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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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Im willing to go myself with my neighbor if needed to fight the people that still want to kill all americans. Its because I VALUE life (even yours) that I believe we are engaged in a just war , not for oil , not for land , not for money, for our security.

Why aren't you there now? Is the country secure? Or just secure enough for you?


And no matter what definition you post for it , calling our govt. a regime just shows who you really are . Thanks for making my job easier.

Who am I really and what job have I made easier for you?


I understand it would be hard for another company to come close to competing with Halliburton, but as far as I'm concerned if our government needs work done why not get the best people for the job. There is nobody better than Halliburton in their field.

What is their "field" and if there are royal palaces and empty desert, what are they working on? and why?


If you truly think that our country needs to give up oil we might as well give up the country. Terrorists won't stop using it.

What are terrorists doing with the oil that gives them so much power? and That this country needs to worry about?

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Jesus Christ, this was a dumb ass thread that has just caused a bunch of arguments. Fighting on the internet is like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still RETARDED. Then again, I am a hypocrit.

these kinds of posts make banshee HQ unique! a little friendly debate never hurt anyone. ive enjoyed this thread, and ive learned alot from it. :clap:

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Jesus Christ, this was a dumb ass thread that has just caused a bunch of arguments. Fighting on the internet is like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still RETARDED. Then again, I am a hypocrit.

these kinds of posts make banshee HQ unique! a little friendly debate never hurt anyone. ive enjoyed this thread, and ive learned alot from it. :clap:

Hell yeah, this one hell of a thread and some excellent debating here, keep it coming and no low blows.


I'm useless at debating, but, I've been following this one with interest, in fact the whole world is anxious to know what this election has in store...

Politics aside, on my scorecard Holy has the edge...

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this thread got dumb and pointless a while ago, but..


just out of curiosity J.J. why do you have holy with the edge?

Brooke, like I said, politics, opinions and beliefs aside.


Holyman has answered all the questions directed at him in a calm, direct, coherent and I have to say this, in a convincing (to me anyway) manner.


No name calling or disrespect.


Furthermore, I really respect and appreciate his comprehension of the English language.


Please remember, I'm talking about pure debating skills here...


Also, please don't ask me to reply to this, I suck at debating and I'm sure you'll have me eating my words without much effort on your part. :D

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I understand it would be hard for another company to come close to competing with Halliburton, but as far as I'm concerned if our government needs work done why not get the best people for the job. There is nobody better than Halliburton in their field. 



What is their "field" and if there are royal palaces and empty desert, what are they working on? and why?


If you don't know what Halliburton does then you shouldn't be ripping on them.



If you truly think that our country needs to give up oil we might as well give up the country. Terrorists won't stop using it. 



What are terrorists doing with the oil that gives them so much power? and That this country needs to worry about?


It's not the oil it's the goods produced from oil. It takes oil to produce guns, ammo, vehicles, and just about everything else, it also takes oil to use vehicles. The food processor on my Delorean is not ready to run yet, sorry. Let's put this in perspective, we give up oil and use horses and bow & arrows, they will use jeeps and guns. I don't know about you but I'm a reasonable shot with my bow but I think they have a little more range. Their sole goal is to kill us and if we give them the opportunity they will take it.

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Jesus Christ, this was a dumb ass thread that has just caused a bunch of arguments. Fighting on the internet is like the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still RETARDED


Hey, thats my line you stole it














Wanna fight over it :jesterlaugh:

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JJ, a debate should be based on facts. Not pure open ended answers. You can't answer a question with another question that is not debating.


I gave this thread up a long time ago, Holyman is stuck in on his facet and frame of mind and no amount of factual support will ever change his mind that Bush is the devil and we're all going to hell if we vote for him.

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no amount of factual support will ever change his mind

that is EXACTLY why i threw in the towel on this thread. he's part of the kool-aid group who just are blind to the reality of this subject matter. its fine to be against the war, or not like the presidents environmental record, etc etc its a whole other ballpark when you have extremist views, like 9/11 was a big government conspiracy, and the u.s. government is an evil regime...all views that are completely baseless, and ignore obvious facts that support the contrary.

holyman just seems pretty passive aggressive about the whole thing, and i have a hard time respecting that. he says he doesnt vote because your vote doesnt matter, and he doesnt care about politicians and who gets in office because no matter who it is nothing will change, etc etc, then he turns around and throws bombs about the current administration. :confused:

i dont know...it all irks me i guess. im very passionate about this counrty and all the good it does, and how fortunate we are to be americans and have our freedom and protection and the gift of being anything we want to be in life. frustrates me to see all that taken for granted. even the poorest people in america have it 1000 times better than millions of people around the world in disease-ridden countries, and dictator-run countries etc etc. do you have any idea how pathetic and spoiled you would sound bitching about democracy to those who live under the hell of a dictator? this is a free country, so by all means, i encourage everyone to exercise their freedom of speech in any way they feel inclined to, but it would just be so much better if people would just really value that and take it a step further by really learning about what they are speaking about, and THEN voicing your views and opinions on it.

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First of all why is it that as soon as I said that we should get away from being dependant on foreign oil the only alternative is to be loin cloth wearing, spear toting, cave men, who chisel arrow heads out of solid rock?

That does not have to be the case. If we as Banshee riders were told that there would be no more gasoline to run our banshees within 5 years, I guarantee that within an hour, we would all be converting to alcohol and we would also be running it in our cars even if we had to brew the stuff in our basements. There is also CNG and LP that can be used and gas engines can be converted. Let's use the commodities we have instead of throwing them in the trash and wondering where all the money went or worse paying the terrorists to kill us with the money. There are billions of tons of materials that can be re-cycled already here so you can get your guns and bullets and whatever else is made from oil if you really want it. The idea that the US will immediately revert to neanderthals when they say "no more gas in 2015" is about as bad as the greenies saying we'll all suffocate if they cut down one more tree.


a debate should be based on facts. Not pure open ended answers. You can't answer a question with another question that is not debating.


I gave this thread up a long time ago, Holyman is stuck in on his facet and frame of mind and no amount of factual support will ever change his mind that Bush is the devil and we're all going to hell if we vote for him.

There is no such thing as an open ended answer. I'm waiting to see the facts. I never said Bush was the Devil, I said he was an idiot and for the sake of equal exposure I also said all of the other candidates are idiots too. And I don't believe in hell.


I love this post !  :dance:


a whole other ballpark when you have extremist views, like 9/11 was a big government conspiracy, and the u.s. government is an evil regime...all views that are completely baseless, and ignore obvious facts that support the contrary.

I never said that 911 was a government conspiracy or that the US government is an evil regime. I said the US is run by people who lie and that the current regime is run by an idiot. And I'm still waiting for you to present facts contrary to those statements.


holyman just seems pretty passive aggressive about the whole thing, and i have a hard time respecting that. he says he doesnt vote because your vote doesnt matter, and he doesnt care about politicians and who gets in office because no matter who it is nothing will change, etc etc,

This shows you have been paying attention but to say that I'm throwing bombs is completely unfounded. If criticism is throwing bombs then it is easy to see why declaring war is so easy to do. It may sound juvenile in this setting but sticks and stones break bones... not words. People who take themselves and their ideas so seriously that they think they cannot be wrong need to come down a peg or two. Including those who take or are given a position of power. These especially need to be held accountable for their actions because it implicates an entire nation and the world. Simply put, I expect more than any of the options available provide.


i dont know...it all irks me i guess. im very passionate about this counrty and all the good it does, and how fortunate we are to be americans and have our freedom and protection and the gift of being anything we want to be in life. frustrates me to see all that taken for granted. even the poorest people in america have it 1000 times better than millions of people around the world in disease-ridden countries, and dictator-run countries etc etc. do you have any idea how pathetic and spoiled you would sound bitching about democracy to those who live under the hell of a dictator? this is a free country, so by all means, i encourage everyone to exercise their freedom of speech in any way they feel inclined to, but it would just be so much better if people would just really value that and take it a step further by really learning about what they are speaking about, and THEN voicing your views and opinions on it.

I agree completely.

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There is no such thing as an open ended answer.



I said the US is run by people who lie and that the current regime is run by an idiot. And I'm still waiting for you to present facts contrary to those statements.



that, darling, is an open ended answer.

who lied when, who is an idiot and what makes that person an idiot?

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