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So called Assult Weapon ban over!

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Does anyone know if the ban was lifted in California?


California is good and bad news. The bad news is all Semi autos with detachible mags and pistol grips are banned after 2000


the good news is an "assult weapon" that was made before 2000 and registerd (shutters) before 2001 is leagal and since the federal ban is lifted you can put all the "evil" features on them

Edited by rebelbanshee2
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Most dudes that carry guns are pussbags that dont know how to fight and talk big when challenged.When you pull a rotties teeth he aint nothing more than a heel hound. Can't stand people like that.Be a man without the gun.

You can't be serious BansheeBrian. It's not the gun that makes a man, It takes a man to use his weapon when the need arises. You wouldn't have lasted long back during the Revolution hollering put that weapon down pussbag and be a man. :lol:


I do know what you mean about some of these heroes of today. The modern day Rambos. Most have never had any training or any real experience using a firearm in self defense situations. It can get ugly in a hurry. What scares me is the ones that are trained to shoot at fellow Americans. This is the real world and it is inevitable that a high percentage of us will encounter a situation where we will need to defend family or self. Be prepared or get wasted.

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Hey Rebel ,

(be prepared or get wasted) I guess California is s.o.l. then ?

Dont worry Cali. we'll save you , were gonna snap you off and float you out to where youll be safe ! J/K We all know Ahnold and Stallone would drop the hammer!

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Most dudes that carry guns are pussbags that dont know how to fight and talk big when challenged.When you pull a rotties teeth he aint nothing more than a heel hound. Can't stand people like that.Be a man without the gun.

You can't be serious BansheeBrian. It's not the gun that makes a man, It takes a man to use his weapon when the need arises. You wouldn't have lasted long back during the Revolution hollering put that weapon down pussbag and be a man. :lol:


I do know what you mean about some of these heroes of today. The modern day Rambos. Most have never had any training or any real experience using a firearm in self defense situations. It can get ugly in a hurry. What scares me is the ones that are trained to shoot at fellow Americans. This is the real world and it is inevitable that a high percentage of us will encounter a situation where we will need to defend family or self. Be prepared or get wasted.

I could not agree more! Who cares about being big and tough and all that crap, when push comes to shove? If someone is going to potentially seriously harm myself or loved ones, they can suck on a .45 hollowpoint. You don't strut around and be "all tough" with a firearm. If you do it right, people won't even know you have one on you. My gf doesn't even know 99% of the time.


In a nutshell, I'm a sissy. If someone wants to get dangerous, I'm not going to be a big tough person and try and beat them and their weapons down. I'm going to take the easiest, "most sissy", and effective route and shoot them.

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I find it amusing at all the tough talk on shooting people.All of that hardass talk is just that"talk".It takes alot more than that to pull the trigger.When the time comes its will be a hard decision to make.


I never carried a gun and if I still could I probably wouldn't even with the new CCW law in Ohio.Although I do advise everyone to take advantage of it even if your not a gun enthusiest.It puts some "power" back in the hands of the people,instead of the GOV. always taking some away.


God gave me two good fists a strong build and a hard head.If some dude needs a gun to fend me off than obviously he ain't even a man.My wallet,car etc is not worth more than my life and I'll be dammed if I'm doing time for some idiot who thought his gun was bigger than mine.


I'm glad the ban has expired,simply because the majority of police and goverment officials are cryin the blues.I like te fact that we still have some control over our goverment.


The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government ...Thomas Jefferson

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I don't think it will really be hard decision at the time - IF you mentally prepare yourself for well before.


See, the big difference is, I'm willing to fight fairly AND unfairly at any cost to defend myself or loved ones. I should not have to be a skilled fighter or strong or fast to defend myself from people willing to put my health in serious jeopardy. There's no "tough guy" act. I'm the first to admit that I am not a "tough guy" -- but, due to the fact that you just can not predict when some jerkoff is going to do something totally off the wall... to hell with being big and tough and taking them on hand-to-hand. The real world does not play by the rules -- so I won't, either.

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Wow you guys have a totally different perspective on guns...we have guns in nova scotia but most are hunting rifles I like in hicktown and there's some people that go hunting, but I could never imagine getting a gun myself. I just have no need. Hell I don't even lock my door at night, I always leave the keys in my vehicles sitting around the yard we just don't worry about that crap here.


If someone's gonna shoot me so be it. I'm not going to be living scared my whole life, hoarding assualt rifles under my matress in case someone tries to rob me. That's just silly. banghead

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Yep, everyone just has a different view. I usually only carry mine when I know I'll be in an iffy neighborhood where the chances of something happening are higher.. which, unfortunately, seems to be that I'm there regularly but what can ya do. It is different being scared into doing something than understanding the potentials and being prepared. A thin line, yes, but one nonetheless. No assault rifles under the pillow ;) I understand the other views just fine.. and just wish others understood my view on it as well, and that it isn't coming out of a "tough guy" attitude..

Edited by nater006
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Yep, everyone just has a different view. I usually only carry mine when I know I'll be in an iffy neighborhood where the chances of something happening are higher.. which, unfortunately, seems to be that I'm there regularly but what can ya do. It is different being scared into doing something than understanding the potentials and being prepared. A thin line, yes, but one nonetheless. No assault rifles under the pillow ;) I understand the other views just fine.. and just wish others understood my view on it as well, and that it isn't coming out of a "tough guy" attitude..

My dad takes his when he's out on the road on the way to his cabin. He was in a situation once where he thought that he might actually need it as well. A deserted highway being harassed by hillbillies in an old beat up Ford pickup with 4 mismatched tires and a base ball bat in the gun rack, is not where you want to be when its just you and your wife.


Me personally I guess I'm just lazy as I've never taken the class. A place down the street from me has a class every wednesday night.


I might do it if I can ever afford another gun thats a little easier to conceal than the one I have now.

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everbody should have an assult rifle, they are made to wound primarly, if you kill an enemy you just took out one man, if you wound him, then you just took out 2 probally three, cause someone has to carry his ass back to friendly territory. I would rather br shot by nothing but if I had to choose I would rathe a Ar-15 over a 12Ga or .45 pistol. And to hell with being tuff, take out you enemy as fast as possible and you reduce the rick of injury to yourself. I prefer my injuries to be self inflicted.

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Wow I'm amazed at what I just read. With the exception of 2stroker, you guys don't have a clue. My dad was an cop and worked undercover in East LA for about 10 years back in the day. Of those ten, he watched friends of his get mowed down by assault weapons on a regular basis. Lifting the ban, even out of state, makes it a whole hell of alot easier to get a gun. The majority of criminals aren't very smart. You see something you want so you take the shortest route to it. So you send out a group of 'kids' out of state, they break into the gun shops and steal the guns for ya. Apparently nobody remembers the all out gang wars that LA used to have, nobody remembers the drive by's with 8 dead civilians, 4 of them kids. That's great that you enjoy going out and shooting targets and using your weapon responcibly, but just realize that the price of that "freedom" is that a whole bunch of gang bangers are gonna have the same weapons, and they won't be pointing em down range at steel targets.

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