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Phyic guy said this

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Im not saying i belive it, im just saying, if that exact thing happens in the elections, wouldnt u be alittlle worried, or you would still think bs.....


I also have a quetion for ne one in the military, if i want to go into the marines or army to fly helecoptors, or planes do i need a colage degree and to go though like ROTC program?

if you want to fly join the AIR FORCE! Yeah go do ROTC or get your degree and get your comission, then go to pilot training. Either that or go enlisted for 4 years, get your shit paid for by the Air Force, and once you are in, there are a ton of ways to get commisioned. And also if you are prior enlisted you get paid more!! :dance:

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If Bush wins exactly 38 states and still loses, thats enough for me


Yup, I guess Ill just wait and see what happens. IF it gets this far then I will assume all will die and start applying for credit cards and max them all out...





exactly!!! :bolt:

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Im not saying i belive it, im just saying, if that exact thing happens in the elections, wouldnt u be alittlle worried, or you would still think bs.....


I also have a quetion for ne one in the military, if i want to go into the marines or army to fly helecoptors, or planes do i need a colage degree and to go though like ROTC program?

No you don't have to go get a degree. You could join ,then go through WO training. Going in as a LT would be better cause WO selection is very compeditive. And if you didn't make it in to fly school then your still in a contract to serve.

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What was the guy selling? It sound like he was building his "credibility" so someone would believe what he was saying and buy his book.


In my opinion, if some human being has the ability to predict the future to any extent, it wouldn't be a select few "special" people that happen to have a book to sell, or a service to sell for $40/hr, but everyone would be able to, to some degree. I can tell you "That 70's Show" will get canceled. I can also tell you I knew that the Genesis space capsule was going to crash. How did I know? I didn't. But you don't need to know that.


Anyone I've ever encountered that claimed to see the future, or read minds wasn't all that right in the head.

Hell, I'd be more inclined to believe that there are other life forms out there floating around in space than I would believe predicting the future.

Edited by Cotton eyed Joe
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Im not saying i belive it, im just saying, if that exact thing happens in the elections, wouldnt u be alittlle worried, or you would still think bs.....


I also have a quetion for ne one in the military, if i want to go into the marines or army to fly helecoptors, or planes do i need a colage degree and to go though like ROTC program?

No you don't have to go get a degree. You could join ,then go through WO training. Going in as a LT would be better cause WO selection is very compeditive. And if you didn't make it in to fly school then your still in a contract to serve.

Only in the Army do they allow WOs to fly helicopters. Airforce, Navy and Marines are commisioned officers only.

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Yea, i wa tlakin to a recruiter at my school, and he said you can go in, and u have to pass this test and shit, but im thinking if i dont pass it im fucked casuse then im on the ground, where i dont want to be.....so i guess i can go through collage, and get a degree, and go through flight training...? can ne on tlel me what other options there are, casue im very serious about this.

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sweetshee4312 go talk to a recruiter at a college. Most of the time if your serious about being an officer you can join the reserves and they will pay for all or most of the college and some states even give free college tuition to reservists seat avaliable.


Your best bet is to go to college and be an officer that way if you decide you don't like the military you always can fall back on your degree.


I was in the same boat as you. I wanted to fly apaches and joined the Army then applied for WO flight school. Made it to the physical and one side of my hearing was bad(rifle shooting side) and didn't have 20\20 sight. So instead I spent 4 yrs turning wrenches on tanks. Not all bad, had fun and now am going to college on my gi bill.


My point is go to school then military!! You'll also make more doing the officer route ;)




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sweetshee, i think youre talking about john titor, the 'time traveler'. there is a big underground following that believes there was a time traveler here posting on various forums about the future. here is a site about it, but i warn you, theres a lot to read and you can really get addicted to it http://www.johntitor.com/

but in reality, just like any other psychic type stuff, it can really become a self-fullfilling prophecy. if you want to believe it you make it believable.

dont forget to check out the link on the main page to the forums that debunk his claims.

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How could Kerry run the economy into the ground when Bush already did that?Unemployment is at an all time high here in Ohio,something like 12%.I know that were the highest in the nation right now and it isn't looking to get any better soon.


Instead of Bush ranting on about Kerrys war record,he should be working on a way to bring jobs to Ohio and put a stop to this outsourcing,I've been laid off twice in 2 years due to job cuts and foreign labor.


We are one of the most critical states in the election and our economy is the worst.WTF,Kerry might not help out the other 49 states,but he's sure as hell not gonna hurt us.Were hurtin pretty bad right now.

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How could Kerry run the economy into the ground when Bush already did that?Unemployment is at an all time high here in Ohio,something like 12%.I know that were the highest in the nation right now and it isn't looking to get any better soon.


Instead of Bush ranting on about Kerrys war record,he should be working on a way to bring jobs to Ohio and put a stop to this outsourcing,I've been laid off twice in 2 years due to job cuts and foreign labor.


We are one of the most critical states in the election and our economy is the worst.WTF,Kerry might not help out the other 49 states,but he's sure as hell not gonna hurt us.Were hurtin pretty bad right now.

One person does not dictate what the economy does.

The economy is created on the backs of the working people.

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