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So called Assult Weapon ban over!

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I figured I'd get a few of you fired up. ;)

Don't worry I have a cabinet of "thundersticks" in my basement under lock and key. I don't need to carry one because I don't need a felony charge for shooting some bastard for the wrong/right reason.You pull the trigger on someone you better brace yourself for court.Lawsuits related to firearms are too common these days.I don't need the hassle.

"from my cold dead hands"

"This here is my BOOMSTICK!"


About the court deal... that was the one thing they really hit on in my CCW (carry concealed weapon) class. They basically said that if you shoot somebody, be prepared to go to court. It sounds silly but... if you shoot somebody and want *less* hassle, make sure they're dead. All of us looked at each other like... huh? They had their range lawyer stop in to answer the questions the range/teacher legally couldn't. She has a REALLY good reputation amongst the gun crowd (probably helps that she's an NRA certified instructor, also) and she concurred on the "shoot 'em dead" thought.


PUSH THE THROTTLE is right, also.. better jail than the morgue.

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Its better to have it and not need it that to need it and not have it!!!  and its easier to get out of jail than the mourge!!

Just to clear things up rebelbanshee2 said the above not me. But I completely agree


My quote:

go down fighting you might as well die defending yourself as opposed to just die.


Same principle.

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Night Rider :

I would choose "C" give up the wallet , then shoot him as he's running away.

sure "A" would be easier , but now that scumbag has your address .So now you

put your son / daughter at risk... would it be worth it? I think so especially if I'm the next guy he runs into and I dont carry. :huh:

If you're robbing people , you are ready for a dirt nap anyway ... I say take him out.


If the situation is bad enough to need a gun and images of "impending lawsuits " cross your mind , youre probably already dead . :shootself:

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Night Rider :

I would choose "C" give up the wallet , then shoot him as he's running away.

sure "A" would be easier , but now that scumbag has your address .So now you

put your son / daughter at risk... would it be worth it? I think so especially if I'm the next guy he runs into and I dont carry. :huh:

If you're robbing people , you are ready for a dirt nap anyway ... I say take him out.


If the situation is bad enough to need a gun and images of "impending lawsuits " cross your mind , youre probably already dead . :shootself:

See there's a pretty big problem with that. You pop *anybody* in the back and unless it is in a couple rare situations, you are going to prison. Per Michigan's CCW law, the only (2) times it is acceptable to shoot someone in the back is 1) If they are in your house and going after another family member, or 2) if they are going to burn down your house (but not outbuildings or unattached garages). The means, you had better shoot them and have them fall in your front lawn, head end towards the house, with a can of gas in one hand, zippo in the other, and a written confession in their pocket that they were going to dedicate their life to burning down your house.


Same goes with head shots. Even in self defense, you might be heading to prison. But if you shoot someone in the face, its not a head shot in MI :) thats in the triangle (head / neck / shoulders) area and considered a legal shot, even in self defense.

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the problem isnt the repeting firearms..its the repeting criminal....i oun 2 guns that were banned and im a good citizen i dont want to kill people with them i just want to kill targets like cans bottles paper targets...but im in california and i cant even take the "assult weapons" out of my house or i can get arrested?? what happened to the right to bear arms??????????

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