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Phyic guy said this

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OK so im up late one night, listen to weird radio stations...well there talkin about this guy tha back in 99 said in 01 the new york skyline owuld be changed for ever(9/11), and then mad cow would be worse then it ever was.....then he predicted tha bush would win 38 out of the 50 states in the election but still loose to a person lookin like aberham lincoln(kerry) and the he would run teh economy into the ground, and there would be a world war III and tha 3 billion people would die...


I know it sounds liek bs but if tha does happen with the election, i dont know wha i would think... whats ur opinions

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Yeah , I did the research on that info and it turns out he wasnt up to date on his membership dues to Miss Cleo ... sooo His predictions didnt count , sorry.

However my last fortune cookie said " He who go to bed with itchy butt - wakes up with stinky finger " and those guys are always right!

Also, Kerry ruining the ecomomy would be a fact , not a prediction. :lol:

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Im not saying i belive it, im just saying, if that exact thing happens in the elections, wouldnt u be alittlle worried, or you would still think bs.....


I also have a quetion for ne one in the military, if i want to go into the marines or army to fly helecoptors, or planes do i need a colage degree and to go though like ROTC program?

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