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Haha, banshee suck in the dunes


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Yeah I agree with chris642's comments and ranking. The banshee is by far the most exciting bike to ride in the sand and way more comfortable than anything else I've rode. The only other bike I could possibly accept as #1 in the sand is the YZF450 because its a bad ass in the gettin air and wheely category.


The only explanation that I can figure is a conspiracy where the EPA payed the magasine a shit load of money to make the Banshee look like the duck faced quad of choise for homo's everywhere. If they make it look gay enough and say its slower and sucks in every way then maybe people will start wanting the 4strokes more. If they can make it unpopular enough they may finally be able to get rid of the 2 stroke that just wont die that they hate so much.


Or the most likely explanation is which company paid the most money to the magazine to get their machine higher up on the list. I say the Kawasuky Prarie.. er.. uh.. I mean V-force paid the most money to even be entered on the list. Put some work racks on that pig for hauling an ice chest full of beer cause thats all that cow of a fugly quad would be good for in the sand.


Seriously! Do those new plastics come with a dildoe? :yank: If I absolutely had to buy a new duck style banshee I would order a new set of the regular banshee plastics and make the dealer put them on before I would be willing to be pick it up or be seen with it in the back of my rig.

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I was just reading the preditor review, you wouldnt believe what they said!! here it is



OK, they say that the machine felt cheap and that the engine made "scarry noises" yup, that a well built machine. They talk about the front end being heavy and pretty much the whole machine is beefy. But still it is better than a banshee. They claim to chose a "Dune King" but they take into considoration the difficulty to drive?! thats just plain stupid! The V force doesnt slide well, is heavy, and is automatic, to me that equals up to be a total begginer quad for a big guy, not a "dune king". The maggazines today are pussies, not that im deffending the 450r, but they complained about not having eletric start, to me thats just extra, unneccisary weight. They also said that since "its hard to start it will ruin your day", ya maybe its hard to start if you weigh like 120 pounds, or if your a total fatass. To me it seems that the Banshee got the best review, but yet was thrown in last place ;) What pisses me off the most is that ever friggin issue has a pipe shootout!! oh no, my pipe makes 1 HP less than yours!! Big deal, learn to ride and youll still beat him. They should review things like companies that do porting, thats some usefull info there. In this issue they give use banshee owners "special attention" its so stupid, they put an wanna be T5 pipe on there(Ct racing midrange pipes/sinlencers)and a modded head. throw like 9 pictures within 3 pages and call it a Set up article( CT racing's cure for the Banshee blues) what, may i ask is the banshee blues? Oh my God, putting a pipe on a Banshee, did it take you since 1987 to think of that? thanks for wasting space where you could be telling me what carbs are good for a ported banshee or who does great port work. Here we go, ill do my own Banshee set up article right here.

T5 kit-600


new carbs-200

BAM! you have a kick ass Banshee right there for a little over 1000 bucks, buy a used banshee for 4000, do these things, you have about 5000 in all. now sit back and laugh at all the raptors, yfz's, trx's, DS's,andV forces youve just raped. :dance:

Edited by chris642
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So, i was waiting since July to see the issue od ATV rider magazine in which the "Sanbox shootout" was going to be in. OK, here are the results. Just save them to your computer and zoom in to read the text.


yes, thats right, the Banshee came in 7th out of 7. Gotta love the new plastics they felt the need to put on :yank: .Then came the predator,Then the DS650 X, Then this...scan0005.jpg


, i thought a dune machine was supposed to be light and nimble, not a bus.. Third came the Yfz, i have no complaint with that. Then, this is what made me laugh.




then they say this:


It gets me so mad that all the people testing said the banshee was uncomfortable and hard to ride. I never even knew people put comfort into perspective when buying a sport quad. When your hauling ass it all feels the same! This is how it should have went:

1) banshee

2) yfz

3) raptor

4) 450r

5) predator

6) ds650

7) v force

I know how a raptor feels going up dunes and it just sucks compared to my Banshee, sure its more work but who cares, thats what makes it fun. raptors are so god damn boring, my cousin who owns a raptor wants to sell his now just to beat me(not going to happen). Now when people read this review they are going to believe that they could kill a banshee with their 4-pokes, and whats worse is that its going to scare people away from it because "its so hard to ride" well, sorry for the long post, im gonna go make me a sandwhich.


i bought my banshee for the comfort...i went in to the dealership to buy a different bike and walked out with the banshee

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Please tell me that shootout came from a gay mens magazine!

:lol: it was definetely from a magazine where no one knew how to ride. where was the yfz450 in that test??? and as for the predator. i had one, they are well built, just too fuckin heavy. they do have a few minor issues to work out with them but over all they arent that bad.

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is it me, or does that banshee look... well... different??

They killed it with maiers craptor plastic thats made to fit on 'shees.



so yamaha didnt change the plastic? its aftermarket?

thats why it didnt win...it knew it looked like shit and totally layed down on the rider. if i put craptor plastic on either of my banshees theyd kick my ass. like ive said before.....



craptor plastic=gay

anyone who makes banshee look like craptor=flaming ass peter licking homo

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