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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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If I remember correctly I think the democrats where complaining when Bush flew out to that aircraft carrier in a jet too, It was unsafe in there eyes. Every time Bush makes a ballsy move he gets ripped on.


I say screw the election and have a steel cage fight Bush Vs. Kerry, it's the only way dems will realize how big of a pussy Kerry is. Maybe they could have the fight in Lambert field.




How do you like this?


Jane Fonda Takes 'Vaginas Vote' Campaign to New York


John Kerry's old anti-war protest partner "Hanoi" Jane Fonda is coming to New York in the wake of the GOP convention as part of a get-out-the-vote rally she's calling "Vaginas Vote."


from http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/8/18/114927.shtml


Another reason to vote for Bush.

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He sat there for 7 minutes because he wasn't told what to do by the oil companies yet. And when he did get up, he left the women and children behind and ran like a sissy to his secret hideaway for a day and a half.

I'm just "stirring the turd" with this comment but if running and hiding is "ballsy" then I have to agree... he's been "ballsy" his whole life.

Maybe the movie Forest Gump was made after the life of lil geo... "run forest run!!!" They sound the same too.

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He sat there for 7 minutes because he wasn't told what to do by the oil companies yet. And when he did get up, he left the women and children behind and ran like a sissy to his secret hideaway for a day and a half.

so, first, he isnt supposed to stay there. and now, he isnt supposed to leave them? you sound like a kerry flip-flopper, maybe you SHOULD vote. :lol:

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Holyman, I agree with Brooke on this one. Had Bush went straight back to DC then he'd have been ripped for not having the countries best interests in mind. Yes a stupid move on part of the president which would end up in is death would be a severe problem causing anarchy on a day when we had planes flying into buildings. People complained when he went to New York City and viewed the damage it was a ballsy move to stand out there at ground zero and talk with people not knowing what was going to happen.


Since lil geo is the oil companies puppet, he can't move until they move him. Get it?


He's doing an excellent job for Halliburton right now isn't he?

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Holyman , since YOU'RE the one selling oil , wouldnt you be their puppet ?

And if Bush hadnt gone to a secure location , he might not have been around

to kick the shit out of the terrorist organization who attacked us. . :shootself:

...And before someone pulls your string , we will get Bin Laden.

You better pray that whoever the president is that they will go to war

over oil ! What do you think would happen to this country if the gas pumps

shut off ? no food supplies moving , no air travel , goods & services stop.

Something to think about . :huh:

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clinton didnt do anything about terrorism for 8 years and when bush doesnt do anything for 7 minutes hes bad?? I bet every decent person in the world paused for at least 7 minutes when they found out...this whole 7 minutes thing is absurd, very creative on the liberals part...beats having an actual plan to run on i guess :lol:

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You better pray that whoever the president is that they will go to war

over oil ! What do you think would happen to this country if the gas pumps

shut off ? no food supplies moving , no air travel , goods & services stop.

Something to think about . :huh:

Most people I have heard getting mad about going to war over oil (not saying that's what we did though) are getting that way because of the loss of human life for a material thing (oil). Just a FYI. Each person has to decide for themselves whether they think the losses and suffering are acceptable for the results, or not.

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First off.... Who is the puppet? Guess what....... Every last one of our presidents.... None of them can make a decision on their own.

I dont trust either of our choices since I think they are both liars. Lesser of two evils.... I dont think Kerry could manage his way out of a paper bag. He "claims" that bush is pushing big business out of the country when the business' that him and his wife own are based in Mexico or over seas. Only basic operations are done here on U.S. soil. And whats this I heard about the "false" storys released by Kerry's campain, about Bush.... Now all of a sudden they are "claiming" that they didnt come from them. Can anyone tell the truth?


If you want to bring up about the war we are in the middle of.......... What do YOU think should be done about it? How would YOU feel if you just watched your family member get his head chopped off while still alive? These people are animals... and should be treated that way. To think this war is over oil is just absurb and ignorant. Anyone here that has friends or family overseas right now will tell ya... Everything were reading and watching in the news is just propaganda. They are limiting what we are being told due to the election....

The more I think of this the more it makes me sick.... Either way we are screwed, but I'd rather have Bush in office then Kerry...

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I gotta agree with banshee370.. just a FYI, my earlier comments about the "people dying for oil" were just the expressions I've heard people use from the first day of the war. Personally my thoughts are that Saddam was a monster and needed to be taken down. Whether oil was another motive, I don't know... what I do know is that monsters like that man need to get an ass whoopin.

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One more thing to add........... What do you think Putin/Russia is willing to do? Do you think they are going to sit back and let these spineless cowards get away with killing all those innocent women and children? Russia overall will not tollerate what happened and wont be as nice as we have been. Do you think they will get involved because of the OIL? If we keep letting these animals get away with what they are... it will never stop. Same as a bully in school. You keep giving them your lunch money then they will keep coming back for more. Time to put an end to this

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Yeah I sure am happy people are willing to kill for oil. It really makes my life great. I sleep so comfortably knowing that I can pump gas and turn my furnace on or buy Chicken Mcnuggets because someone is willing to kill for it.

What would I do? Turn off the gas and let 'em sell their oil somewhere else.

The technology is there for alternative fuels and lets face it with a fuel crisis, more people would be working than we know what to do with. What happened when people thought computers were going to melt down on New Years eve or 2000... thousands of jobs were created.

And yes I do sell oil. 100% synthetic oil made right here in the USA. My commisions so far in over a year of selling Amsoil is under $3. No-one is sticking their hand up my butt like a puppet for $3.


And yes all of the candidates are liars.

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