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Verrrry Intersting, was 9-11 a set up?

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the plane was its own bomb, it destroyed itself.


are u suggesting that the plane was vaporized? :blink:

no not vaporized. blown to pieces. you seriously expect to find a big ol plane sittin there after its crashed at that speed with that amount of fuel?

Well i wanted to see peices of the plane anything relating to the plane...you ever notice that you almost always 99% of the time if a big jetliner wrecks into a fucking govt. buliding for that fact that you Might possibly see some pictures of the plane...but you never saw anything..zip,zilch, ZERO!!!


Do some research i dont think ive ever heard of a planing just disenegrating (spelling on that im not sure) in a fire after it wrecks, theres always wreckage....


And use your head..dont you think out of the many, many ppl driving close to the pentagon that day would have seen a boeing 757 flying that low to the ground doing 530 MPH...ive flown on them many times and thats a big goddamn plane..hell even if you were blind you would still hear it....but as you notice no Ever said anything about a huge freakin plane flying that damn low...and that i think is a good damn reason why it wasnt a plane....you couldnt miss something like that flying into a buliding...im sorry.....but your website down there fits you jus well......

Jesus fucking christ That dern der government is launchin dem whooshy flyin sticks so we can blame it on dose bad AY-RABS! You know what dude I think youre on to something! Same like the WTC i never saw any pics of plane parts when they were sorting through the wreckage, HOLY SHIT it mustve been the media! They prolly put those planes in the shot with those fancy machines they call computers but really that evil fucker george bush put a big ass hydrogen bomb in those buildings so we have an excuse to attack those bastards with all the oil! I mean it cant be because the fuckin fuel in the wings exploded after it crashed!!! nooooo thats fuckin retarded i mean before the plane hit it knew it was all over so it wouldve just sprayed its fuel all over the lawn like a kid pissing himself when hes about to get the shit kicked out of him!!! And whats up with the FBI taking all the videos!! Thats so fuckin stupid why in the world would they want videos of a fuckin plane hitting the govt building!?!?!?!?!

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and as for time travel...you take some physics classes cause as it is physically for a human being impossible to time travel (as of right now anywayz)... too complicated we wont get into that...but mathematically it is very possible...

yes youre right, and all you need is to be able to fly at unreachable speeds around a black hole to do it.

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Got 2 simple questions for you all that will throw a little mix into all this.


Alright, when the president first heard about it, he was in a classroom with a bunch of kids, and when he was told, he sat there for a good 9 minutes or whatever it was, not saying anything, not doing anything, just sitting there. Why is that do you think? He even took time to take pictures before he left. Was he actually sitting there thinking, holy shit.....that summabitch actually did it. And I promised his family safety....


And secondly, How were all the Bin Ladens that were living in this country escorted out of the country, by plane nonetheless, when all planes were grounded at that point in time? A plane couldnt even get off the ground to get a heart to a dying child. Only problem with this question is that they were escorted out of the country before bin laden proclaimed that it was him and the Al Qaida that did it. It was done the evening of 9-11.


These are all true facts, not just some internet hub bub. I'm not denying any planes hit any buildings, because the evidence is quite clear, I'm just saying ruling the conspiracy theory out might not be the quickest thing to do.

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I only have one thing to add to this mess..... IF it wasnt a plane... then what happened to the one that "supposedly" hit or didnt hit the pentagon? Where did all the people go? Where did THAT plane land? If I remember correctly there were 4 planes.... So if it WASNT a plane that crashed into the pentagon.... then WHERE the F is it w/ all of the people that were on it???

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My $.02... not saying any of this is right or wrong but you have to keep in mind that there are people out there with nothing better to do than cry conspiracy. Add to that that people have this habit (read: human nature) to bias their attitudes, information, presentations, etc, to support what they either 1) believe, or 2) want you to believe.


Not saying that those sites are right, wrong, or in the middle, but.. take into account that you might be dealing with some crackpot putting the stuff online.

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