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Callin all North Texas riders!

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Murray sucks since they put up the fences and banned the night action!

I was up there a couple weekends ago and was talkin to the chick there. She was saying you can ride all night if you wish and that they are getting ready to add another 1,000 or so acres to the west. They already own it, but are getting ready to open it up to the atvers.



So you dont' say, who was this chick?


We started going up there about 3 years ago. Seems like last year they put up a fence that took alot of the trails that headed to the store away.... The sign also said no night time. That really hurt us at the heart, Cuz the 1st time we went we arrived at like 2 am (seems to be common when we go somewhere new ) and got lost. Back then I think it was 300 or so acres, but the guy who ran the store had said something about riding around the lake, he never did show us he trail.


We also use to go camp down by the lake, and I dont think that's even aloud anymore.


Anyhow if you say so then I believe you.



1000 acres would be sweet...



txblueshee what you got at your house?

Edited by 98bonerSTOCKshee
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Im not from there but,

I just raced a STQRA (South Texas Quad Racing Association) race in Highlands.


Probably the nicest track I've ever been on.

I had soooo much fun.

It was the most quads at one race I've even seen (never been to nationals)


They had something like a 90ft step up- 5th gear wide open for me


In practice 2 people left in an ambulance.

I was thinking "Dam These guys are nuts! I gotta race them tomorrow??!"


Race day went smooth, though, and I got 3rd in "novice class".

It was great!

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Probably going to Rocky Ridge Saturday 2nd anybody want to meet up..let me know..


Don't know what time yet....




Is that this weekend? I've got the little boy all to myself, maybe see if grandma and grandpa wanna babysit for a little while.

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Probably going to Rocky Ridge Saturday 2nd anybody want to meet up..let me know..


Don't know what time yet....




Is that this weekend? I've got the little boy all to myself, maybe see if grandma and grandpa wanna babysit for a little while.

how olds the boy?


maybe I could bring the kiddio's... :headbang:



and Yeah that's hum saturday........


bangheadbanghead If I don't woork I'm game.

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Well my moms birthday is Saturday, I called my brother to see what he and his wife had planned. Riding of course. we got to thinking I am gonna see if my mom would like to go hangout (bbq and stuff) for the day there, more than likely she ain't gonna ride. It'll be the 1st time for her to see the grandkids in action... There's enough shade down by the lake area I think she would enjoy. So look for us around the lake if everything goes as I am foreseeing in my head. I am the only Banshee. My boy's yellow TriZinger should be easy to spot.


day with grandkids and family priceless...



Me killing two birds with 1 stone even better....(more than 1 stone with the 'shee) :D

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Cool, If the weather holds up I'll be there...


Blk/blue/red shee w/big boy ridin'it... I be there w/buddy on a cr500/14 yr old brother in law on a polaris 400 scrambler shouldn't hard to miss either..






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I thought id give rocky ridge a try again since I hadnt been in years. Its nice to know some things never change. The only thing that had changed was the place was even more run down than I remember it. For $10 a head there are far better places to go.


Murray is coming along nicely we were up there this past sunday and they have definitely been busy making improvements. They have the paths bulldozed for new camp sites, looks like the electrical and water are nearly in place. Just waiting for concrete slabs for the rv's. They have added many more concrete pad primitive sites also. There were probably at least another 6-10 that werent there last time I was there. That is cool that they will be adding more land, since they fenced off a pretty good chunk. They did fence off a real nice section that connected a lot of trails, but most of what they fenced was not being ridden on. No trails that we could see for the most part when it was open way on the east side of the property, over the east side of the gravel road. It was fun for trail blazing though and making new ones. You can still ride the sand road down to the store you just have to crawl through the fence and walk across the road. You can ride at night we asked about that. She said that if you were a paying camper there you could ride at night. That's what the gate lady said anyway.

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