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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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holyman, that was beautiful.  :notworthy:


what you talk about in that post makes complete sense. i agrre with it all. nice job.  :clap:

yea thats great, lets all just not vote.


what is wrong with you people?

no, i vote, but given the situation hes talking about, why vote for something that you dont agree with? why vote for someone that you dont believe will be a good president? if you dont like either, why should someone encourage another to vote?

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I think the ability to Question whats going on is THE AMERICAN WAY-This country wasnt built on-Dont think for yourself,Do as I say mentality!!!!! Without going into details but someone is flip flopping or changing their position on sexual preference-I could care less-but I couldnt resist :D:headbang: Gentlemen start your engines!!!!! :headbang:

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I think the ability to Question whats going on is THE AMERICAN WAY-This country wasnt built on-Dont think for yourself,Do as I say mentality!!!!! Without going into details but someone is flip flopping or changing their position on sexual preference-I could care less-but I couldnt resist :D:headbang: Gentlemen start your engines!!!!! :headbang:

im not flip flopping. all i said was that im not gay. just cause i enjoy the occasional lady in my bed, or occasional third person in my bed, doesnt mean im gay. i have no desire to have a relationship with or marry a woman.

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its really sad that you have no faith in the american way. i dont think you should be so proud to encourage others not to vote.

I have in no way encouraged others not to vote. Are you now encouraged not to vote? I said a vote is worthless especially if you have no confidence in who you are voting for. And who are you to tell me what I should be proud of? And what is "the American way" anyway? Or are we talking about America according to Brooke?


ANd since you did me the favor of posting a link to what you want me to understand, I returned the favor and have included a clip from dictionary.com you might want to check out definition number 6.




adj 1: bright and pleasant; promoting a feeling of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny smile" [syn: cheery, sunny] 2: full of or showing high-spirited merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the reunion"; "jolly old Saint Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry laughter"; "a mirthful laugh" [syn: jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful] 3: given to social pleasures often including dissipation; "led a gay Bohemian life"; "a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies" 4: brightly colored and showy; "girls decked out in brave new dresses"; "brave banners flying"; "`braw' is a Scottish word"; "a dress a bit too gay for her years"; "birds with gay plumage" [syn: brave, braw] 5: offering fun and gaiety; "a gala ball after the inauguration"; "a festive (or festal) occasion"; "gay and exciting night life"; "a merry evening" [syn: gala(a), festal, festive, merry] 6: homosexual or arousing homosexual desires [syn: queer, homophile(a)] n : someone who practices homosexuality; having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex [syn: homosexual, homo]

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Does anyone else think that humans have become too smart for their own good? Too much technology will be the end of the human race. That's all I have to say. Life now is much easier than it should be. There is no natural selection for us anymore. Technology sucks and so does the government although there is no doubt in my mind that the pentagon was hit by a plane.

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ooo holyman, ya got me, what can i say. i guess im a part time gay. or, hmm, an opportunist gay? if i find a hot girl, and am in the mood, i sleep with her. call it what you want i guess. i dont give a shit.

and when i said the american way, i meant the voting system. not every country is fortunate enough to have the electoral system, and i prefer to appreciate that, rather than drag it down. you didnt encourage me not to vote, but obviously have influenced others.

so, this thread is pretty much dead. i think ive made all the points ive wanted to.

to those of you who think its useless to vote, id just urge you tto changer your mind. i dont care who you vote for, just go fuckin vote. it matters.

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"Voting power"

In case you still think your vote is worthless , you didnt happen to see what happened in florida in 2000 did you? The votes do make a difference . Yes you SHOULD feel empowered to drop a "piece of paper with a hole in it" into a box , that is the democratic system , your vote is your voice. Many American soldiers have died protecting our system , just consider yourself fortunate that their death also protects your right to be ungrateful for their sacrifice by being a non-contributer to our govt. processes .

"enabled 9-11"

Re-read my quote , I said it is the attitude of complaining but not doing anything that enabled it to happen... ie. Clinton pussing out in Somalia ,not responding to the U.S.S. Cole bombing and the first Trade Center attack . Being weak on defense emboldened the terrorists ,Bin Laden has said so himself. Dont believe it ? Why did Lybia piss itself after it saw what we did to Iraq ? Its because we have a leader who's not going to take their shit anymore.

"Put up or shut up"

If you think your opinion doesnt matter why do you keep on giving it? This is a "forum" people come here for the purpose of sharing their views .You dont need me to post a definition of that do you?

"undecided vote"

Picking "c" none of the above huh? You've probably got four or five votes for you here already, you should vote for yourself on a write in then. It may be true neither candidate could "relate to your personal struggles" but certainly you see one wants to make it easier for you to make a living .

Why arent politicians sending THEIR kids to war? Last time I checked we had a voluntary army... and if you care to research it their kids that are serving are there ,ask Michael Moore, he found them . If youre worried about campaign promises , look at voting records , who stands firm on decisions and who changes his view with every audience?

The choice is yours , but I still say if you dont vote ,you shouldnt bitch! banghead

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This is the beauty of a public forum in action. As a collective we have helped Brooke come out of the closet, we have openly debated the issues and I have even received a couple votes for president.


Now for KGL...

In case you still think your vote is worthless , you didnt happen to see what happened in florida in 2000 did you?

As a matter of fact I did see what happened in Florida. But my vote in Illinois wouldn't have meant anything and if I lived in Florida it wouldn't have meant anything.


Many American soldiers have died protecting our system

That is true.

just consider yourself fortunate that their death also protects your right to be ungrateful for their sacrifice by being a non-contributer to our govt. processes .

No-ones death protects me from anything. And who are you to tell me if my actions are ungrateful? Who made you the authority on my actions? I have the legal right to vote or NOT to vote. I become the bad guy because I choose to exercise my rights?


Bin Laden has said so himself.

Did he tell it to you personally? Or did you see a video? Or hear a recording? Or did he send you a registered letter with a notarized deposition in it? Well if he told you personally then why were you talking to this nations #1 enemy? I recently saw a video that showed a supercharged foil wrapped burrito knock a hole in the side of the pentagon and I heard a bunch of recordings that told me it was a missle and not a plane. You must have gotten the notarized letter.

My point is that you took whatever information was handed to you {which may or may not be legitimate} and you formed an opinion on that to come to your conclusion. Anyone's degree of faith in that conclusion is based on the believability of the one giving the information. If you trust the person, you will tend to believe what they say. But in the end it is still an opinion.


If you think your opinion doesnt matter why do you keep on giving it? This is a "forum" people come here for the purpose of sharing their views.

My opinion seems to matter to you because you keep replying. Ultimately this thread will come to an end and after a couple minutes, hours, days whatever, all these opinions will be forgotten. We can all be passionate about this topic now {kind of like voting} but when it's all done {you've dropped your ballet in the box} all you can do is deal with the outcome. Yes you've said what was on your mind but each person decides for themselves what to do with it. And since this is a public forum, this is the place to have this exchange.


It may be true neither candidate could "relate to your personal struggles" but certainly you see one wants to make it easier for you to make a living .

Well let's see. I quit my job in April because of the corporate corruption I could no longer tolerate. I lost all my medical benefits because they cost too much, I have a job but have not made a single dime at it since I started in April, and I am living off of my savings and a small inheritance I got from my Grandmother when she died. I was able to do some saving during the last presidents run but I have lost 10's of thousands of dollars during this ones run. I have seen millions of jobs lost and corporate corruption increase. For those who like links... CNN

I have had my resume on every job board I can find and all I get is the occasional invitation to go to a seminar that costs money. So I don't see any candidate who has made it easy or really holds any promise in the future for making it easy to make a living.


Why arent politicians sending THEIR kids to war? Last time I checked we had a voluntary army... and if you care to research it their kids that are serving are there ,ask Michael Moore, he found them

Yes this country does currently have a volunteer military but there is alot of pressure exerted by the president to join the military. I'd like to see that same pressure exerted under his own roof. Heck if Bush can get his daughters to pass the drug screening I'd be impressed.


The choice is yours , but I still say if you dont vote ,you shouldnt bitch!

And I say I don't have to smear crap all over myself to know it stinks. I can smell it from here.

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Well let's see. I quit my job in April because of the corporate corruption I could no longer tolerate. I lost all my medical benefits because they cost too much, I have a job but have not made a single dime at it since I started in April, and I am living off of my savings and a small inheritance I got from my Grandmother when she died. I was able to do some saving during the last presidents run but I have lost 10's of thousands of dollars during this ones run. I have seen millions of jobs lost and corporate corruption increase. For those who like links... CNN

I have had my resume on every job board I can find and all I get is the occasional invitation to go to a seminar that costs money. So I don't see any candidate who has made it easy or really holds any promise in the future for making it easy to make a living.


You dumbass fault for quiting, you lost your health benefits NOT because of what the president did, but because YOU chose to quit.

We have CLINTONS to thank for the corporate corruption, Enron and Worldcom Weren't because of BUSH.


Millions of jobs lost yet the Unemployment rate is only .1% above Clintons lowest unemployment rate during his term.


YOU have lost 10's of thousand because YOU chose to quit YOUR job. YOU made the decision the PRESIDENT didn't make the decision for YOU.

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It may be true neither candidate could "relate to your personal struggles" but certainly you see one wants to make it easier for you to make a living .

Well let's see. I quit my job in April because of the corporate corruption I could no longer tolerate. I lost all my medical benefits because they cost too much, I have a job but have not made a single dime at it since I started in April, and I am living off of my savings and a small inheritance I got from my Grandmother when she died. I was able to do some saving during the last presidents run but I have lost 10's of thousands of dollars during this ones run. I have seen millions of jobs lost and corporate corruption increase. For those who like links... CNN

I have had my resume on every job board I can find and all I get is the occasional invitation to go to a seminar that costs money. So I don't see any candidate who has made it easy or really holds any promise in the future for making it easy to make a living.

I disagree with what you said here Holyman, corporate corruption hasn't increased because of the president. The only thing that has increased is the prosecution of the corruption, we didn't hear about it in the 90's, except Microsoft, because nobody wanted to stop it.


Holyman I commend you on your opinion and sticking to it. I disagree with your opinion but that's my opinion.


Millions of jobs lost yet the Unemployment rate is only .1% above Clintons lowest unemployment rate during his term.


You're flat out wrong it is now .2% lower than anytime in Clintons years. :rotflmao:

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Does anyone else think that humans have become too smart for their own good? Too much technology will be the end of the human race. That's all I have to say. Life now is much easier than it should be. There is no natural selection for us anymore. Technology sucks and so does the government although there is no doubt in my mind that the pentagon was hit by a plane.

yeah, technological evolution should have stopped in 1987. :lol: the world wouldnt be so freakin overcrowded if we would let people die when they should. sounds harsh but whats better to have around enough natural resources or some 98 year old man on a respirator and kidney dialysis?

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I disagree with what you said here Holyman, corporate corruption hasn't increased because of the president. The only thing that has increased is the prosecution of the corruption, we didn't hear about it in the 90's, except Microsoft, because nobody wanted to stop it.

I'm not necessarily saying he is responsible for the corruption past, present or future. What I'm saying is that I've seen corporate corruption increase. That may be because it is more publicized or prosecuted. But I heard it from CNN so I wonder what they were doing in the 90's.


Holyman I commend you on your opinion and sticking to it. I disagree with your opinion but that's my opinion.

And I appreciate the fact that you both welcome my opinion, feel free to disagree and we can still walk away without getting our undies in a knot.


Millions of jobs lost yet the Unemployment rate is only .1% above Clintons lowest unemployment rate during his term.
You're flat out wrong it is now .2% lower than anytime in Clintons years.

Whatever the case, millions of jobs need to be created each year just to make up for population growth. And job growth is not the same as quality jobs. Sure I could go work at GAP for $7 an hour 3 days a week and I suppose when the mall opens a new GAP jobs are created but who can live on that?


And YES I quit my job. I was not fired by Bush! And I will proudly be unemployed or flat broke or both because I have integrity and conviction and I don't see any of the candidates with the same amount of inegrity that I have. I detest dishonesty and stealing and I refuse to work for someone who is corrupt.

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