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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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I haven't read every single post on here... and I know SOMEONE's going to talk shit about my opinion/view on this matter, but whoever that may be can kiss my United States Air Force ass!!!


About the President... I know he makes mistakes, and doesn't always do everything perfect... but all these people have no right to criticize Bush for it. No one, no matter what they think, is perfect. "Ye who have not sinned, may cast the first stone."


Most of the things that go on in the world are never known to anyone except maybe 5% or less of the US population. If people knew everything that was going on with the government, foreign countries, etc... there would be pandamonium to deal with. So what if the claim was or was not that Iraq had WMDs, the point is we're over there helping people who otherwise can't fend for themselves, or choose not to for fear of retaliation.I speak for myself when I say I would gladdly go over and give my life to help someone save what little freedom they have. Seeing as how my squadron is non-deployable, i'll continue to defend those serving over-seas from pompous people who think they know what's best for the troops.


Half of the so called "conspiracies" throughout the years are thought up by people who have no lives and want to spread gossip. People hear these conspiracies, choose to believe them because there isn't any other believable explaination for it, and continue to spread the gossip.


As far as the WMDs... no one thought Russia had them for awhile... now Russia and the US work together to preserve the limitations on nukes outlined in the Geneva Convention. Thing is, Russia doesn't even know exactly how many they have. They've lost track of so many of them... we could think they only have 5,000, when they could actually have 50,000. No one knows... maybe the government does and hasn't released any information. Maybe Irag has WMDs and the information hasn't been released, then again, maybe they don't. What would you prefer?? Living in fear and knowing Irag has WMD, or live in peace and enjoy your life knowing they don't?


Forget about WMDs, conspiracies, etc... and focus on supporting the troops who volunteered their lives to help out a nation in need.



Airman 1st Class Griebel

341st Nuclear Weapons Maintenance Squadron

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his comments actually make since without using the work "f*ck" in ever other line.

Go back to the beginning of this thread when I wasn't. I'm tired of repeating myself, and at some point I was bound to crack. So I used fvck, like that changes everything? Just because some teacher or your parents say its a bad word, that should never be used? I fits the situation better than, crap, or aw hell hone.


He changed the subject from 9/11 conspiracy, to governments conspiracy, to Bushs economy, and now to Iraq. He hasn't won at any of them. PERIOD. SHOW ME THE FACT SUPPORTING HIS SIDE. Mature? Yeah tell me that when I'm saving some guys life. You were saved by an immature punk that uses cuss words.

heyyy nowww.. by all means say f*ck as many times as you want to, hey ill say it too. f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck. make u feel better? i never said u cant say the word f*ck. but why use it in a friendly debate. holyman is calm. usually when someone gets so frusterated is because they know in one way or another that they might be wrong. :blink: uh ohh.. oh, also, im not going to sit here and try to find u supporting details. i really dont care all that much about it. all i was saying is that it makes holyman's position look alot better. im not going to sit here and debate u over some stupid stuff. so reply to this as many times as u want (using the word f*ck) and bash on me for whatever u please. im not going to argue one way or another. didnt mean to start an argument, just my two cents about the debate.


oh and also, the comment about being mature and saving someones life. that was a stupid comment. if u dont have enough common sense to understand what i meant, then i dont know what to tell ya. thankyou and have a nice day.

:lol: holyman for president!!! whoohoooo. excellent debater and definetely understand how to use the english language to his benefit unlike some people we know. :jesterlaugh:

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funny, if youre the president of the most powerful nation in the world, highly educated and highly skilled, but speak with a southern accent and maybe stumble over a couple words in the four years youve spoken publicly, many times under much stress and pressure, often on the fly...well then, youre an idiot


if youre some dude on the internet who isnt as educated in said issues, doesnt swear cause its against his religion, can put a decent sentence together, taking as much time as needed to do so, not to mention his handy-dandy dictionary he likes to quote from so often...well then, youre a fucking genius.

opps, i swore. bad me.

people swear when they are passionate about things, not if they feel they are being proven wrong. besides, more frustration comes from having to put up with ignorant people, than from being proven wrong. i dont think holyman has proven anything at all, let alone proven any of us wrong.

personally, i know im well-spoken, but because you dont agree with my opinion, i get no credit.

as i said before, this thread makes me feel like im beating a dead horse. its pointless to even be replying right now. some people talk just to hear themselves speak. popular propaganda and extremist views are being mistaken for reality. scary. i now appreciate how powerful and dangerous extreme ideologies can be.

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I have been following this for a while now and even though I dont think much of politics in general (just to be polite because all politicians stink if you ask me), this thread is pretty awsome.


There is one thing though, a couple of weeks ago Collin Powell was on Meet the Press and when asked by Tim Russert if WMD had been found in Iraq he said no.Now I am not taking any sides here but just want to know if they have been found or not??? Some of you say they have been found while Mr Powell says otherwise, whats the deal here?

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I don't care how dumb anybody "thinks" the president is. But I can't see how anybody who would vote for Kerry can feel that they themselves are very intelligent.


1997 John Kerry Quotes

"We know that Iraq is a danger to the United States, and we reserve the right to take pre-emptive action whenever we feel it's in our national interest."


We know we can't count on the French. We know we can't count on the Russians


Source: http://www.washtimes.com/national/inbeltway.htm


Anybody who has followed the campaign has to believe that at one time or another Kerry has said the exact oposite from the above quotes. Bush may not be eloquent or use the correct terminology but atleast he can make up his mind.


Banshee370, that was very informative. And it makes a good point using Clinton that I feel fits Kerry.

Clinton treated these terrorist acts as crimes; in fact we are still trying

to bring these people to trial. These are acts of war.


Kerry thinks of terrorism as a crime.

Bush thinks of terrorism as a war.


While I was in Germany I toured concentration camps. I stood in gas chambers where people were killed because they didn't agree with the ideology of the ones who killed them. I saw the furnaces where bodies were burned so that they could more easily be forgotten.


I don't care if the Iraqi's ever had one single WMD, they deserve better.

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all i was saying is that it makes holyman's position look alot better


Position? What is his position?


oh and also, the comment about being mature and saving someones life. that was a stupid comment.


No it wasn't stupid, calling me immature just because I used the word f*ck in an arguement. You dont know me, no one on here has met me and I guarantee you ask anyone that knows me, or has crossed my path and you will not find a single person that thinks I'm immature. Quite to the contrary. I'm not even going to go into why, but KGL can vouch for me from the last PM I sent him.


Oh and you want to know why it isn't stupid? I will give oyu an example, not a bullshit story, it happened to a fellow fireman on a bordering city. Everytime he would respond to a fire call, being volunteer he ran a blue light, he would pass this old ladys' house, well on numerous occasions she would bitch to the fire chief, and the town board about him "flying past the house at unreasonable speeds." If he ever got behind her in her white lincoln she would not pull over for him, even told the board she would not pull over for any fireman they are not above the law, they have to follow the speed limits too. Yeah well her house caught on fire one day, can you guess what her first words were the the chief? What took you guys so long.

Not bullshit, factual story.

Does that mean the old lady is immature and stupid because of her actions? No, maybe not the brightes thinker, but by no means stupid.


I know how to use the english language, I know what word mean and what words are slang for, I dont need some dictionary quote to tell me.

We have won every debate started in this thread and until you can prove me or any of what we have presented false, or show facts to the contrary than I would see it as me and brooke being the better debater.


A good debater will win his debate, even if he had no chance from teh beginning.

A bad debater will sit there and throw answers that lend to I know you said this, presented these facts, and answered my questions. But that still doesn't mean I'm wrong. Here answer these off topic questions now.

This repeating myself shit is getting old and getting old real fucking quick. There I said it, FUCKING.

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i dont care what you say.. holyman has the edge..



oh, and i dont have to prove you wrong, holyman did a good job of it.



Yeah I used curse words again, and if ya can't understand why, than you can't see the obvious.

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I have been following this for a while now and even though I dont think much of politics in general (just to be polite because all politicians stink if you ask me), this thread is pretty awsome.


There is one thing though, a couple of weeks ago Collin Powell was on Meet the Press and when asked by Tim Russert if WMD had been found in Iraq he said no.Now I am not taking any sides here but just want to know if they have been found or not??? Some of you say they have been found while Mr Powell says otherwise, whats the deal here?

im way too tired to be answering this...but here goes.

no, we did not find the LARGE CASHES of WMDs that Iraq was thought to be holding, we did however find small hints to what was once there, including various elements that, in themselves, broke various UN resolutions. we may never know if Sadaam trucked them out of the country (since we sent him a big ol 'we're comin to check you out' card months ahead of time by waiting around for the UN to make a decision) or if he just didnt have his weapons program as built up as the intel told us.

however, even if the intel was wrong, this does not mean our president LIED to us. he made his moved based on several information reports, from the CIA, president Clinton, Russia and a few other allied countries, a few Iraqi scientists who escaped here and had first hand knowledge of sadaam's programs etc etc etc...worst case scenario, the president was given bad information. he did not LIE.

I personally have felt from the start that Sadaam does not need WMDs for us to invade, he gave us pleanty of other reasons to remove him from power. if anyone doesnt believe that, then let me know, ill fill you in on those other reasons....not that it will matter, i think most of you just skip right over my posts without reading them.


oh and walt darling, nice post ;)

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Mature? Yeah tell me that when I'm saving some guys life. You were saved by an immature punk that uses cuss words.


Huh? And does every single fireman think he's a hero now or what?

I mean don't get me wrong. I respect the job that you guys do but damn.

In fact, when I see a fire truck or pass a firehouse and I make eye contact with

one of your comrades, I try to extend a glance of respect with a supporting

gesture of some manner. I work with voltages over 480v on steel erection

jobsites and I would propose that, on daily average, my job is perhaps

more dangerous than yours. Ok, I'm over that. However, I agree with

St Clark and Meat that perhaps your debating skills really aren't as honed

as you would like to believe. I also think it is weak of you to try to bolster

your personal opinionated position by frequently citing your aliance with certain other people who are posting similar but more effective arguments than yours.

ummmmm beeeer

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im way too tired to be answering this...but here goes.

no, we did not find the LARGE CASHES of WMDs that Iraq was thought to be holding, we did however find small hints to what was once there, including various elements that, in themselves, broke various UN resolutions. we may never know if Sadaam trucked them out of the country (since we sent him a big ol 'we're comin to check you out' card months ahead of time by waiting around for the UN to make a decision) or if he just didnt have his weapons program as built up as the intel told us.

Personally I think the desert is a might fine tool for hiding something. At the dunes, the day after a big holiday, the sand is nearly perfect again, 3 days later as far as I know, I'm the only person to ever have set foot on them.


It wouldn't take much to truck anything of question into the vastness, trench out the sand, bury what you can, and cover it. Depending on the season, give it a week or two and you'd never know what happened.

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