with and how many blacks or whites you have in your town. I personally think it sucks. I have several friends that are black, white spanish russian. I could care less if they are purple, your my friend your my friend. I get along with everyone....Ecept four stroke riders :P LOL This is why I come to the HQ, because here I dont have to deal with any of this bullshit. I dont know maybe Im just venting too much, what do you guys think?

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i really dont have aproblem with any one specific race. all colors have their own peice's of shit that roll around my way and piss me off. youve got your trailer trash (your not trash if you live in a trailor your just trash if you fit the description of shit) you got your hood rats and so on thats why i give everyone at least one chance.

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Racism is promoted by idiots who are too stupid to understand why everyone else is not better than they are.

You always hear some inbread moron saying..."I kaint stan them __fill in the blank__ 'cuz thay jus kant tawk rite". They condemn the rest of the world because they don't speak retard like they do.

It's one of the few things in the world that actually infuriates me.

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I'm proud to be a raceist, that is what I love to do, I race anybody I dont care who you are. All my fellow raceist know what it means to be the superior race, all other races are inferior to my horsepower and torque, the superior race is the XC race, all the rest of you MX lovers and Drag lovers can just stay off the track..............it evan sounds stupid when you make fun of it :wacko::wacko:

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who cares, I say fend for your self, to hell with what race you are, look at each person and let them stand on their own feet, if they are to stupid to go to school and make an effort then why should they get a good job???? who cares how much someone has been oppressed, thats life and it aint fair so get over it, quit crying and do something about it for yourself. 228 years ago a group of people got fed up with how they were treated and said screw you and and kciked the trash out of their country, they didnt sit around and complain about how unfair things were and they deserve a chance because they were poor or whatever, they got off their ass and took action to make a better life for themselves. Follow their example and work hard for what you want quit trying to get a free ride from the rest of us!!!!!! the past is done, learn from it but dont hide behind it and use it as an excuse to slack off!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm not racist, but I think affirmative action in the schools... and especially in the workplace.. is plain bullcrap. The fact that someone has a much better chance of getting hired at a job here than me because they're a minority makes me mad. Its just reverse discrimination..

I agree, affirmative action just separates it does not work towards equallity.


I had to take a class in college to fullfill some Liberal Arts and Sciences requirements, no offense to anybody in LAS but for an engineer I went to college to be an engineer not to help myself be more well rounded, nobody makes LAS students take engineering classes to make themselves more rounded. I think I had more racist thoughts after that class because they made an effort to make my race feel sorry about what happened years ago, I'm not buying what they were selling though it was the worst and most biassed class I had ever taken.


I don't care what color you are, even if your green and act intelligently and responsibly your cool by me. If someone thinks they deserve something because of their color that's racism, it works both ways. The only way to end it is to look at people and see people and let their actions and words make the judgment about their person.

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I'm not racist, but I think affirmative action in the schools... and especially in the workplace.. is plain bullcrap. The fact that someone has a much better chance of getting hired at a job here than me because they're a minority makes me mad. Its just reverse discrimination..

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.









There is only one race on this earth as far as I know. Just different origin of this race. Everyone on earth feels more for their color of skin, facial features; accent, language, taste,etc. than any other. If you say that is not true you a kidding only yourself. It is natural. So don't think you or any one is wrong for that. Treat your neighbor how you would have him treat you and stop letting others tell you how to think.


As far as I am concerned, the word "racist" is used rather loosely now days. Y'awll. :P

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There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.

Whatever you want to call it. Just plain old discrimination then. They're discriminating against members of one color of skin (not "race", just for you, hehe) basically. Decisions based upon distinguished objects (i.e., skin color) are discriminating.


And, Push The Throttle has the right idea -- I don't care what color your skin is, what language you speak, etc. Makes you no less (or more) of a person. If you're a jackass, then you're just a jackass.. it doesn't mean others with similar physical characteristics (there.. stayed away from saying "race" again) are jackasses too.

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I dont understand why "blacks" still get mad becuase some people may be racist yet they are the only ones that have a cable channel specifically for their race. BET (black entertainment television). If you notice it is ok for a black to call another black a niga but its not if you are a white person. I think that if anyone is racist it is black people. Personally I dont mind colored people. I have never had a problem with them. However I dont like mexicans. If not liking mexicans is racism then yes I am racist. The sad thing is that some of my best friends were mexicans.

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