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So called Assult Weapon ban over!

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The rediculous assult weapons ban ran out today!!!! Chalk one up for the good guys!! Im REAL envious of you guys that dont have state bans still screwing you as like I have in the police state of Ney York. Im going to have to go out of state to get a cheap formerly known as pre ban :angry: oh well at least it will drasticly cheaper!!! :headbang:



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A-2 Carbine, and its on sale for $748 at this place about 2 miles from my house. I would love to get this for Christmas. Maybe the company can buy it as "security" or something.


And now I can also get a clip that holds more than 7 rounds. What fun is it to go shooting (targets is all I shoot. No hippies or critters. I like to shoot steel plate) and have to reload every 20 seconds?

AND what the hell were they thinking about the folding butt stocks and the bayonette clips? I could duct tape a damn bread knife to the end of a rifle that I've modified the butt stock in my shop with the saw.

Law abiding citizens don't commit crime. I just want to enjoy my time at the range when I get the off chance to go.

Edited by Cotton eyed Joe
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Law abiding citizens don't commit crime.

No FU^@ING shit man. My favorite phrase is "keeping assault rifle out of the hands of kids". How many god damned guns commited in street crimes are from guns legally purchased by the person comitting the crime?? I'd also like to see an accurate statistic of out of ALL the crimes with weapons, how many are legally purchased assault rifles.



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So many people are freeking out about this.... Tree hugging hippies!

Here in good ole Ct they have the state ban on them still. What ever happened to the Constitution where WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS?!?!?! Almost every news channel they are talking about how this is going to create so many problems... and how dangerous its going to be for everyone. Hello? Anyone home? Are they serious? WTF do they think is going to happen?


Live free.... Kill a tree hugger

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Mixed emotions here... I'm a gun nut and all, but just worried that more innocent people are going to get caught in the crossfire because some A-hole decides to buy an assault rifle to commit their crime instead of something a lil less.. but, who knows. I'll be buyin one next ;) hehehe

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Mixed emotions here... I'm a gun nut and all, but just worried that more innocent people are going to get caught in the crossfire because some A-hole decides to buy an assault rifle to commit their crime instead of something a lil less.. but, who knows. I'll be buyin one next ;) hehehe

the thing about that is "assult rifles" could still be bought during the "ban" so that same knuckle head could have bought one. Also they are still so expensive that a knuckle head wont be able to afford one...its alot cheaper to get a illegal gun at the corner. and how is someone less dead from something that isnt an "assult" rifle?


The more i browse AR15.com the more im jealous off you people that dont have the ban anymore :angry: Hopefully the price of the 10+ year old formerly pre-bans in most states is so low it will chear me up B)

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The flip side of good people with guns is--------------Home robberies-if your house is robbed-so go your guns-there is a lady that lives near me with 10 hand guns-she wants to be able to get to a gun no matter where she is in her house for protection-all legal guns-but she is never home! I have known her for 20 yrs. Good intentions-but if she got robbed,they would find aleast 3 or 4-alot of the guns on the streets come from home invasions of good people with good intentions.I think hand guns pose more of a problem!!!!

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The flip side of good people with guns is--------------Home robberies-if your house is robbed-so go your guns-there is a lady that lives near me with 10 hand guns-she wants to be able to get to a gun no matter where she is in her house for protection-all legal guns-but she is never home! I have known her for 20 yrs. Good intentions-but if she got robbed,they would find aleast 3 or 4-alot of the guns on the streets come from home invasions of good people with good intentions.I think hand guns pose more of a problem!!!!

its all about gun safety, if you own guns for your own protection, sport, hobby, they need to be properly locked up, preferably in a not-so-obvious place, where intruders arent gonna find them. and i agree with you bigwill, i think handguns are more of a problem. hey, if im gonna commit a crime with a gun id much rather have a handgun that i can shove down my pants, and not have anyone know its there til i mean business.

besides, not like criminals go buy their guns legally at the local gun shop. banning them and thinking that will eliminate their usage is like banning drugs and thinking it will keep druggies from drugging.

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Mixed emotions here... I'm a gun nut and all, but just worried that more innocent people are going to get caught in the crossfire because some A-hole decides to buy an assault rifle to commit their crime instead of something a lil less.. but, who knows. I'll be buyin one next ;) hehehe

the thing about that is "assult rifles" could still be bought during the "ban" so that same knuckle head could have bought one. Also they are still so expensive that a knuckle head wont be able to afford one...its alot cheaper to get a illegal gun at the corner. and how is someone less dead from something that isnt an "assult" rifle?


The more i browse AR15.com the more im jealous off you people that dont have the ban anymore :angry: Hopefully the price of the 10+ year old formerly pre-bans in most states is so low it will chear me up B)

I have no objection to someone being shot 8X as many times if they're going to die anyway. My objection is the idiots who are going to just spray the bullets everywhere.


People who say the "well the criminals are going to get their hands on them anyway.." thing are only partially right. The criminals who might not be so motivated don't really need it made easier for them, though. Just my $.02.


Again, I'm a gun owner (4 and counting..) and gun nut, but still have mixed feelings about the ban being lifted.

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