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looking for a Job in Michigan


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Sometimes ya gotta start blue-collar, even having a degree and/or certs, and get some entry level experience. Other than that, just go to a job agency and they can probably find you something to use as a stepping stone later on. I'm finishing up school now for my computer science BS but am already working in the field... and a lot of the newbies coming in are just having to work their way up..

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The job market is really tight in spite of what the politicians like you to think. I quit my job after 7+ years because of the corruption and the fact that in 7 years I had 5 bosses and the last 2 were only there to pressure as many employees to leave as possible so the company could "re-organize" for the 3rd time.

Anyway, I went to work doing mortgages for a friend of mine who owns a brokerage firm but so far I have had zero income since April. I've had my resume on Monster and other websites since then and I've managed to get 1 person to call me who was desperate for immediate help and after a 5 minute discussion we both agreed that they needed someone other than me for that position.

Even during this entire summer, my 16 year old applied at every retail store, grocery store, bank, you name it probably 30 places and he only got a job about a month ago working at Gap.

I don't know where all the frickin money went that was flowing so freely in the late 90's and early 00's but it sure ain't flowing around here.

You could always move by me Ray and get a job at Abbott Labs but you'd have to drive all the way around the lake to visit home and there ain't much riding around here either :(

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