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Lost another friend yesterday.


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Hey guys, I hate being the bearer of bad news. First off i hope all you guys are doing great. Next i just want to tell you guys to be careful man. Last night on I-84, The kid on the bike at my bike and quad show doing stunts, died. He was doing a wheelie at 90mph and lost it. This is the kid with the green kawi ninja that was with my friend with the trex for those that were there. A tragedy like this will never cause me to stop riding but it makes you think. We ride good, other people on the roadways dont. Apparently the tractor trailer he was wheeling next to may not have seen him while switching lanes, and he had a fresh tire on the bike. The combo of the 2 caused him to wreck. Just lettin you guys know whats up. I knew that you may have remembered brian from the show. Peace out and be safe - JT


Newspaper article - Brian RIP...

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thats bad to hear JT, i normally hear about a wreck like that once every 2 weeks, sometimes the people walk away from it, sometimes they dont, ill send a prayer out to the fam, just watch yourself when ur riding, u never know when somethings gonna bite you in the ass

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I have a couple of friends with bikes, that are both fairly new to the sport, and I just always hope that they don't let their ego's get the best of them. So far the stories of wheelies across a set rail road tracks at 45 mph wearing shorts and no helmet have nearly killed ME, but it's their lives...not mine. I've seen enough shit in my town to know better than to ride like that. If I had a bike, I definitely wouldn't ride it wild. Eventually you will lose.

Sorry to hear about your loss JT.

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If I had a bike, I definitely wouldn't ride it wild. Eventually you will lose.

Sorry to hear about your loss JT.

Well said... I pray for good judgement and safety every time I throw a leg over mine, before even hitting the starter.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss, man..

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That's sad. My heart goes out to his family.

It just bothers me when people blame everyone one else when something like that happens. The interstates and highways are not the place for that kind of riding. Things come up and happen quick, when you're going that fast, so it's easy to go down and other drivers might not see you, either. I'm not saying that other people on the road are'nt idiots, either, because most are, and have no respect for motorcyclists, but ALSO motorcyclists need to have respect for other motorists and the traffic laws, too.

I don't mean to sound like an old fart, and don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I love bikes, too, and have been riding streetbikes for over 10 years and learned the hard way. I've gone down before, and also watched people and friends get killed, when they did'nt need to.

It doe'nt take much especially on a fresh tire. New tires are slick and unpredictable for the first couple hundred miles, so add that to the variable high winds coming off that truck as he passed it, and it's easy to see how the bike could wash out like that.

I'm very sorry for your loss. It's VERY hard to lose a friend like that, and it sounds like he was the kind of guy who was liked by everyone, which tells me he was a good person. By the article, he seemed very skilled and good at everything he did, but accidents happen...you just never know when. I just hope you and your friends can learn from him, and ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED. Hang in there and RIDE SAFE.

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That sucks, on those bikes at that speed one mistake and things are going to hurt. (or worse) I've lost a friend on a bike a few years ago, and I almost lost one this year on a CBR 600. He came pretty close to dying. We all do stupid shit on our bikes, but it only takes a split second for something bad to happen. But I'm not going to sit at home all the time because im scared of my bike or anything, I'd rather live a short eventful fun life than a long boring one.

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Im not blaming anyone else for his mistake. Im just sayig when doing this type of shit you have to relize there are other people on the road besides yourself. - JT

Edited by JTQuad
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sorry fr the loss.. but the truck driver i'm sure don't feel good either... he is driving along and can't just stop on a dime like most ppl think no matter who's fault is is...i drive a big truck and hate when ppl do things in front or around me and they don't understand what i will and can do to them nomatter how hard i try to prevent it...but i do understand when owning a bike you have to watch out for others more then your own riding cus ppl don't pay attention to bikes... thats why i stick to banshees...its a lil safer...and the odds of me hurting myself are better then someone running me over like a street bike..

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