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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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I already told you what I expect from you but you didn't understand. One more time... I expect you to vote and stand behind all of the mistakes your vote represents. That's all I expect from anyone who votes.

I also expect you acknowledge that there are tens of thousands of murders and sexual assaults in this country and there is no major governmental effort to stop that.

I expect you to acknowledge that there are thousands of homeless, retarded, and diseased people in this country who are completely ignored by the political element of this country.

I expect you to acknowledge that in spite of your belief that voting is one of the greatest things an American can do, thousands are prevented from voting each year and voter fraud is STILL a major problem in this country.

I expect you to acknowledge that the educational system in this country is bad and getting worse and that such a thing is unacceptable in the richest country in the world run by the most powerful man in the world.

I expect you to acknowledge that women in this country STILL make less than equally competant men.

I expect you to acknowledge that this countries borders STILL allow undocumented aliens to cross and that this countries borders are STILL not secure.

I expect you to acknowledge that the security system of this country FAILED to prevent the deaths of thousands of innocent people on September 11th.


But until then you can keep on hoping that your vote means something and maybe you will meet the president and tell him how you helped keep this country safe by telling off some long winded jerk on line. And that he didn't know what a fine man the president really is. You can tell him how you agree that it's OK to be the most powerful man in the world, who is ruling the richest country in the world with the most advanced military ever conceived and 2 national emblems were struck by terrorists. You can brag about his great efforts here at home too and tell him great it is that there is still illiteracy, hunger and disenfranchisement in this country, his HOME COUNTRY. And I'm sure he'll believe you.


And KGL explain to me again how a persons opinion is uglier than war. You cannot be serious.

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heres a few silly things i addressed..


I attacked and took over two countries.


I set an economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12-month period.

9-11 attacks hello? have we already forgotten?

I set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.

recession officially started with clinton, then we were attacked..still dont remember

I am the first president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.

yeah and were realy going to miss ol tim mcveigh

In my first year in office I set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.

After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, I presided over the worst security failure in US history.

this includes "vacations" to camp david and other working vacations such as to his ranch. he takes a full detail with him and works there.

I set the record for most campaign fundraising trips by any president in US history.


In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their jobs.

see the one about communist clinton and 9-11

I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other president in US history.

good my taxes shouldnt be paying for that

I set the record for the fewest press conferences of any president since the advent of TV.


I presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.

the problem was with the greenies not letting things be done right

I presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.

not sure how bush controlls the price of crude..i do think it would be nice to use the reserves, but im sure theres a better emergency use for them than just more expensive gas

Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (The 'poorest' multimillionaire, Condoleeza Rice, has a Chevron oil tanker named after her.)

good business men know how to run things...is being rich bad?

I am the first president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation, and I did so against the will of the United Nations and the world community.

im sure the free people in iraq are just devastated...the UN and the rest of the unwilling world can hug a weiner

I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Human Rights Commission.

and replaced with china! at this point you dont take the UN seriously

I am the first president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the Elections Monitoring Board.

once again who cares about the UN?

I rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.


I withdrew from the World Court of Law.


I refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.


I am the first president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors access during the 2002 US elections.

good its our country not the UNs enough with the UN already they dont own us!

I am the all-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.

is that bad?

I am the first president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied, saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1).

the uh president is important thats why we have the secret service

I am the first US president to establish a secret shadow government.

what the heck does than mean

I took the world's sympathy for the US after 9-11, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).

we also killed a ton of terrosists and freed 2 countries...

I am the first US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace and stability.

well 71% of europe is socialist so that makes sence

I am the first US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than by their immediate neighbor, North Korea


I entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down, record unemployment being the most recent achievement.

still dont get it eh?

I was AWOL from the National Guard and deserted the military during a time of war.

not proven..in fact more disproven

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Oh , but I CAN be serious... and if having no conviction about anything in life is your

"opinion"... sheesh. :shootself:

Again , lots of talk . no action.

How much attention do you think your "issues at home" will get if we get attacked

every month?

and obviously, the retarded arent being ignored... ;)

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I love you rebelbanshee2 shykiss.gif

and holyman, first of all, you already knew that i voted and stand up for the person i voted for BEFORE you started saying i should do more...so...keep skirting..all good.

and secondly, you keep talking about the crime here in the u.s. but we have a justice system for that. when someone commits a crime here, justice is persued. its not a perfect system, but none are, and its constantly being watched over and re-worked little by little. you talk about disabled people in this country being ignored...no they arent. there are dozens of safety nets in place to make sure that those who cannot care for themselves are cared for. THAT is what welfare is for, THAT is what our social service system is for. as ive said before, you keep trying to hide your ignorance with a veil of self-righteousness, but you arent fooling me....remember...im smarter than you, thats already been established :lol:

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Internet Police here, Anyone no anything about a dead horse??? :confused:


I always pay attention to whats going on at my neighbors. Or else how

do you know what kind of neighborhood you live in. If you got blinders on you may not know that your kids life or your life is endangered even yor banshee etc............

Here is an example and also an answer, Columbine Comment for instance. You ask how are we trying to prevent another one. Well We just recently have. At a school less than 15miles from me

Chippewa Valley High School. CNN storyThis story sucks a little compared to whats been in the papers around here. Any way the point is, it was foiled by a citzen who was paying attention to

What was going on in her neighbors basement an now shes a HERO.


I try to be informed, An by that I think I could make it safer, more so than the

guy that is not informed.




I didnt quit the discussion, it was just goin in circles and I got dizzy.

Lack of fuel for my flame. I also loose half my thoughts while Im typing cause I dont type I peck :jesterlaugh:

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I expect you to acknowledge that in spite of your belief that voting is one of the greatest things an American can do, thousands are prevented from voting each year and voter fraud is STILL a major problem in this country.

Voter fraud, yet one more reason to get more people to vote.


Maybe you should go get If It's Not Close They Can't Cheat here's a link. Might do you some good.





I presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.



not sure how bush controlls the price of crude..i do think it would be nice to use the reserves, but im sure theres a better emergency use for them than just more expensive gas


Anybody remember when ole Blowjob Billy and Greenhouse Gore sold our oil reserve in California?


Here's a link




Here's a quote


Overnight, Occidental
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you keep talking about the crime here in the u.s. but we have a justice system for that. when someone commits a crime here, justice is persued.

Justice is pursued? Is justice in a wheel chair with a blindfold on?


you talk about disabled people in this country being ignored...no they arent. there are dozens of safety nets in place to make sure that those who cannot care for themselves are cared for. THAT is what welfare is for, THAT is what our social service system is for.

Your vast experience in the local VA hospital gives you this perspective right. You know the same cripled people I know who can't get assistance because they aren't crippled enough? And your buddy rebel said that HIS tax dollars shouldn't be paying for the welfare system you say is there to help people...

I cut unemployment benefits for more out-of-work Americans than any other president in US history.



good my taxes shouldnt be paying for that

These are presumably the same people who went bankrupt because of the 911 attacks.


you keep trying to hide your ignorance with a veil of self-righteousness

I hide my ignorance with facts you won't address. I'll repeat them so you don't have to strain yourself looking for the details...

I expect you to vote and stand behind all of the mistakes your vote represents. That's all I expect from anyone who votes.

I also expect you acknowledge that there are tens of thousands of murders and sexual assaults in this country and there is no major governmental effort to stop that.

I expect you to acknowledge that there are thousands of homeless, retarded, and diseased people in this country who are completely ignored by the political element of this country.

I expect you to acknowledge that in spite of your belief that voting is one of the greatest things an American can do, thousands are prevented from voting each year and voter fraud is STILL a major problem in this country.

I expect you to acknowledge that the educational system in this country is bad and getting worse and that such a thing is unacceptable in the richest country in the world run by the most powerful man in the world.

I expect you to acknowledge that women in this country STILL make less than equally competant men.

I expect you to acknowledge that this countries borders STILL allow undocumented aliens to cross and that this countries borders are STILL not secure.

I expect you to acknowledge that the security system of this country FAILED to prevent the deaths of thousands of innocent people on September 11th.



And KGL I'm still challenging you to explain to this retard how it is that an opinion is worse than WAR.

Oh , but I CAN be serious... and if having no conviction about anything in life is your

"opinion"... sheesh. 

Again , lots of talk . no action.

How much attention do you think your "issues at home" will get if we get attacked

every month?

When your buddies went to war, you waved and said go get 'em. Was that your action? And how can you say that I have no conviction? Do you know the meaning of the word conviction? Ask your buddies on the front if an opinion is worse than war. And your friend that was killed was not killed by an opinion or lack of an opinion, he was killed by a person who was trying to kill him. People can't be opinioned to death now can they? And where did you get the attacked every month figure?

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I hide my ignorance with facts you won't address. I'll repeat them so you don't have to strain yourself looking for the details...

I expect you to vote and stand behind all of the mistakes your vote represents. That's all I expect from anyone who votes.

I also expect you acknowledge that there are tens of thousands of murders and sexual assaults in this country and there is no major governmental effort to stop that.

I expect you to acknowledge that there are thousands of homeless, retarded, and diseased people in this country who are completely ignored by the political element of this country.

I expect you to acknowledge that in spite of your belief that voting is one of the greatest things an American can do, thousands are prevented from voting each year and voter fraud is STILL a major problem in this country.

I expect you to acknowledge that the educational system in this country is bad and getting worse and that such a thing is unacceptable in the richest country in the world run by the most powerful man in the world.

I expect you to acknowledge that women in this country STILL make less than equally competant men.

I expect you to acknowledge that this countries borders STILL allow undocumented aliens to cross and that this countries borders are STILL not secure.

I expect you to acknowledge that the security system of this country FAILED to prevent the deaths of thousands of innocent people on September 11th.



i know your list of complaints about this country is probably one of your greatest intellectual achievements, but you need to get over it. i addressed half of them already. as for the rest, this country isnt perfect, but we have systems in place to address these issues that are constantly being tweaked to facilitate improvements. now, if you dont get involved in the voting process you cant have any say in what bills get passed, what programs get funding etc etc, so you need to put up or shut up. all you do is bitch and moan. ive never seen a bigger crybaby in my life. your so passive aggressive, YOU need to get off your ass and do something instead of bitching all the time. cry corruption and deception all you want, but until you start doing something about it, its stupid and childish. i have no respect for that. i prefer MEN. a real man educates himself on issues and then does something about it, like VOTING.

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FOr the record that was my friend Holyman.


There is a justice system to take care of rapists and sexual assualts. Its there, sometimes you can't prove who did it, but thanks to advances in technology its getting harder to get away with it.


Umm the retarded are helped, trust me I knew well over 10 of them close by here that the state helped, oh should I mention the cerebral palsy institute not 2 blocks from my house that is basically a school environment for them to learn and play. Or how about the association for the retarded thats is about 3 miles south of me. I think they are wel taken care of.

Homeless? They had help, they have soup kitchens and places they can sleep. Its of thier own conviction not to use the services provided to them. You can only help someone so much before they need to step up and help themselves. Diseased? Well we got the heart disease foundations, cancer foundations, aids foundations, std foundations, MS foundations, all looking for cures to help these people, all getting funding help from the government.


The education system? Wanna know why its getting worse? Not the governments fault. Lazy fucking parents, I wont spank my kid people and the gangster lifestyle being so highly looked up to. Goto a school in the inner city where all the kids wanna do is be rappers or gangsters becausee they like 50 cent. Then goto a school out in the suburbs where they know they have to do well in school to achieve anything they want and see which grades are higher. Is it any wonder WHY?


Women still make less, yeah well women also get preferential treatment, if they have a kid a good 8 weeks of paid leave, lowered standards to meet to get the job. besides its what almost 85 cents to the dollar now. And all the women I work with make the same amount of money I do, and personally I wouldn't trust a single one on a hose line behind me. No Offense Brooke.


Yeah aliens are still coming in, and they will continue until ignorant governors and people running for office, decide not to stoop so low as to allow them all these rights. Hell now banks are even starting to allow them to get mortgages! All the shit I went through and some f*ck from BFE mexico can get a mortgage.


Yeah it failed, but now we have steps to hopefully prevent another 9/11. A mistake was made, you learn from that mistake and moveon. You can't protect 100% of the people from 100% of the threats 100% of the time.

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i addressed half of them already. as for the rest, this country isnt perfect, but we have systems in place to address these issues that are constantly being tweaked to facilitate improvements.

Talk about salesman double talk.

So you're saying the most I can expect from the most powerful man in the world who leads the richest most developed country in the world is that he has some people working on it. Hey if you buy that, then great.


if you dont get involved in the voting process you cant have any say in what bills get passed, what programs get funding etc etc,

When I was in the corrupt corporate world, we would have meetings and take votes and all sit in a room and come to a consensus. And when we all left the room everything went back to the way it was OR somone made some broad brush change that was not agreed on. Politics is no different. They clammer to get everyone to put down their little useless thought on a ballot with a select few choices conveniently narrowed down to the biggest clowns in the circus. And then once the election is over, a few people tell you who won and then they feed you a bunch of lies and then imply that we all need to stand behind the stooge in the lead because after all we all voted. I don't want youto think that I have never voted. I used to think it was good. I voted to stop airport expansion. It wasn't a lack of votes that kept the airport going, it was a lack of money to fight a battle you can't win. I voted against having a peaker plant built in my area that is within 10 miles of 2 coal burning power plants and 1 nuke plant. There were plenty of votes but no money. And those that had more money than others, blew the money they had because the power companies had a bottomless fund. They even ignored the State Police who were stationed on the road they used for access because the road was not rated for the vehicles they were using. No biggy, the power company just paid the tickets. My parents voted to prevent a landfill from going in down the street... plenty of votes but the landfill went in and records as to what is dumped there are sealed. 25 years later they're making it a park. My uncle voted to prevent a landfill from going in a couple miles from him. Again the votes were there but the landfill went in anyway. The owners said there would be no contamination... but there is.

Tell me again about how voting makes a real difference in the world and I'll tell you from experience that you are wrong.

So what am I doing about it? I'm not sitting there and saying that I voted so I did my part, I'm talking to people who should have the capacity to understand that voting is nothing but a catch 22 to get the masses of this country to share ownership of the problems and pay the bills for the blunders of those in office. And in case you didn't catch it before, I am telling you now that I hold you responsible for every dereliction of duty performed by the bozo you put in office.

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a real man educates himself on issues and then does something about it, like VOTING.

Just wanted to address the above small blurb... I couldn't agree more about getting out and voting. Its easy to look at it like you're 1/294,000,000th of the country and your vote "doesn't count" but, it does.


It reminds me of all these guys in the S10 forum that cut their cats off their trucks and say "but, I'm only a drop in the bucket, so its OK". Bullcrap -- EVERYBODY is a drop in the bucket and it all makes a difference. BTW, no offense to anyone who's gutted or cut their catalytic convertor... just the ones that think they can justify it by "oh it makes no difference because I'm just 1 person."

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I know there are alot of people who have access to some really nice health options. Unfortunately that's not the case for everyone. My mother in law has MS which struck her about 3 months after their house burned down. She collapsed on the floor and began to flop like a fish. I thought she was dying. As it turns out, because my father in law is self employed, he cannot afford the insurance that pay for all those really nice places. The best he can do is slide her in and out of the car and take her out once in a while. Some days she can't even get out of bed. She doesn't qualify for assistance because she was a stay at home mom for years and isn't quite cripled enough. What about her?


Goto a school in the inner city where all the kids wanna do is be rappers or gangsters becausee they like 50 cent. Then goto a school out in the suburbs where they know they have to do well in school to achieve anything they want and see which grades are higher.

If fitty cent is the problem why don't you whisper in lil geo's ear to put a hit out on him. After all the constant decline in school grades over the last 20 years are due to fitty cent. Maybe we can come up with some 911 grade "intel" and imply fitty cent and we can send in a whole battalion of soldiers. Chances are he's got some weapons or something. Heck Big bush should have rubbed out fitty cent when he was about 4 as a pre-emptive strike.

Truth of the matter is that alot of the suburban schools have simlar crime stats as city schools because the parents move from the city to escape the crime and bring the little criminals with them. And if it's the parents fault, what is Bush doing to get them straightened out. Maybe he should have a 1 to 1 with some of these parents and use his own drug addicted, drunken, slut, daughters as an example for the country. Yeah that should work.


And as far as mortgages go... I'm a mortgage broker and the only thing that can screw your chances of getting a mortgage is too low of an income for the house you want and/or a bad credit rating.

I know you're not in Illinois but I could at least give you some ideas on how to improve your chances of getting a good rate for the home you want. Feel free to email me... dave-mortgage@peoplepc.com

And as far as getting over it goes, I think I have gotten over it... lil bush blew it so I won't vote for him and I don't expect Kerry to do any better.

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