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timing advance


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okay, i have a dyna fs on my bike. i hear all you guys talking about changing the timing with a deg. key or a timing plate. my question is, can you run them together or is it worth it. i thought the dyna was able to change the timing with the switches and the software. i like the idea of the timing plate and key and would like to install one or the other, but i am affraid of how it will work with the dyna curves. any help greatly appreciated. oh, and of the three which does every one think is the best, key, plate or dyna.

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youre not supposed to run a ket or plate with a dyna i believe. if you wanted to switch back to stock piss on the key and get the plate. yes they cost more but they are way earier to deal with especially if you like to vary your amounts of advance and the PD plates even come with retard.

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I run the dyna and have an adjustable plate. You're not supposed to change the timing and run the Dyna so my plate is set on stock or 0 degrees. Since you have the dyna I wouldn't change anything. If you need to convince yourself that your timing is adjusting then set the switches to the stock setting ride for awhile and switch back, on mine it's night and day.

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I'm not sure I know when you got it you should have gotten charts that showed you. THe thing about the dyna is it doesn't just set a specific advance it changes with the rpm to give you max HP, torque or all around. I also prefer 1 and 3 but I can't remember which is speed and which is torque, but I believe that's what those two curves are. The other two being stock (no advance) and all around.

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i know that 1 on the dyna, is the torque curve, it jumps up fast and plains out for a longer time

and 3 is hp, i keeps climbing and climbing. i use 1 for dragging and 3 for running around the dunes and jumpin. still would like to know what is goin on inside there. i got the software but have not been able to get it to run yet. i only tried on my work laptop, which is bad ass with the xp and all that but the dynatek

software wont run on it. i am going to try it out at home. just havent yet. maybe there is more info in there, i'll let you know if i can ever figure it out

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Hmmm, notice a lot of difference between the Dyna and a plate?  I've had a hard time convincing myself that the $$$ is worth it for the Dyna when I can just set mine to +5 or so, but it sounds like it's a pretty noticeable difference.

Sredish, make sure you don

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so, is there any one out there who has used the software to creat timing curves, and if so how were the results


Results?!? :D How about the endless adjustability to allow EVERY different engine/porting/riding combination to be used at its full potential EVERYWHERE in the RPM range...something the "key and plate" could only dream of. I program my own curves as well as the curves for alot of my competitors/friends.


Lets say your running a very high compression ratio...17.5:1 and it comes out of the hole and midrange VERY nicely...but...you want to spray 40hp worth of N20 at it. Conventional wisdom would tell you that you need to lower the compression ratio in order to use the nitrous without grenading your motor. Well, with the Dyna you could keep a moderate amouont of timing in the low-mid RPM`s and then pull the timing away in the upper spectrum. Just one of many different examples of how the Dyna is superior to ANY other ignition system on the market. In one word...FLEXIBILITY....throughout the RPM range in a NON-LINEAR fashion.


Remember folks....timing....is EVERYTHING. ;)


p.s oh, and you can run the "key or plate" in conjunction with the Dyna (although not sure why you would want to) all you have to do is subtract the amount of timing from your curves programmed into the Dyna by the same amount you advance it elsewhere. All the preprogrammed curves in the Dyna end in the upper RPM`s (around 10K) the same...about 3 degrees advanced. If you say DID NOT own the programming software and needed more timing, you could adjust the plate incrementally to gain what you needed. Say you drag race on Alky and need like +7 degrees of timing. Well since the Dyna is near 3* advanced you could put the plate at +4 to achieve the results. Although please proceed with caution any time you advance the timing on your bike....you ARE creating HEAT within the combustion chamber. This can be beneficial if you need it and destructive if you don`t. It is up to you and your specific set-up to determine JUST how much timing you need.

Edited by Forcefed
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The advantage that I can see the dyna should have over the stock plate is that it's constantly changing the timing to create exactly what you want, especially if you create your own curves which I don't, and the plates can't be adjusted as easily as flipping a couple switches.

Yeah, that's what I was wondering. How big of an advantage the Dyna was over a timing plate. I know this was asked but does anyone know how advanced the timing is say at 8,000 rpm with the Dyna compared to stock ignition?

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thanks you for the input, it sounds like you can get alot out of the dyna if you can work the sofware. i will have to try and figure it out. all my buddys have dynas, i got one on each of my bikes. you make it sound so sweet. thanks again. although i don't know if i should tell my buddys when i figure it out. they may want to use it against me. lol

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The main benefit of the Dyna over the adjustable plate or degree key is this.


With a key or plate, you timing is advanced to a set limit......say +4.....all the time. From idle to "redline"

Where, with the Dyna it is preprogrammed to be 0 advance at idle, and it progressively increases throughout the rpm range, reaching....say +4....at redline.


I was told that when putting on pipes, you are allowing to the engine to rev faster at higher rpms......which "overcomes" the stock ignition system.....That is why you advance the timing. The key's and plates will work fine.......but the dyna is THE SHIT, cause it keeps your stock timing at lower rpms, while still advancing timing in the upper rpm range where it is needed!! While it can be programmed, the benefits it gives in its "stock" form are still way larger than anything else. And then, if you know what you are doing, you can create your own timing curves, and basically have no end to the adjustability of your ignition system.


Good Luck,



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does anyone know how advanced the timing is say at 8,000 rpm with the Dyna compared to stock ignition?



The preprogrammed curves that come in the Dyna, IF you buy it without some "Hotrod Shop" using their own curves is like this:


Between 7K and 10K there is LESS than 1.25 degress seperating all off the curves. So, top-end on your bikes is nearly the same no-matter what curve the selector box is on. Now, between 3.6K and 6.5K is where all the change in the curves happens...primarily altering the midrange. For the question above--> @ 8K the Dyna curves go from 1.8 degrees advanced at the minimun to 2.4 advanced at the maximum....or roughly 2 degrees across the board.


the dyna is THE SHIT, cause it keeps your stock timing at lower rpms, while still advancing timing in the upper rpm range where it is needed!!


WEEEEELLLL......it is the sh*t , yes! But the relationship between timing advance and high RPM`s is not always so cut and dry. Our motors "prefer" to have the timing (heat) pulled AWY from it at the Upper RPM`s. This is when the engine starts to become efficient due to the port timing harmonizing with the exhaust...once you are "on the pipe" the need to start the flame front so soon (timing advance) is no longer needed. Be careful advancing timing soley in the higher R`s, there are gremlins there. :D

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