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LOL :lol:



glad im only an usher. its out side and the ushers have to seat every one. there is about 200 pople so its gonna be about 1 hours worth of sitting people in 80 degree weather and humid. after that we eat. im not really nervous but i dont know most of the people there. already sucked down 4 budlights so i think i should be good to go in a lil while. wish me luck, not that i really need it though. :lol:

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yeah homie, i was just in one < 1 month ago. 2nd best man.. anyway. :)


being an usher is easy. just ask if they are on the bride's site or groom's side, and enjoy any hotties you get to seat. And, when you're standing up front, DON'T LOCK YOUR KNEES! it won't be long and you'll faint..hehehe.


just a couple tips for the wise!


broke -- coulda been worse, man :) the pastor held out his hand with the rings to my buddy and said "pick the ring you have chosen for so-and-so" and he accidently took the wrong one. hehehehehe

Edited by nater006
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I was an usher at a wedding once. The best man passed out during the ceremony a few minutes before he was supposed to give the groom the ring. The people in the front row saw him start to wobble so 2 of the guys got up and put an arm under each of his arms and carried him out. The guy on the video camera panned to the left so none of it was on film and when they got him to the back of the room, I took the ring out of his pocket and walked back up the aisle and stood in his place. The camera panned back right and all was well.

The funny thing was the bride and groom didn't know what happened until I handed the groom the ring. Oh and the guy that passed out was black so on the video it's like... what happened to the best man and who is that white guy :huh: !?!?!?

Best thing to do is know what the bride and groom want {after all it's their wedding}, stand up straight, look people in the eye and firmly but compassionately show them to their assigned seats. The rest is a cake walk.

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I have been the best man in two weddings and a groomsmen in another two and I think I was supposed to be the usher in one, but I didn't really do anything that time. Weddings inspire me to drink too much and hit on the brides maids. There is a carful balance in these situations, because if it is someon in your family that is getting married you have ot be careful to not drink to much, inorder to avoid hitting on a family memeber that you are too drunk to recognize.



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Brooke's got the idea.I got married almost 9 years ago and it was done our way.It was in a church with me,my wife,my best friend and her best friend and that's all.We went out after and had a good time,and we never had to pretend we like people because they came to our wedding.

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weddings are great...you get to see your buds life as they know it come to a crashing end...then the hook you up dinner free alcohol and brides maids..hell yeah..who could ask for more

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i got back a lil while ago. went pretty good. i actually stayed the whole thing. i new most of the brides maides and most of the the other unshers were hooking me up with some brew seeings how im under age. all the brides maides were beutiful and everything went good. i thought it was gonna be a boring thing. there wasnt one person who got a speech right. but it was good that they wernt too nervous about it and everything was comical. putting the wrong ring on the wrong fingers and suck... LOL :lol: too funny :rotflmao: .


i guess i was a lil worried all for nothing. couple of awkard moments and im sure some people ended up with some bad pictures but i quess thats how the story goes.





if i get married its gonna prolly be no more than 10 people. like whats his face said with just him his girl a best man and a best girl or what ever you call it. weddings are expensive as *%#&. and i dont have that kind of money, thats for sure.



hey brooke? what went so wrong with the wedding you went to? i hope you over come the bad feeling, resentment or what ever went wrong. it must be old news by now, no? thats whats good about getting older, you get wiser, you learn how you could have made things easier and learn from your mistakes. they say the definition of insanity is trying the same thing expecting a differnt result. there is a certain part of our life that is ment to be waisted. no noble man would like his wife sleeping with other guys wifes. ???

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hey brooke? what went so wrong with the wedding you went to? i hope you over come the bad feeling, resentment or what ever went wrong. it must be old news by now, no? thats whats good about getting older, you get wiser, you learn how you could have made things easier and learn from your mistakes. they say the definition of insanity is trying the same thing expecting a differnt result. there is a certain part of our life that is ment to be waisted. no noble man would like his wife sleeping with other guys wifes. ???

ok weird. first of all, i didnt like the bride at all. i ended up doing everything for the wedding, including everything everyone else was supposed to do. i got bitched at by the bride all day, had to take care of two of the bridesmaids babies half the time, and wear an ugly dress...need i say more?

and whats all this talk about mistakes and shit? what made you think i made any mistakes? and the whole sleeping with another guys wife...im confused.

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