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Phyic guy said this

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One person does not dictate what the economy does.

The economy is created on the backs of the working people.

Well said.


The President cannot create jobs. So how is Kerry going to be any better than Bush in that area? Bush imposed tax cuts for a reason, to put money in the hands of the people who spend money which increases the need for goods or allows hiring for expansion. "IF" Kerry gets into office he has plans for many programs which will require a substantial amount of money. Kerry also plans on raising taxes he has said so and that's one thing he has said that I believe. Lets put this in perspective when taxes increase companies will either have to make more money with the same amount of workers or get rid of people to make up for their taxes. The bottom line is the most important thing to a business, businesses don't say well I have more taxes to pay so I'm ok with making less money this year than last. The either increase output or reduce operating costs.

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One person does not dictate what the economy does.

The economy is created on the backs of the working people.


But the working people are out of work.Outsourcing and foreign labor is killing manufacturing in this country.This country was built on its manufacturing capabilities,but now profits are not enough,so they must cut overhead so they can fatten there wallets.How can you compete with

cheap labor.Its the easiest way to increase profits.


Dummies need jobs too,not everyone is suited for college.You cannot take the labor jobs away to mexico,china whatever.I am a dummy,I'm a skilled laborer(machinist)I don't make 20-30 dollars an hour,I make 17 and I bust my ass for it(no union).These jobs are dissapearing everyday and some chinaman is making 10 dollars a day to do what I did.


The goverment has the power to penalize these companies with tariffs and denying these companies of any subsidaries or tax breaks they recieve.

I AM BY NO MEANS A FAN OF Kerry,but to say the economy is going to get worse with Kerry is just ridiculous.


The President cannot create jobs.
Edited by Nightrider
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im not all about the political scene, but i know that cheap labor is pokin a stick in the USA's ass

I don't agree with sending everything over seas, but its the CEO's that run those companys that need to realize what they are doing. About the only way the President could keep the jobs here would be to embargo goods from China, Tawain, Mexico, Turkey, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.....

I'm guilty of supporting it as well. We have bought some Chinese endmills that are roughly 2 dollars each.... But we use 3 of them per job. We still make money because the American made endmill that will do the same job costs nearly $70.00 and thats the cheap American shit. We buy it when the job has enough money in it for us to, or if the quality of the finish requires it though. Its a tough call on stuff like that.

I bought an indexable drill that is 1.6785 in diameter, and has 6" LOC. It was $680 or so. I want a 3/4" dia 4"LOC indexable and its over $400. I can get a Chinese 2 flute HSS 4" LOC for $17.00 or a Putnam for $30.00. Depending on the job, I might get the American tool because of the quality. I know its going to work. But if I crash it, I'm screwed. If I crash the Chinese endmill I don't even blink.


I'm not sure I or anyone else has a solid answer on how to keep more stuff here, but not gouge the hell out of everyone. Thats the one reason you hear people say "over priced billet" when they talk about billet items... they are over priced, but for a reason. Foriegn purchases of our scrap is going through the roof. My aluminum chips sell for 24 cents per pound, and 2-3 years ago they were 48 cents per pound. I have 2 tons of it at the shop that I've had for 3-4 years or more. But at the same time my mill bars and rounds have nearly doubled in price. Same with A36, 1045, 4130 and 4340. All are nearly double in price to purchase and the scrap is nearly worthless. It does hurt every industry, but at the same time its damn hard to pass up a deal on something that might be a less quality item, but the price is insanely cheap.



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Night rider ,

It is true that the govt. technically can create jobs , but now who is paying their

salary? you have created positions for a group of people but then are increasing the tax burden on everyone else . <_<

Ohio is in hard times right now . Tax incentives are what is needed to attract jobs back to your area , If a business is being choked by taxes, government regulation or unions etc..

Of course they are going to go where they can be profitable.

Small business is the largest employer in the U.S. , now is the time to give them the tools to prosper again.

And for the record , when Kerry says he'll only raise taxes on the rich , that's your boss he's talking about ... plan on taking another paycut if he gets in office. :shootself:

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Dummies need jobs too,not everyone is suited for college.You cannot take the labor jobs away to mexico,china whatever.I am a dummy,I'm a skilled laborer(machinist)I don't make 20-30 dollars an hour,I make 17 and I bust my ass for it(no union).These jobs are dissapearing everyday and some chinaman is making 10 dollars a day to do what I did.

Example of stupidity $37.00 an hour for an assembler at John Deere because of a union. Unions are the best reason to ship jobs elsewhere. That's more than an engineer makes who busted his a$$ and invested his money to get through college. Nothing wrong with not going to college either but you make the bed you lay in. I know millionaires who dropped out of highschool too.


He was a major part of all that homeland security crap which created jobs,somewhere between 700-1200,so I think you should check on that.He can create Gov. jobs

The problem with the tax breaks was everyone got them,instead of seeing which companies would be the best candidates for the money and overseeing how they utilized it.Alot of those companies continued to outsource and buy foreign materials.Which doesn't help us.


700-1200 jobs isn't worth talking about in the scope of the economy.


Something i'd like to know is how many people who complain about the exporting of jobs drive foreign cars? A car is a significant investment compared to a $2 endmill.


I AM BY NO MEANS A FAN OF Kerry,but to say the economy is going to get worse with Kerry is just ridiculous.




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Listiing to a future teller (or voting for kerry for that matter) is about as good as pissin in the wind or shittin in one hand and wishing in the other to see which one fills up the fastest...... Pretty dumb idea to start with and you ending feeling like a used piece of shit paper in the end.




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