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Any Pyros?

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Were building a new shop and last nite my landlord decides to burn down the old one :o . So I cleaned it out and parked all of our bikes on the pad for the new shop a good 40ft away. Well as you can see it wasnt far enough. :shootself: I seen the seats smokin and ran over to them and touch a seat and it stuck to my hand banghead . We wetted them down and everything else then I noticed the fire was in the yard and I went to get one of 2 five gallon buckets we had but as you can tell that didnt work out either. Then one pic shows how close it came to another building. The greatest part is how close the Fu**ing gas meter was to the whole thing. Oh well he is the boss?????









Edited by bansheestang
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Building fires can get VERY hot. I found this out once when I was driving around town and saw a giant black plume in the air. I drove over (along with 200 other people) and it was an apartment complex being built, that has some how caught fire. I was at least 200 to 250 feet away and I had to roll up my window because it was starting to get really hot on my skin but I could feel the heat on the window still. About that time some do gooder made me turn around and go the other way, but if I would have continued driving I'm thinking the paint on my truck would have blistered.


Awesome pictures by the way. Out here the only way a building gets torched legally is when the city condemns it and the fire department uses it for training. My pops said back in the old days you could burn your house down without telling anyone if you wanted. It beats trying to knock it down.

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Building fires can get VERY hot. I found this out once when I was driving around town and saw a giant black plume in the air. I drove over (along with 200 other people) and it was an apartment complex being built, that has some how caught fire. I was at least 200 to 250 feet away and I had to roll up my window because it was starting to get really hot on my skin but I could feel the heat on the window still. About that time some do gooder made me turn around and go the other way, but if I would have continued driving I'm thinking the paint on my truck would have blistered.


Awesome pictures by the way. Out here the only way a building gets torched legally is when the city condemns it and the fire department uses it for training. My pops said back in the old days you could burn your house down without telling anyone if you wanted. It beats trying to knock it down.

Used to be able to donate your houses here in MI and use it as a tax deduction, even, if they can torch and practice on it. Talk about a noble cause :D and a noble end...

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Yea the tail lights are melted on both shees along with the alba seat on one of them(stuck to me when i touched it). The black plastic on the rancher was toast I guess the shee plastic is just harder or something( :rotflmao: hondas). It also melted the crossbar pad off the 02 shee. The bad thing about it was we didnt want to burn it down like that anyway and had no idea it would get that hot. Those bikes were a good 40ft away from the building. The pic where the burnt grond is right next to that building is a brand new building that my land lord just put up :bolt: .

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My retired fireman uncle was burning trash and burnt our barn and half of a shed down :shootself: Our house was a good 60ft away and it melted all the shingles together on the barn "side" . I always considered him quite the dumbass for that until I almost finished the shed off with a brush fire !! yeah, I guess some

"dumbass" must have rubbed off on me ! <_<

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great pics. luckily no major damage. my son burned up his first it was a 230 3 wheeler, he just got done fiiling with fuel then couple minutes later got on the bike with a lit cigarette and whooomfff. buy the time we got hose and water it was trashed, three melted tires, melted seat melted wires totally junk. oh well it was only 300 buks. Ed

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that...is pretty cool. except the damage to the bikes.

when i was in high school, there was this great garage band that was always rockin out in my town. the garage they practiced in was one of the band member's parent's garage, they totally took it over and had it all pimped out, kept all their equiptment in there all the time. one night after a jam session the place went up in flames, fortunately they lived about 20ft from the fire station...unfortunatly its a small town with a volunteer F.D., none of whom were easily reachable lol and all they could do was watch as the whole thing, with all their equiptment, went up in smoke. by the time the F.D. showed up it was flattened. banghead

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